VFW-Fokker VC 500

(text to follow)

Source for all the above:
Flying Review International Feb 1970


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I know many aircraft for this company,but what
was that VTOL aircraft ?.


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Reading this patent, I think, it was just an idea to get a better weight balance
in a direct lift VTOL aircraft, and so, in this case, really not in a context with
a real project. .. although I must admit , it looks quite fancy, with its 3-seat
cockpit ...

the VFW VC.180.



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Re: German V/STOL transport/passenger projects

Just posted at the San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives on Flickr, a photo of a (company?) model of the VFW-Fokker VC-180.
Barrington Bond said:
Flug Revue + Flugwelt International 1972?

VFW-Fokker VC180 I think iteration 24?

My dear Barrington,

I think this aircraft was VFW TH 16,and here is DH 16-3.


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I'm trying to find some projects - they are a series of German design studies for four-poster/quad tilt rotors (fuselage mounted engines). The designs had both military and transport versions. Most interestingly, they ranged in size from very small single-seat designs to large transports.

They apparently never made it to the forum here (although they were once on a VTOL related website),

If anyone has them - I'd love to see that information again,
Avimimus said:
I'm trying to find some projects - they are a series of German design studies for four-poster/quad tilt rotors (fuselage mounted engines). The designs had both military and transport versions. Most interestingly, they ranged in size from very small single-seat designs to large transports.

My dear Avimimus,

we know the VFW VC.400 and VC.500 quad tilt-rotor projects,but as you said "fuselage mounted engines",
I never heard about them before,can you tell us what is their names and from which company to help you.

The only tilt-rotor fuselage mounted engines was from Brazilian and designed by Mr. Heinrich Focke;

Dear Hesham, thank you for jogging my memory.

There were proposals for a VC-300 and a VC-200 in that family of aircraft. The smallest (VC-200) had fuselauge mounted engines. I've managed to obtain a few images from internet archives which I'll post shortly (originally posted on VSTOL.org but no longer available).
Thank you my dear Avimimus,

and please if you have a drawings to them,please send it,they are a well known
projects,but I never keep any views for them .
My dear Avimimus,

here is a drawings to VC.200 and VC.300.


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Great! Thanks Hesham.

It is hard to imagine how anyone could operate the rear gun on the VC-300...

VC-200 Combat Aircraft / Medevac
Power: two 1,342 kW engines mounted in the rear of the fuselage
Maximum VTO Weight: 6,000 kg (13,230 lb)
Payload (STOL): 2,400 kg (5,300 lb)
Payload (VTOL): 1,815 kg (4,000 lb)
A medical evacuation pod was conceived that would have allowed the transport of two casualties on stretchers and a doctor.

VC-300 Combat/ Transport Aircraft
Power: four 1,800 hp engines
Maximum VTO Weight: 11,000 kg (24,250 lb)
Payload (STOL): 4,800 kg (10,582 lb)
Payload (VTOL): 3,800 kg (8,377 lb)
Crew: 2
It could have ferried 12 troops in a detachable pod or various combinations of bombs

Here is the family photo!


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Here are some additional pictures of the military/naval versions of the VC-400 (compared to the standard version).

VC-400 / Naval
In 1966, sea-based variants of the VC 400 concept were studied for the German navy. Four different concepts were considered for this mission.
Power: 4 General Electric T64-GE-12 engines
Propeller: 4 propellers (7 m diameter)
Wing Area: 20 m (215 ft) (forward); 40 m (430 ft) (rear)
Maximum VTO weight: 23,000 kg (50,700 lb)
Fuel load: 6,000 kg (13,225 lb)
Payload: 9,650 kg (21,275 lb)
could operated from solid surfaces
could load a 2 m (6.6 ft) wide troop transport pod with 30 folding seats
If anyone has more information - I'm sure it'd be interesting.


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Splendid additions, hesham and Avivimus. Thanks a lot for these beauties.
Models of the VC-180 in military and civil colours, exhibited at Le Bourget 1971, from Aviation Magazine 565.


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Model of the VC-400 exhibited at Le Bourget 1971, from Aviation Magazine 565.


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Model of VFW-Fokker VC-180 military version and civil version shown at the Hanover Air Show 1970.

Each would be powered by ten Rolls-Royce lift engines in wing pods and three General Electric cruise engines. Civil version would carry about 100 passengers at 560 mph. Military version has raised cockpit and hinged visor for cargo loading.

"VTOL Aircraft Designs Shown in Hanover"
Aviation Week & Space Technology May 11, 1970 p. 61


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