"Half - Jet" Fighters


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5 May 2007
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Projects plane with VRDK development TsAGI
VRDK (Vozdushno-Reaktivnyi Dvigatel Kompressornyi) = Air – reaction engine compressor.
Created at the beginning initially 1940 on the initiative professor G.ABROMOVICH reactive division (4 laboratories TsAGI) designing several planes with different variant of this engine.
1 - In combinations with piston engine (constructors A.FADEEV and K.HOLSCHEVNIKOV)
2 - in combinations with aircraft diesel (constructor A.TOLSTOV)
3 – gas-turbine VRD (constructor V.UVAROV)
TsAGI S-1 (VRDK-1)
Year :1942
engine :M-82
max speed :800 km/h
max.flying time :3-3,5 h
armament :1x20mm ShVAK + 2x12,7mm
weights :loaded 6800kg
fuel 1800kg
TsAGI S-2 (VRDK-1)
weights :loaded 11900kg
max speed :850 km/h
TsAGI barrage fighter (AM-34 + VRDK)
Year :1943
engine :AM-34 or AM-39
max speed :850 km/h
max.flying time :1,30 h
armament :2x20mm ShVAK + 2x12,7mm
weights :loaded 6600kg


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    TsAGI S-1 (VRDK-1).jpg
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    TsAGI S-1 (VRDK-1) 3v.jpg
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    TsAGI barrage fighter (AM-34 + VRDK).jpg
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  • TsAGI  S-2 (VRDK-1).jpg
    TsAGI S-2 (VRDK-1).jpg
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Projects plane with VRDK development TsAGI(on serial machine)
Yak-9 VRDK
Year :1943 February
engine :M-105REN
max speed :600 km/h
weights :loaded 3035 kg
fuel 660 kg
La-5 (VRDK)
...in combinations with aircraft diesel (constructor A.TOLSTOV)
The Turbine rotated compressor happened to in action exhaust gas of the piston motor. Exhaust gases on insulated pipe were to placed in streamlined nacelles VRDK.
TsAGI high-altitude reconnaissance project (with ACh-30 + 2 VRDK-2)
Year :1943 October
engine :ACh-30B (was used on bomber Pe-8 and Er-2)
max speed :490 km/h 800 km/h (with VRDK)
max.flying time :3,5 h
weights :loaded 5835kg
fuel 950kg
Su fighter with M-30B(ACh-30) + 2 (VRDK-2)
Year :1943 November
engine :ACh-30B (M-30B)
max speed :770 km/h (with VRDK)
weights :loaded 5800kg
lenght:11280 mm
span:13450 mm


  • Su fighter with M-30B(ACh-30) + 2 (VRDK-2).jpg
    Su fighter with M-30B(ACh-30) + 2 (VRDK-2).jpg
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  • TsAGI  high-altitude reconnaissance project (with ACh-30 + 2 VRDK-2).jpg
    TsAGI high-altitude reconnaissance project (with ACh-30 + 2 VRDK-2).jpg
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  • La-5  (VRDK).jpg
    La-5 (VRDK).jpg
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  • LaGG-3 (VRDK).jpg
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  • Yak-9 VRDK.jpg
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Just a question Borovik ,
Was there any relation between the Lagg-3 (VRDK) and the Gudkow Gu-VRD ?

Thanks in advance.
lark said:
Just a question Borovik ,
Was there any relation between the Lagg-3 (VRDK) and the Gudkow Gu-VRD ?
Just a answer ;)
Projects plane with VRDK development TsAGI and other OKB.
Experimental plane designed at October 1942 similar to Caproni-Campini CC-2
In that time in USSR else nothing be not known about built in Italies plane. The First information on CC.1 has fallen into TsAGI from english of the magazine "Flight" in 1943.
Year :1942 October
Piston engine :M-62 or M-63
TsAGI interceptor (AM-39 + VRDK)
Year :1943 October
engine :AM-39F (1620 hp)
max speed :830 km/h
max.flying time :2,5 h
armament :2x20mm ShVAK + 2x12,7mm
weights :loaded 5500kg
fuel 980kg
I-107 first variant (OKB Sukhoi)
Year :1944 Februar
engine :M-107
max speed :800 km/h
max.flying time :1,30 h
armament :1x20mm ShVAK + 2x12,7mm
weights :loaded 3750kg
length: 9000mm
span: 10562mm
height: 3425mm
I-107 final variant (OKB Sukhoi)
length: 8210mm
span: 10562mm
height: 3360mm


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  • I-107 final variant (pre Su-5).jpg
    I-107 final variant (pre Su-5).jpg
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    I-107 first var,.jpg
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  • TsAGI interceptor  (AM-39 + VRDK).jpg
    TsAGI interceptor (AM-39 + VRDK).jpg
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  • Su VRDK  1942.jpg
    Su VRDK 1942.jpg
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Projects plane with VRDK development TsAGI and other OKB.
I - 250 (MiG-13)

sources:“Samolety mira” = (Planes of the world) 2/1995
“Aircraft creation in USSR (1917-1945) Vol. II” Publishing division TsAGI 1994
"Aviatsiya & Cosmonautic" magazine


  • I - 250.jpg
    I - 250.jpg
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  • I - 107 ( Su-5 ) &  I - 250 (MiG-13).jpg
    I - 107 ( Su-5 ) & I - 250 (MiG-13).jpg
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This certainly not fighter, but in context of the subject.
Er-2 (E-3130)
July 1943
(constructor A.I.TOLSTOV)
from:"Aviatsiya & Cosmonautic" magazine #7 2007


  • ACh-30B + 2  VRD.jpg
    ACh-30B + 2 VRD.jpg
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  • Er-2 (4VRD).jpg
    Er-2 (4VRD).jpg
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Borovik, could you give somo details about that Er-2 version powerplant?

The designation is E-3130?

Thanks in advance,


here is the MiG I-250 Models; N-1,N-2 and MiG-13.


  • N-2 & MiG-13.JPG
    N-2 & MiG-13.JPG
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  • N-1.JPG
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Amazing thread which I'd never seen before. Wow!

Does the "Su" in "Su VRDK" indicate a Sukhoi design?
hello, sorry for my English but I am French (and this applies all the excuses ;D).
An excellent book (in French) by Herbert Leonard talks about the Soviet fighters and contains an entire chapter about the famous "half-jet" whit fantastic profiles.
ISBN: 978 2 7268 8812 4
narount said:
hello, sorry for my English but I am French (and this applies all the excuses ;D).
An excellent book (in French) by Herbert Leonard talks about the Soviet fighters and contains an entire chapter about the famous "half-jet" whit fantastic profiles.
ISBN: 978 2 7268 8812 4

Welcome narount! Yes, it is indeed a fantastic book! Don't have it myself but I purchased it as a gift to my dad years ago and it's a book he has cherished dearly over the years.
Skyraider3D said:
Great stuff. Did any of these get built besides the I-250?

Of course the Su-5 (I-107, aka Aircraft "D") was built. It made its first flight on April 6, 1945. Two were built, but the second prototype didn't fly - it was only tested in TsAGI T-101 wing tunnel.


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But bear in mind that Campini's patents for this type of aircraft had been around since 1931-1932. The Sukhoi VRDK bears some traits to Campini's unbuilt patent drafts, notably, a forward cockpit, annular inlet, and, of course, the motorjet. Seems unreasonable to believe that Russian designers were totally unaware of Campini's work for over a decade. Plus, Flight magazine was discussing Campini's designs starting in 1941.

Was the USSR that locked down that engineers and designers had no access to outside information such as magazines, patent data, etc? Or is it a matter of pride and denying influence from outside sources?

borovik said:
Projects plane with VRDK development TsAGI and other OKB.
Experimental plane designed at October 1942 similar to Caproni-Campini CC-2
In that time in USSR else nothing be not known about built in Italies plane. The First information on CC.1 has fallen into TsAGI from english of the magazine "Flight" in 1943.
Was the USSR that locked down that engineers and designers had no access to outside information such as magazines, patent data, etc? Or is it a matter of pride and denying influence from outside sources?
Hello Ed,
No further information on the impact of the Italian experience, I have not found and archivist of Sukhoi DB. V.Proklov’s (except as an obvious principle of similarity with CC-2).
Kept only the general form of the aircraft and layout scheme VRD, as it was in fact, we can only presuppose.
I personally, as well as the author of the article N. Valuev is inclined to the first question.
On denying influence from outside sources, I did not write.
Believe me I do not have and had no desire to participate in a "tug of war" to the same nothing new since 1910, after the precedent of the Great underrated Romanian Henri Coanda not (unfortunately most of the "Coanda effect," said outside the context of aviation, for example when a shed liquid from the kettle) ))
Matter of pride - applies only to the enthusiast, devotee of science, such as A.Lyul'ka, I.Merkulov, etc. Overall, the program development of jet aircraft in the Soviet Union (primarily turbojet engines, as undoubtedly the most promising) in the first half of the 40's had failed because of apparent underestimation by management of the aviation industry prospects for jet aircraft.
What kind of pride we talking about?
Well, if you still remember that Russia - the native land of elephants (a phrase from a joke)). Then the first who suggested the idea to use moto-compressor engine/ "motorjet" was a Russian engineer Gorokhov(1909). But this is only a theory, but in the history of the first practices are ...
H. Coanda - 16 december 1910 (short takeoff)
He-178 E.Heinkel 's - 27 August 1939 with piloted E. Warsitz
Caproni Campini N.1 by S. Campini - 27 (17?) August 1940 with piloted M. De Bernardi etc.
Sorry for the cost of auto-translation.
Regards, Anatoly.
Three heavily retouched and colored photos, and a superb detailed plan of the Sukhoi Su-5:


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borovik said:
This certainly not fighter, but in context of the subject.
Er-2 (E-3130)
July 1943
(constructor A.I.TOLSTOV)
from:"Aviatsiya & Cosmonautic" magazine #7 2007

No front view of this?
visvirtusvoluntas said:
The layout of TsAGI S-2 confirms my theory about Sukhoj "K". It was not a Me-262 copy.
Hi Alberto.
Just look at the comparison scheme technology partitioning of the two aircraft ...

... But the copy of the RD-10 (Soviet clone of the German Jumo 004) and their arrangement increases this impression.


  • Su-9 vs Me 262.jpg
    Su-9 vs Me 262.jpg
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consealed said:
borovik said:
This certainly not fighter, but in context of the subject.
Er-2 (E-3130)
July 1943
(constructor A.I.TOLSTOV)
from:"Aviatsiya & Cosmonautic" magazine #7 2007

No front view of this?

So far not been published.
I can offer its own reconstruction made ​​from the top view and side view (see Reply # 8 on: March 31, 2008)


  • Er-2 E-3130.jpg
    Er-2 E-3130.jpg
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I could be wrong, but I couldn't find a thing on this forum about the Sukhoi Su-7R mixed-propulsion prototype.

Here is a set of pictures from Polish magazine nTW dated October 1997:


  • Su-7R color profile.jpg
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hesham said:

here is the MiG I-250 Models; N-1,N-2 and MiG-13.

A comparison between MiG I-250 and I-250 N-1.


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The USN Had a Fighter Called The Ryan FR-1 Fireball. Had a Wright-Cyclone Radial Up Front And a Small Jet Engine In Back. Went In Service Late In The Pacific War,But Saw No Combat.
Here's A Drawing. B) Oops,My Bad :-[ The Fireball Was a Production Aircraft. Sorry Guys. Dale


  • ryan-fr-1-fireball-1944-usa.gif
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Yes Mustange,

and its competition had some half-jet aircraft and projects;


The W-14 Plane Program

Bureau of Program and Statistics
Military Division, Aircraft Branch
April 24, 1945

"The newest and most promising torpedo bomber, Grumman's TB3F, was first scheduled in a revision to W-13. Production of the TB3F is scheduled, to begin in March 1946 and to reach 50 a month in December. Like the FR Fireball fighter, the TB3F will have both a conventional and a jet engine — its R-2800C and West-inghouse jet engines will give it far more power than any other torpedo plane."

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