McDonnell-Douglas Model Numbers


ACCESS: Secret
2 February 2006
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I search for a list of Douglas designation! Can anybody help? PLEASE!!!!
I was mistaken:

I search for a list of McDonnell designation! Can anybody help? PLEASE!!!!
There are a lot of gaps... but any additions are most welcome!

nd DOODLEBUG low-wing tandem-seat sportsplane
1 proposal for XP-55 competition with Allison V-3420-B2 (Specification R-40C) (early 1940)
1 same project with Pratt & Whitney H-3130 engine (June 40)
2 MANTA fighter proposal for USAAF (two different configurations)
2a USAAF XP-67 MOONBAT MX-127 fighter with XIV-1430-17/19 engines (pj-22 May 1941)(Prelim. Spec. S-23A)
? USAAF AT-15 CREWMAKER projected production version of Boeing AT-15, canceled
? USAAF AT-21 GUNNER production batch of Fairchild AT-21
? US Navy KDD-1 KATYDID target drone
? US Navy KSD-1 GARGOYLE target drone
? US Navy XFD-1 PHANTOM experimental jet fighter
? US Navy FH-1 PHANTOM production version of XFD-1 (1945)
? F2H-3 BANSHEE (US Navy / RCAF)
? F2H-4 BANSHEE (US Navy / RCAF)
27 series of projects leading up to the XF-85 (up to 27D)
27E USAF XF-85 GOBLIN MX-472 parasite fighter
36 USAF XF-88 VOODOO experimental jet fighter
37 US Navy XHJD-1 WHIRLAWAY experimental helicopter with two rotors on beams
J-38 US Army XH-20 LITTLE HENRY experimental helicopter
40/A US Navy Carrier Based Day Fighter, 1945 proposal (1946 requirement, winner was F7U)
58 US Navy XF3D-1 DEMON Carrier-Based Interceptor requirement from 1948
58 US Navy F3H* DEMON *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
XF3H-1 (ff-7 Aug 51)
60 Delta wing alternative to the Model 58, alternate proposal for F3D competition
61 Airliner/transport project
65C WHIRLAWAY projected civil production version of Model 37
67 no details; perhaps related to the DEMON?
68 no details; perhaps related to the DEMON?
78 USMC XHRH-1 assault helicopter, canceled (1951)
79 BIG HENRY prototype
? US Army XH-29 projected two-seater version of Model 38
82 US Army XH-35/XV-1 CONVERTIPLANE experimental tilt-rotor transport, redesignated XL-25
86 US Navy XHCH-1 flying crane helicopter, canceled
90 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal (DEMON fuselage /straight F-104-type wing)
91 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal
93 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal
96 USAF disposable weapons/fuel pod developed for the F-101A Voodoo
98* US Navy XF4H-1/F-4* PHANTOM II heavy fighter (1958); *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
98* USAF F-110 SPECTRE / F-4PHANTOM II *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
99 USAF CONVERTIPLANE Air Force development of Model 78, forerunner of Model 113
113 large military transport convertiplane project, includes Design 113P
119 McDONNELL 220 business plane with four jets
120 "V-1 JEEP" FLYING CRANE with two Solar T-62 Titan engines and XV-1 rotor (evaluated by US Army)
122B USAF two-stage hypersonic vehicle (WS-199D)
133K NASA MERCURY space capsule
156 US Navy TFX competitor of General Dynamics F-111 and Boeing 818
158 US Army LOH submission
176 USAF FDL-7 lifting body study
188 McDONNELL 188 French Breguet 941 as US demonstrator
188E McDONNELL 188 French Breguet 941S as US demonstrator
192 USAF ISINGLASS boost glide reconnaissance vehicle
193 no details
210 evolutionary development of the Breguet 941
210E STOL developed parallel with Breguet's development of their Model 942 proposal
210G variant of the above
220 civil commercial designation of Model 119 (*model number out of sequence)
225 US Navy variable sweep fighter proposal
226 no details


? QUAIL GAM-72 / ADM-20A/-20C decoy drone
? SPARTAN LIM-49A anti-ballistic long-range interceptor missile
? US Army DRAGON M47 / FGM-77A anti-tank missile
? HARPOON AGM-84A/C anti-ship missile / AGM-84E

? GEMINI space capsule
? ATDA rocket
? ATLAS ATDA rocket

Current McDonnell Douglas designations took up where McDonnell left off:

258-2 US Navy (SCS) ADVANCED HARRIER new thin high-speed wing, slimmer fuselage, new intake, Pegasus 15-03 engine
260 US Navy… series of multimission VTOL designs
262 no details
267 US Navy F/A-18 HORNET naval fighter
268 DARPA low signature fighter designed to a DARPA contract in 1975
276 version of Model 260
279 V/STOL fighter proposal
287 287-1006: pre-ATF project
375 planned production version of X-32
Hi All!

Hi Stargazer2006.

Model 18----tandem engine fighter
Model 56----aircraft; no details
Model 103---missile; no details
Model 105---medium range Surface-to-Surface missile (M-105A)
Model 109---LRI
Model 110---LRI
Model 111---LRI
Model 175---V/STOL aircraft; no details
Model 177---similar to Fairey Rotodyne
Model 227---aerial recovery system
Model 253---STOL airplane, based on DC-9-10 (M-253A,-253B)
Model 263 : Vectored Lift Fighter (proposed for AFTI)
Model 265: Canard and tail equipped design to VFAX
Model 225: canard equipped VG fighter to VFX specification
Model 199: F-15 (and FX studies leading up to it)
The basic model number for the F2H was 24. The design/study letters went up through at least AR but the partial list I have doesn't tie any of the MAC letter designations to the Navy designations.
Tailspin Turtle said:
The basic model number for the F2H was 24. The design/study letters went up through at least AR but the partial list I have doesn't tie any of the MAC letter designations to the Navy designations.
Awesome piece of info! Thanks for sharing. Any source, maybe?
Here's my partial listing.


  • McDonnell - McDonnell Douglas.doc
    45.5 KB · Views: 122

the McDonnell Douglas STS-83 and STS-94 were spacelabs,and Model-296
was a sattelite,and for the last one I saw it in NASA report,but I don't
remember it now,so I will search about it.
My list so far...


  • McDONNELL designations - 091202.gif
    McDONNELL designations - 091202.gif
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Good work, but I inadvertently transposed Models 263 and 265. 265 was the VLF, 263 the VFAX. Apologies :)
Worthy additions courtesy of RyanCrierie and his Spangenberg Index snapshots:

- Model 51B improved KDH-1 (1949 proposal)
- Model 66 proposal for air-to-air guided missile
- Model 73A to 73D HP class (ASW) helicopter proposals (1950)
- Model 74 submission for XS2F-1 ASW competition
- Model 80/80A assault transport helicopter project
- Model 81/81A assault transport helicopter project
- Model 97 air-to-surface guided missile weapon (1953)
Hi All!

Model 25---McDonnell LBD-1 Gargoyle, later KBD-1.

Model 97---"ASM-N-7 Bullpup"
nugo said:
Model 97---"ASM-N-7 Bullpup"
The Navy contacted with Martin to develop the Bullpup in 1954. Is the McDonnell Model 97 a losing competitor to the Martin design?
Hi aim9xray!

Yes, McDonnell Model 97---competitor to the Martin Model 293/Bullpup design.

Model 293-3 was vectored thrust aircraft of a canard equipped
four-nozzle fighter.
Hi all,

I search for the Model-numbers of the McDD T.45A "Goshawk" and the AV.8B "Harrier"!

Thanks for your help

Servus Maveric
Cool! Glad Mark finally managed to get the COMPLETE document (he had only parts of it last time around).
Stargazer2006 said:
Cool! Glad Mark finally managed to get the COMPLETE document (he had only parts of it last time around).
This being said, pages 150 to 159 of the original document are still missing...
Pages missing

9, 50, 146, 150 to 159, 165, 166, 170 to 172

Missing designations from the official list

  • 14 (not listed)
  • 88, 101 (not assigned to avoid confusion with F-88 and F-101)

Missing designations from missing pages

  • 36S to 36Z
  • 36AA to 36AF
  • 159
  • 166 to 188
  • 211 to 219
  • 228 to 249
  • 271 up

Known designations that can be added

  • 36W = F-101A/C
  • 36X = RF-101A/C
  • 167 = perhaps allocated to a DELTA-related project
  • 172 = perhaps allocated to a DELTA-related project
  • 175 = tilt-wing/slipstream-deflection V/STOL fighter based upon Canadair CL-62B design study work
  • 176 = FDL-7 MOL lifting body study
  • 176H = Orbital Support Spacecraft
  • 177 = helicopter project similar to Fairey Rotodyne
  • 188 = French Breguet 941 as US demonstrator
  • 188E = French Breguet 941S as US demonstrator
  • 188F = advanced version for American Airlines as interim STOL aircraft for operation over short-haul routes (cancelled)
  • 228 series = AGM-/UGM-/RGM-/AQM-/RQM-84 HARPOON series
  • 276 = alternate U.S. Navy Type A proposal, a version of Model 260
  • 278 = U.S. Navy STOVT program
  • 279 = U.S. Navy RALS proposal
  • 279-1 = U.S. Navy RALS proposal
  • 279-3 = single-engined RALS proposal
  • 279-4 = twin-engined RALS proposal
  • 287-1006 = 287-1006: pre-ATF project for R.A.F. and U.S. Navy
  • 293-3 = four-nozzle vectored thrust canard fighter aircraft project
  • 296 = satellite
  • 375 = Boeing designation for planned PWSC production version of X-32

Designations not yet found

  • submission for XNQ-1 Navy trainer competition
  • XAUM(-N)-6 PUFFIN (Bureau of Standards "Kingfisher F" redesignated, 1948)
  • submission for SR-126/RoBo competition
  • subcontracting work with Bendix on Typhoon missile
  • augmented target docking adapter (ATDA)
  • AQUILINE six foot long plane for CIA shaped like a bird, to intercept signals from deep inside enemy territory
  • AGM-131A AASM for USAF, redesignated as SRAM II in 1985
  • M47 / FGM-77A DRAGON anti-tank missile for U.S. Army
Hi All!

Hi Stargazer2006:

XAUM-N-6 Puffin (originally begun as Kingfisher F)---Nat. Bureau of Standards plus McDonnell subcontracted (only pulsejet engine produce) and is no McDonnell Model numbers.

Bendix/McDonnell Typhon---McDonnell Model 85 AB & 85 AC (McDonnell Model Numbers: page 44)

Augmented Target Docking Adapter (ATDA)---Model 133 Q (?) (McDonnell Model Numbers: page 133-134)
Hi All!
My comment: page 138
144, A, USAF (RFP 1-30-1959), Missile, study program to ascertain the feasibility of an advanced Air-to-Surface missile for TAC. To be determined.
"missile for TAC"---should be "missile for SAC" (Strategic Air Command)
Model 144A---proposal competition of the WS-138A (later Douglas GAM-87 Skybolt)
and your comments...
In a very old forum post, hesham quoted a "McDonnell Model-61 airliner/transport", while we know that this designation applied in fact to the planned production version of the HJD-1 Whirlaway for the US Navy... There was a planned civilian variant of the Whirlaway, designated Model 65C. Any idea what that "Model 61" confusion might have resulted from?
An interesting timeline of McDonnell Douglas products, a little too small unfortunately:


  • timeline.jpg
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Greetings All -

Here's a January, 1966 list tying drawing numbers to Model numbers at McDonnell Aircraft.

Interesting to see the XF2H-5 listed. We have at the Museum a wind tunnel model (well, all the pieces for it) of the Model 44 "Commercial Plane" but I have yet to find any documentation for it. Think of a 4 seat Anderson-Greenwood AG-14 and you'll have a close approximation of what it looks like.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • McDonnell Standard Drawing Numbering System Jan-15-66.pdf
    715.3 KB · Views: 116
Excellent! Another "missing link" comes to light. Thank you!
Mark Nankivil said:
Greetings All -

Here's a January, 1966 list tying drawing numbers to Model numbers at McDonnell Aircraft.

Interesting to see the XF2H-5 listed.

Enjoy the Day! Mark

In late 1947, McDonnell proposed a set of F2H-1 swept-wing Banshee derivatives to the Navy, giving them unofficial designations of XF2H-2/3/4/5. The wing was similar to the XF-88's. Note that it has the canopy of the F2H-1 prototype. There are no Model numbers or drawing numbers on the material I have, so I can't verify that this was the XF2H-5 listed on this document.

(Modified to correct text and add artists concept and better three-view.)


  • McD Swept-wing XF2H web.jpg
    McD Swept-wing XF2H web.jpg
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  • McD XF2H-5 three view web.jpg
    McD XF2H-5 three view web.jpg
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Oh my God,marvelous design my dear Tailspin,

thank you for sharing.
Evidence in the incomplete list posted by Mark in this thread suggests that the Model 220 should not be the later proposal for the Model 119 Transport, but rather the larger commercial transport illustrated in an exhibited wood model as the T-85A.

Stargazer said:
There are a lot of gaps... but any additions are most welcome!

nd DOODLEBUG low-wing tandem-seat sportsplane
1 proposal for XP-55 competition with Allison V-3420-B2 (Specification R-40C) (early 1940)
1 same project with Pratt & Whitney H-3130 engine (June 40)
2 MANTA fighter proposal for USAAF (two different configurations)
2a USAAF XP-67 MOONBAT MX-127 fighter with XIV-1430-17/19 engines (pj-22 May 1941)(Prelim. Spec. S-23A)
? USAAF AT-15 CREWMAKER projected production version of Boeing AT-15, canceled
? USAAF AT-21 GUNNER production batch of Fairchild AT-21
? US Navy KDD-1 KATYDID target drone
? US Navy KSD-1 GARGOYLE target drone
? US Navy XFD-1 PHANTOM experimental jet fighter
? US Navy FH-1 PHANTOM production version of XFD-1 (1945)
? F2H-3 BANSHEE (US Navy / RCAF)
? F2H-4 BANSHEE (US Navy / RCAF)
27 series of projects leading up to the XF-85 (up to 27D)
27E USAF XF-85 GOBLIN MX-472 parasite fighter
36 USAF XF-88 VOODOO experimental jet fighter
37 US Navy XHJD-1 WHIRLAWAY experimental helicopter with two rotors on beams
J-38 US Army XH-20 LITTLE HENRY experimental helicopter
40/A US Navy Carrier Based Day Fighter, 1945 proposal (1946 requirement, winner was F7U)
58 US Navy XF3D-1 DEMON Carrier-Based Interceptor requirement from 1948
58 US Navy F3H* DEMON *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
XF3H-1 (ff-7 Aug 51)
60 Delta wing alternative to the Model 58, alternate proposal for F3D competition
61 Airliner/transport project
65C WHIRLAWAY projected civil production version of Model 37
67 no details; perhaps related to the DEMON?
68 no details; perhaps related to the DEMON?
78 USMC XHRH-1 assault helicopter, canceled (1951)
79 BIG HENRY prototype
? US Army XH-29 projected two-seater version of Model 38
82 US Army XH-35/XV-1 CONVERTIPLANE experimental tilt-rotor transport, redesignated XL-25
86 US Navy XHCH-1 flying crane helicopter, canceled
90 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal (DEMON fuselage /straight F-104-type wing)
91 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal
93 US Navy OS-130 requirement (F8U) fighter proposal
96 USAF disposable weapons/fuel pod developed for the F-101A Voodoo
98* US Navy XF4H-1/F-4* PHANTOM II heavy fighter (1958); *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
98* USAF F-110 SPECTRE / F-4PHANTOM II *many versions which will be treated in separate listing
99 USAF CONVERTIPLANE Air Force development of Model 78, forerunner of Model 113
113 large military transport convertiplane project, includes Design 113P
119 McDONNELL 220 business plane with four jets
120 "V-1 JEEP" FLYING CRANE with two Solar T-62 Titan engines and XV-1 rotor (evaluated by US Army)
122B USAF two-stage hypersonic vehicle (WS-199D)
133K NASA MERCURY space capsule
156 US Navy TFX competitor of General Dynamics F-111 and Boeing 818
158 US Army LOH submission
176 USAF FDL-7 lifting body study
188 McDONNELL 188 French Breguet 941 as US demonstrator
188E McDONNELL 188 French Breguet 941S as US demonstrator
192 USAF ISINGLASS boost glide reconnaissance vehicle
193 no details
210 evolutionary development of the Breguet 941
210E STOL developed parallel with Breguet's development of their Model 942 proposal
210G variant of the above
220 civil commercial designation of Model 119 (*model number out of sequence)
225 US Navy variable sweep fighter proposal
226 no details


? QUAIL GAM-72 / ADM-20A/-20C decoy drone
? SPARTAN LIM-49A anti-ballistic long-range interceptor missile
? US Army DRAGON M47 / FGM-77A anti-tank missile
? HARPOON AGM-84A/C anti-ship missile / AGM-84E

? GEMINI space capsule
? ATDA rocket
? ATLAS ATDA rocket

Current McDonnell Douglas designations took up where McDonnell left off:

258-2 US Navy (SCS) ADVANCED HARRIER new thin high-speed wing, slimmer fuselage, new intake, Pegasus 15-03 engine
260 US Navy… series of multimission VTOL designs
262 no details
267 US Navy F/A-18 HORNET naval fighter
268 DARPA low signature fighter designed to a DARPA contract in 1975
276 version of Model 260
279 V/STOL fighter proposal
287 287-1006: pre-ATF project
375 planned production version of X-32
The Artist said:
Evidence in the incomplete list posted by Mark in this thread suggests that the Model 220 should not be the later proposal for the Model 119 Transport, but rather the larger commercial transport illustrated in an exhibited wood model as the T-85A.

The list you've just quoted was not by Mark, but by yours truly, and it was a very, very incomplete one!

Since then we've had access to a complete list of Models 1 to 211!
Types that I know of after that are 220-228, 250-270, 276, 278, 279, 287, 293 and 296.
Then there's a huge gap up to Models 375 and 410, which were respectively the planned production X-32 and the Sensorcraft.
Attached is an excerpt with the model numbers for the XF2H-2 etc. from Mark's list provided earlier in this thread as a pdf file. Note that the XF2H-5 wasn't provided with a model designation. This is consistent with the fact that, on the McDonnell documents I have, the model is identified as "XF2H-5", not the expected two-digit number with a letter suffix. I find it odd that the XF2H-5 was given a prefix in the McDonnell drawing manual; that suggests that engineering drawings were released, or at least expected to be released, that were unique to the swept-wing variant.


  • XF2H-2 etc.jpg
    XF2H-2 etc.jpg
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I know it was your list in the message that I quoted, but I was pointing out that in the printed copy I worked from at the museum - of the PDF that Mark posted - suggests that that DC-9 like airliner design had the model 220 designation at one time. The date of that designation was 1960 (if I remember it right).

Stargazer said:
The Artist said:
Evidence in the incomplete list posted by Mark in this thread suggests that the Model 220 should not be the later proposal for the Model 119 Transport, but rather the larger commercial transport illustrated in an exhibited wood model as the T-85A.

The list you've just quoted was not by Mark, but by yours truly, and it was a very, very incomplete one!

Since then we've had access to a complete list of Models 1 to 211!
Types that I know of after that are 220-228, 250-270, 276, 278, 279, 287, 293 and 296.
Then there's a huge gap up to Models 375 and 410, which were respectively the planned production X-32 and the Sensorcraft.
The list of McDonnell Aircraft/McDonnell Douglas model/project numbers was posted by Mark in this topic before.
But this copy posted by Ron Downey at his blog looks different. ??? Earlier version, or just printed out in a different way with a matrix printer?

McDonnell Aircraft Project Numbers
A list of all the McDonnell Aircraft/McDonnell Douglas model/project numbers from # 1 to #278 with a brief explanation. A 174 page document dated 1 July 1974. A goldmine of info from the Gerald Balzer collection via the Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum.

Click here to download list in PDF form


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