Some specs would be in order I think...
2 x Rolls-Royce Spey 5-1 main engines (takeoff/cruise)
12 xRB.162-81 lift jets (takeoff)
Liftjet pods can be left off and the DoHS-1 operated as a conventional transport.
Design Weight: 68,350lb
Max payload: 16,000lb
Hold size: 36ft x 7ft x 7.5ft
Cruise speed: 400kts
Design mission: 11000lb/270nm radius
Hold is large enough to hold 2 Unimog trucks, 36 paratroopers, or DoHS liftjet pods.
2 additional lift jets in each pod
Maximum weight increased to 77,000lb
Basically similar to DoHS-1(14) but with developed Speys and 12 RB.189 engines replacing the 14 RB.162 engines in smaller pods.
Design mission: 12000lb/500nm radius (NMBR4 requirement)