Come on folks, no need to start a quarrel ! Don't know, if it was a good idea to split the old thread,
perhaps renaming would have been sufficient. But behind those ".. never meant to fly" designs often
is a totally different story, than behind, say, the Chi Gallo.
About sticking to the point : Here in "The Bar" digressions may be ok, after some beers or other drinks
even normal, but often themes here are becoming political, quite typical for bars, too and as you
probably have noticed, verbal punch-ups are starting here regularly and often by straying from the
original topic.
So, please be sympathetic about the attempt to stick to the point even here, although that may appear
as totalitarian dictatorship to some members. But there's the old say " A stitch in time saves nine !" .
And if you find something not appropriate to a thread, there's either the "report to the moderator" function,
or simply clicking the "reply" button for a friendly answer !
... and please, spare such accusations, as we had in some posts here, for the time in front of the entrance,
when discussion is usually is replaced by punches. The PM function, or email works well for that !