.. and Humorous, but real aircraft

Richard N

Lost in the Sky
Senior Member
18 June 2009
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Do the Funky Chicken!



  • Gallo 3.JPG
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Clip of Aerogallo's first flight on 26th December 2011 here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,18413.msg176817.html#msg176817
Oh get over yourself Stéphane! Stop being so nitpicky. It does no harm whether that last one is posted here or in another thread.
GTX said:
Oh get over yourself Stéphane! Stop being so nitpicky. It does no harm whether that last one is posted here or in another thread.

Fine! Let's all post anything just anywhere! In a few months time that there will be just about three of four different topics for each subject and inaccurate info scattered everywhere! But after all it's only a forum, right? A meeting place. People come here to have a ball, to waste their time. They don't search for serious and organized reference on a subject (There's books for that!).

Really I'm not speaking out of worry that I'll have to clean up the mess as I'm no longer a moderator (and all the better for it)... It's all about finding stuff easily and putting things in logical places for easier reference.

Now of course if you put your forks and knives in your bathroom drawers, your dirty socks in the trash can, your toilet paper in the fridge, and it all makes sense to you, no problem! But you have to accept the fact that for some primitively logical people (such as myself), there ought to be a proper place for everything and every thing in its proper place...
I have to side with Stéphane here - I was close to posting the same correction, for the same reason he did.

Stargazer said:

Fine! Let's all post anything just anywhere! In a few months time that there will be just about three of four different topics for each subject and inaccurate info scattered everywhere! But after all it's only a forum, right? A meeting place. People come here to have a ball, to waste their time. They don't search for serious and organized reference on a subject (There's books for that!).

Oh, don't get your knickers in a twist! That is not what I said and you should know it if you weren't being so anal retentive. Perhaps you should re-read what the purpose of "The Bar" is: Quote: "...generally its a place to chill out.".

Now given this thread is a supposedly light hearted one with images including cartoon aircraft, having a real world, humorous one like that shown (whether it flew or not) is hardly going to upset the delicate balance of the rest of the forum. If you think it is then you are being ridiculous.

This part of the forum is generally not an area meant to be used for serious research. It's hardly meant to be a section used for serious referencing.

So to end, how about you "chill out".
Indeed. Stephane is so often right on the content, but much more unfriendly than necessary when expressing it.
This forum is blessed with a very good set of participants. We are generally a great crowd.
So the moderators here can be much more on the side of friendly shepherds rather than Kapos.

With all his good will and good deeds acknowledged, Stephane could indeed chill out more and get his panties in a twist less. He'd surely enjoy himself more, and we all would, too.


Raison sur le fond, mais bien trop crispé sur la manière. La patrie n'est pas en danger quand l'un de nous commet une petite erreur,
et tu n'es pas non plus le dernier rampart du temple. R E L A X !
GTX said:
That is not what I said and you should know it if you weren't being so anal retentive.

From the linked Wikipedia page...

Although the term "anal retentive" survives in common usage, the concept, along with much of Freud's theories of psychoanalysis, is largely regarded as unscientific "pop-psychology"

In other words, it's bullshit...
Its Hesham's thread. He liked my post. I agree 100% with Hesham.

Maybe the thread should be renamed "Humorous Aircraft" to take away the stick that someone has using to beat his victims over the head with.

Anyone have the French translation for buzzkill?
Stargazer said:

In other words, it's bullshit...

Whether you like it or not, the term is in wide spread common usage regardless of the medical opinion of the original source. I also think most people would understand and agree with the intended meaning of it referring to someone who "pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others".

So get over yourself and chill out!
Come on folks, no need to start a quarrel ! Don't know, if it was a good idea to split the old thread,
perhaps renaming would have been sufficient. But behind those ".. never meant to fly" designs often
is a totally different story, than behind, say, the Chi Gallo.
About sticking to the point : Here in "The Bar" digressions may be ok, after some beers or other drinks
even normal, but often themes here are becoming political, quite typical for bars, too and as you
probably have noticed, verbal punch-ups are starting here regularly and often by straying from the
original topic.
So, please be sympathetic about the attempt to stick to the point even here, although that may appear
as totalitarian dictatorship to some members. But there's the old say " A stitch in time saves nine !" .
And if you find something not appropriate to a thread, there's either the "report to the moderator" function,
or simply clicking the "reply" button for a friendly answer ! ;)

... and please, spare such accusations, as we had in some posts here, for the time in front of the entrance,
when discussion is usually is replaced by punches. The PM function, or email works well for that ! :mad:
What just happened?

I like it.

Jemiba, I salute your skill as bouncer and peacemaker.

If only Ukraine were such a simple task.


Richard N said:
What just happened?

I like it.

Jemiba, I salute your skill as bouncer and peacemaker.

If only Ukraine were such a simple task.



Don't give him ideas. We'd wake up one morning to find him running Eurasia!
joncarrfarrelly said:
Thank You Father Jens.

Careful, you know the old say "Spare the rod and spoil the child !" ;)
While I must admit that I don't contribute often I like to read most of the posts on this forum.
However the tone of Stargazers posts is starting to irritate me more and more to the point of taking all the fun out of this forum.

Might I suggest that we have a little more respect for each other. if you think that somebody is posting in a wrong thread a gentle note would also do. No need to start a war like Stargazer is doing all the time. If Stargazer cannot communicate in a normal manner perhaps he should find another forum where this kind of behaviour is the norm.

1 - welcome to the forum
2 - stargazer has invested a lot of his time in this forum. Notably on digging up ever more complete design number lists, but also on drawings and image manipulation. And other stuff. I personally would miss his presence here. Occasionally (understandable) frustration seeps through, but generally, certainly in content, his contributions are spot on.

Now can we continue on-topic? Please?
I agree with Arjen : I don't like the "pensée unique " : some vinegar , sometimes, is not so bad ...

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