Early Stealth? 'Means for altering the reflection of radar waves' (US 2436578)



Just further to the possible early stealth patents in this thread here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,3583.60.html

Arthur Korn (et al), 'Means for altering the reflection of radar waves' (US 2436578).
Filed March 4th 1944, http://www.google.com/patents/US2436578
"According to the present invention devices and methods are provided, whereby the measurements by radar become less readily detected. This method in general consists in making the radar waves sent from their source strike upon reflecting surfaces which contain certain electrically semi-conducting material whereby the reflected radar waves are altered and cause thereby erroneous radar measurements."


  • Korn et al Patent (US2436578).png
    Korn et al Patent (US2436578).png
    103.1 KB · Views: 352
Just as a quick pendant to the above, note that the Korn (et al) patent device seems aimed very much more at confusing radar returns, rather than trying to achieve genuine radar invisibility. For example "Thus the receiving station 22 fails to receive a normal amount of reflected radio waves from the airplane 29. As a result the correct calculation of position of the airplane is weakened, because waves are directed to W1, W2, Ws, W4, W5, W6, for example" (patent page 3). See attached digram above too.
Hi… Contextual information. I'm not quite sure but…

There was a physicist called Arthur Korn who had invented an elastic theory of gravitation, analogically tested by means of pulsating spheres in an elastic medium at the turn of the 20th century. Early critic of Einstein's relativity, which he had issues to understand (as did many other 19th century physicsts, for whom the aether should be a supportive fluid medium of some sort). Left Germany in 1933. Fled to Mexico. Then settled in the US. Died in 1945 (soon after patent was issued). Published a posthumous book in 1950.

Some information here:


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