Allyson's Model Collection


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11 March 2011
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I forgot that I had one the same size 1906 with skis as well, sans the dome. looking to see if I have any picts. Back in the day I sadly did not photo doc much of the collection. Here are a few shots of some of the collection. I had two rooms that had the center wall removed so there was ample space for some large 1/10th scale models. I think you will see ample models to fit into most of the threads here.......


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These pictures of your model collection needs a new and fresh topic.
Fantastic! Thank you for sharing this. Hope you don't live in earthquake country.
Excellent Allysonca,

can you tell us if there is unknown projects to us in your group ?,thanks in advanced.
Amazing!, thanx for sharing it.

Could you please show a few of it in individual pics...
hesham said:
Excellent Allysonca,

can you tell us if there is unknown projects to us in your group ?,thanks in advanced.

Yes, is the answer.

I am not sure from previous postings if Allyson still possesses all the models in these photos.
I hope we get more mysterious projects my dear Paul.
allysonca said:
Back in the day I sadly did not photo doc much of the collection.

Does this mean you no longer own this amazing collection, allysonca?!? How sad!
That is (was?) an amazing collection. I can see the Northrop ATS in there along with their MRF (Single engined "YF-23") as well.
I sold most of the collection to Jim Keeshan and George Cox a few years back, but I still have a 200 or so. At one time mine was the largest privately owned in-house US military that featured a majority of ]proposals. I started to collect in 1965 when I bought my first model, a Topping P-3 Orion in black/white for 75 cents. After that they kept multiplying. I still get the odd cool model.... like the A-X I just posted and the General Dynamics FX. Still love them. I can trace many of the proposal models that appear in this forum to my collection at one time or another. Each model has a story and I remember every one I acquired fondly. Here are a few more walls. I shiny nickel to the one who can say what the white ones are.... and Tony Chong,... you stay out of the game!


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Opps... One duplicate.. here are a few more.


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allysonca said:
I shiny nickel to the one who can say what the white ones are.... and Tony Chong,... you stay out of the game!

You'll find some of your answers HERE.

In your first picture, the plane in the middle is Bud Nelson's Compact Efficient Fighter.

In your second picture, the plane under the P700 (Gray model) looks like the P1000.
Excellent collection!

On the shelf with the F-22s there is a model that looks like an F-14 with a fixed wing, wide chines, and some stealth shaping. What is that? Have never seen it. Looks like an f-22/F-15/F-14 hybrid.

Do you have any models of X-32 and early configurations in that collection?

Northrop RALS, Northrop P900 Compact Efficient Fighter, Northrop design I don't know...


Northrop Baseline Aero "Scaled Representative ATF" / P1000, second is a Northrop design I've never seen - looks like it has canards and tailplanes.
Well I for one can remember doing a bit of OT painting up that big VTX model...and about 30 smaller ones.Had a lot of fun there at Hawthorne back in "the day".

On the shelf by the F-22's were a Boeing and Vought proposals... some of my favorites for sure. No X-32 models other that the standard fare. Paul... I bet you had a hand in carving some of these as well... they WERE the good old days where skilled model makers were the norm and not some 3D rapid prototype machines. New stuff have lost their souls.
kcran567 said:
On the shelf with the F-22s there is a model that looks like an F-14 with a fixed wing, wide chines, and some stealth shaping. What is that? Have never seen it. Looks like an f-22/F-15/F-14 hybrid.

Hi Kcran, I marked up the image. All of these you can find info on here at Secret Projects. If they're too difficult to read in that image, this may help;

Upper shelf, left to right marked up; BAe P.1214, Northrop ATS, Vought V-507, Vought V-2000 above Vought Deep Strike (the one you asked about), Boeing Model 987.

Lower shelf, left to right marked up; Northrop F-20 Delta, Vought Blended Wing Arrow, Northrop MRF, and lastly, maybe, the Rockwell Sabrebat?


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In image #3, on the second shelf from the top, there is a white aircraft with a cranked arrow wing and inlets under the LEX. It's above the DC-8 wing. Anyone have an idea which aircraft that is? From the front, in another image, I thought it was the MAC SF-1302, but when I see it from the side, I'm almost positive that isn't it?
Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about.
I think that it came from Northrop if memory serves me...... There were a few white aircraft (no markings) that came into the collection and this one did not have a canopy that serves as a good identifier. Each company had a unique color or artistic application that was a styling giveaway. I'll check my notes and see if there is any additional info.
Each of us in the Display group used an slightly different airbrushed highlight as a signature...Stan Thompson and Dale Metzler were probably the best canopy painters when I was there.

I REMEMBER...I was talking with AIM9LIMA and I had a flash......... this particular white model was a SPOOF model that was made before the release of the B-2. It ain't real but is decidedly a real in-house made creation and fits the bill for What-If's.......

Sorry it took a while to recall what it was, but I DID get the Northrop part correct!
allysonca said:
I REMEMBER...I was talking with AIM9LIMA and I had a flash......... this particular white model was a SPOOF model that was made before the release of the B-2. It ain't real but is decidedly a real in-house made creation and fits the bill for What-If's.......

Sorry it took a while to recall what it was, but I DID get the Northrop part correct!

It does have an "F-19" vibe.
Thanks for the info, it's definitely not what I was expecting. But, I agree with Paul, it does remind me of some of the "F-19" images coming out around that time period.
allysonca said:
I REMEMBER...I was talking with AIM9LIMA and I had a flash......... this particular white model was a SPOOF model that was made before the release of the B-2. It ain't real but is decidedly a real in-house made creation and fits the bill for What-If's.......
Something like "Boeing XB-2002 StealthHawk"?
Whatever it was intended to represent, model hardly fits 'bomber' category though. ATF spoof then?
Nope... Not an ATF...... The Modle Shop manager said most decidedly that it was a B-2 spoof.

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