
ACCESS: Top Secret
21 February 2007
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Hi, FockeWulf261,
I have found some more data concerning the German bombers R series from the book "Prof. Junkers nannte es "Die Flieger"" by Hermann Pohlmann:
1- Junkers R1 power-plant installation (4 x 250hp)
2- Siemens R-1 (Span: 30m, Weight: 5500kg, 3 x 150hp)
3- Zeppelin-Staaken R-VI ((4 x 245hp, Weight: 12100kg, Span: 42m)


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The Seimen belt driven arrangement is interesting. I recall that a less established firm produced two belt driven prototypes near the end of the war (they were smaller and presumably high speed designs). Does anyone have any info?
The Siemens is shaft-driven, as were the other 'centralized powerplant' R-planes.


i have found a link about german planes of wwi !
joncarrfarrelly said:
The Siemens is shaft-driven, as were the other 'centralized powerplant' R-planes.

Interesting, it would make sense. I'm pretty sure that the design I was refering to was not actually in the "R" class.c
Well, I was wrong. :p ;)
It was the Linke-Hoffmann R.II
Does anyone have data on this plane (other than it was a giant albatross with a scaled up propeller)?
The Source is :

"The German Giants " by G.W. HADDOW & Peter.M.GROSZ ,(for me one of the best book I ever read about aircraft history)
Some more German WW1 asymmetricals from Gotha attached.
See 'Gotha Go. VI' at:


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Hi everybody

I have heard of a twin fuselage R-Bomber ! Adlershof Project 1918.
Here the Data
140meter wing span , 72 meter long , Engine 10000PS
Does somebody have pictures or drawings etc. of it ?
Many thanks
Moin1900, overscan, form 'the german giants', pages 296 and 301.



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Hi everybody

To robunos WOW! GREAT! Thanks a lot !
I have found another one ! Mannesmann Poll

Many greetings
Hi everyone

There is the Siemens R.VIII bomber. The bomber should used the Siemens Glide Bomb.
But how! I think the undercarriage of the aircraft is to low for this Glide Bomb.

Here my sources

Many greetings
giants by Bill Gunston mentions it too . If ı remember it correctly they were the largest size of a family . Since the wings were constant chord they were to be developed at once and produced as needed.
Hi everybody

I have found another one "Krupp-Germania Ks.Ib"
wingspan 298m, 24 engines with 1675 h.p.

Does somebody know more about this project?
(data, pictures, drawings or other informations)
Is it a real project?

Many greetings
moin1900 said:
Please look here

Does somebody know more about this project?
(data, pictures, drawings or other informations)

Is it a real project? ???
Sounds like a hoax. I can't see any reference to it in my edition of Haddow & Grosz. And Krupp-Germania was a shipyard, not an aircraft builder.
"I think the undercarriage of the aircraft is to low for this Glide Bomb.
What do you think about it?"

In the "Illustrierte Enzyklopädie der Raketen u.Lenkwaffen" by Bill Gunston, I've found these photos
of SSW mono- and biplane types. They were mainly intended for use from airships. Another "low
silhouette" monoplane was under development at by the end of war. Ground clearance of the R.IV
was too low, but use from the R.VIII would have been possible, is told in the afore mentioned


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Hi everybody

To Jemiba
Thanks for this great information and these very rare pictures!

Hhmmm but what about the
Krupp-Germania Ks.Ib
Is it really a hoax ? Because I think the Adlershof 10000PS is
also a very unusually aircraft project but it is real !
And if it is a fake, where is it from ?

I think the Krupp-Germania looks like a giant seaplane!
So it is possible that this is a project of a shipyard!
(Like Blohm&Voss Aircraft and Ship builder )

Many greetings
moin1900 said:
P.S. I think the Krupp-Germania looks like a giant seaplane!
So it is possible that this is a project of a shipyard! ;)
(Like Blohm&Voss Aircraft and Ship builder )

That doesn't prove a thing, I'm afraid. I've never seen any reference to Krupp-Germania ever contemplating designing any kind of aircraft (which also doesn't prove a thing ;), but, for example, Fred Guetschow's extremely comprehensive Die Deutschen Flugboote carries no mention at all of Krupp-Germania in its 340 pages that I've ever found), and the rather absurd drawing, the incredible engine power output for the era, and the vast size all point to a later hoax. Also, no-one has pointed out where Haddow & Grosz mention this supposed design, because I certainly can find no reference in German Giants.

The drawing looks like someone has taken the fat 'whale' fuselage form of the Linke-Hofmann (but completely ignored the rationale behind the Linke-Hofmann designers' choice of shape) and mixed in some hopefully-authentic-looking period detail.
Hi everybody

To McTodd
Thanks for searching in these books. Good to know ! Thanks a lot for it!

Another Adlershof project
It is only a plastic model. I do not have found another one but there were 10 Adlershof projects !

Many greetings
Cool, Moin1900, thanks for the links! Great to see that someone has built a model of an Adlershof R-Plane! The Flight link is interesting - that plane is in the Haddow & Grosz book as well.

BTW, check your personal messages in-box, Moin1900... ;)
Krupp-Germania Ks.Ib Project, page 138-139, "The German Giants", Haddow & Grosz, 2nd Ed 1969.
One paragraph of text and a 3-view drawing.

The authors were skeptical. ;D

In the same book , they show 10 3-views of the " Adlershof R-plane projects " found at Wright Field Air Museum among Zeppelin material. They came from Johannistal-Adlershof place near Berlin .
During the War it was a major place for German aircraft factories : Ago,Albatros,LFG,LVG,LTG,Rumpler,Sablatnig,Goetze,SSW,Mercur among others .
-DVL ,Deutsche Versuchanstalt für Luftfahrt (German aviation research center),was there too !-
So the origin of these 3-views is left wide open .
moin1900 said:
Hi everybody

To McTodd
Thanks for searching in these books.
Good to know !
Thanks a lot for it!

I have found two others

DFW Bomber project

Another Adlershof project
It is only a plastic model.
I do not have found another one :(
but there were 10 Adlershof projects !

P.S. Are there any other giant aircraft projects like the Adlershof 10000PS from WW1?
And what about the Mannesmann Poll ?

Many greetings
always about DFW projects : ;D
Hi everybody

To richard:
"So the origin of these 3-views is left wide open ."
I think it could be a Junkers design. !MAYBE!

To airman:
Thanks for it!

Another aerial torpedo "Siemens Schuckert 300kg Torpedogleiter"
There are some other projects too.
Curtiss Sperry "Flying Bomb"
Dayton Wright Kettering Liberty "Bug"

Many greetings
Maybe this is the SSW biplane ? What's shown in this very interesting photo,
is just the way the torpedo was released. All these torpedo gliders seems to
have had several designations.
i am surprised that first experiments about " invisibility" and " airplanes guided bomb" was made during first world war ! ;D
I tend to find that most things taken for granted as having been 'invented' at such and such a time turn out to have roots going back much further...

I'm not sure how far back before the Great War the concept of aerial missiles goes, but one antecedent was certainly a British film made in 1909 called 'The Airship Destroyer' (and in the USA as 'Battle in the Clouds'). There's a page about it here:

It was available on VHS many years ago, but has since been deleted. Sadly, it has never made it to DVD.
Wasn't there a 1914 proposal to the British Admiralty for a remotely guided ship-to-ship missile. If I recall correctly it had a very primitive imaging sensor and bang-bang rudders.
Siemens Schuckert 1000kg Torpedogleiter
From Flugzeug 6/99


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never build German ww1 bombers

hello guys I'm looking for info or pics of never build German WWI1 bombers,I'm looking especially for the Mannesman Poll bomber project.
This bomber was specially designed to reach the USA and I believe Junkers was developing also an Amerika bomber made of metal
I hope some one has some info of this matter
thanks in advance
Re: never build German ww1 bombers

Please take a look here:,3253.0/all.html
Sorry if this next is old news and I'll remove this post if it is, but more details on several Adlershof (and other) projects can be found here:
That link alone should take you to ten project drawings of Adlershof R-planes, dervied from the Putnam 'The German Giants' volume by Haddow and Grosz.
Cheers, 'Wingknut'
moin1900 said:
Hi everybody

I have found another one "Krupp-Germania Ks.Ib"
wingspan 298m, 24 engines with 1675 h.p.

Does somebody know more about this project?
(data, pictures, drawings or other informations)
Is it a real project?

Many greetings

It was a pure " what if " : the talentuous author made a blue print and a modell .
The blue print was sold and some times after came in the hands of Peter.M.Grosz , who was very dubious , but , anyway , included it in it's excellent " the German Giants " by G.W HADDOW and PETER.M.GROSZ . Many years later , the author of the blue print went aware of this , and told the story to P.M Grosz
himself ...

here is a giant Germany bombers of WW1;

3) Dornier heavy bomber 1917
4) Neuber R


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