Messerschmitt Tailless Projects

It is a Luft ’46 design used by BMW and Messerschmitt.

You may find information about it in the books

-Jet Planes of the Third Reich-The secret projects-VOLUME ONE, pp 49 and VOLUME TWO, pp 260 ,by Manfred Griehl, Monogram 1998-2004
-Luftwaffe Secret Projects –Strategic bombers 1935-45- pp 73 , by Dieter Herwig &
Heinz Rode, Midland 1998-2000.
-German Jet Genesis ,pp 38 , by David Masters , Jane’s 1982
-Paper Planes of the Third Reich ,pp 50 .Toros publications,1988
-Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-45 ,Band 1,pp 148, by Heinz J.Nowarra
Bernard & Graefe Verlag 1993

Actually, the Fw 190 V19 (GH + KP) Wk. Nr. 0042 was experimentally equipped with an “M” wing but testing proved this to be unsatisfactory. It then received normal A-3 wings and served as a number of engines test bed. It crashed 16/02/44.

You may find information about it in the book “Aircraft & Legend, Focke Wulf Fw 190 & Ta 152” pp 72, 73, 144 and 147.

Attached you will find a wartime drawing of the “M” wing, an illustration from the book by Nowarra and the drawing I published extrapolating from that illustration.


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I can't think of any benefit for the speed ,the Fw 190 could reach.
AFAIK, this wing arrangement was investigated later (e.g. by Armstrong
Withworth), as it promised lower drag in the transsonical flight regime,
not really the speed range of a prop driven aircraft. That it wasn't
used, may have been due to some problems with the wing structure,
I think.
Of course one must consider the dive. A transonic research aircraft needn't...
Jemiba said:
That it wasn't used, may have been due to some problems with the wing structure,
I think.

I do agree. If this type of wing was actually fly tested with a Fw 190, it is possible that the objective was to find an structural solution.
In my opinion, it would have suffered flutter problems in wingtips and aileron reversement during dive.

Additionally, the building of an airplane with FOUR wingroots required more time, much work of additional research and fly testing. Finally, for an 'M' wing to have same structural resistance than a conventional one, it must be quite heavier. This possibly was the main reason to abandon the project.
Yes, that is what I wondered about........

Was the swept-wing, not 'm-wing', being used for transonic research?

A 'real-life' example, as compared to a 'wind-tunnel' must have some advantages!?

Were the Germans conducting research relative to this situation, using a 'known' quantity? The FW190?

"It" appears to have been a sturdy airframe, useful for 'research' into 'loads' and control aspects?

That is the flight characteristics of the FW190 in both 'straight-wing' and 'swept-wing' configurations?

It seems 'old hat' now, but I'm pretty sure 'it' (the characteristics) wasn't back then!

So, if this was a research ac, what did they learn, and what did they apply it to!? Is that info available anywhere?

From; Der Busemann Überschallkanal A-9 der LFAEntwicklung, Nutzungund Verbleibpeter.


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From, waffen-arsenal-sonderheft-deutsche-zweimotorige-kampfflugzeuge-im-2-weltkrieg-ju-88,

what was this ?.


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I think not my dears,

and maybe Mr. Dan can solve it ?.

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