What did I start? My idea of having a V/STOL section was not based on sectarianism, but rather the fact that there seems to be a lot of V/STOL threads all over the place, some with less than obvious names. It just seemed a nice idea to put them together for maniacs like me to find them all with ease.
However, my mania is limited, essentially to V/STOL (or STOVL) fighters. Lumping helicopters in with V/STOL, or splitting V/STOL transports off from other transport projects, seems wrong to me. And don't get me started on STOL!!!!
So maybe leave well alone, or at most just add obvious descriptive 'keywords' to thread titles when creating them if the subject is not clear, e.g. "What Happened to Rals? (Keywords: V/STOL, Fighters, Engines)" The search facility will then bring them all up (searching on 'V/STOL' does not currently bring up the recent RALS thread near the top of what is found, for e.g.).
Perhaps we could come up with a list of possible keywords, and add a maximum of 3 or so to each thread title if needed? Of course, 'standardisation' is needed when we all use stovl, vstol, v/stol, vtol etc. to mean the same thing.
Hmm, a can of worms.....!