Funny Fictional Aircraft (the old "Humorous aircraft never meant to fly..")

Re the Costa Racer, if I read the article and the drawing correctly, I think that there are six engines! All that weight and no supporting surface.
malcolm said:
Re the Costa Racer, if I read the article and the drawing correctly, I think that there are six engines! All that weight and no supporting surface.

That's because it's purely a HUMOROUS article!!!

I strongly suggest that hesham take the time to properly read the articles when possible, and if in doubt, contact one of us mods (preferably French-speaking) to decide whether an item is worthy of inclusion or not. All this systematic posting could be a good idea but it often gives us mods a lot of work because of the careless way it's done.
Don't be too harsh, Stephane. Personally, one of the things I like about this site is the core group of very prolific posters, like hesham, who seem to find the time to do a lot of digging through old documents in archives or online. I learn something new every day.
Stargazer said:
malcolm said:
Re the Costa Racer, if I read the article and the drawing correctly, I think that there are six engines! All that weight and no supporting surface.

That's because it's purely a HUMOROUS article!!!

I strongly suggest that hesham take the time to properly read the articles when possible, and if in doubt, contact one of us mods (preferably French-speaking) to decide whether an item is worthy of inclusion or not.


That idea is good,but this is useful when I suspect if that aircraft was hypothetical or real,but
in this case,the aircraft is real design,but all of its aeronautics concepts is wrong,and we displayed
it only,if its designer made a mistakes in its creation,it's not our fault,at the end its a real design
with a designer for it,and they gave its dimensions and performance in the article.
hesham said:
That idea is good,but this is useful when I suspect if that aircraft was hypothetical or real,but
in this case,the aircraft is real design,but all of its aeronautics concepts is wrong,and we displayed
it only,if its designer made a mistakes in its creation,it's not our fault,at the end its a real design
with a designer for it,and they gave its dimensions and performance in the article.

NO. The text clearly shows it is a humorous text and drawing, and not a "project" at all in any sense of the word!!!
Look for a copy of Bruce McCall's book Zany Afternoons, which mostly consists of illustrations of imaginary aircraft, cars, ships and buildings from around the 1930s. A couple of examples I found on the web:



and so on!
I knew (and hope) that someone would mention these... They are absolutely hilarious and wonderfully done, true classics in their own way!

Well, yes, have seen those "designs" before, but I think, "Early Projects" is the wrong section ! It's often difficult
to tell pure fantasy products from the weird, but seriously considered designs. But we shouldn't mix them up
in this section here, I think and if a design is proven not to be real, it should be moved to the "Theoretical and
Speculative "section, I think.
We could discuss that flying wing, but if I understand the title somewhat correct, it's a large flying wing,
powered by engines using gaseous fuel, with the structure doubling as the gas tank. Was it meant as a kind of
hybrid aircraft ? With a span of 200 m and a length of 77m, carrying about 1000 passengers, it probably was
quite a weird idea those days and as I understand, that the publishers of "Les Ailes" were aware of this, but didn't
reject the publication, because principally it was based on valid physical/technical ideas, although surely out
of the reach of technology then.

So, not really a project in our sense, that's why I moved this thread
Jemiba said:
Well, yes, have seen those "designs" before, but I think, "Early Projects" is the wrong section !

I didn't plan to leave it there, it was absent-mindedness on my part!!!
No problem, I just still had some doubts about that flying wing, but it seems to have been regarded more
as a theoretical thought even by the Les-Ailes crew.
And you know how quick such things turn to be "approved" as real ! ;)
In the late '80s - early '90s there was (maybe still is) an aircraft salvage company in or around Dallas, Tx., USA and apparently each year for some convention, they would build up some strange designs using parts from salvaged aircraft. I remember Beech Sundowner or Sierra wings installed upside-down on a Cessna 172 or 182 fuselage and it may have had a different (from stock Cessna) tail section. It was featured on the cover of an issue of the aviation classified ad publication, "Trade-A-Plane". I understand they made several different ones over the years.
Jemiba said:
No problem, I just still had some doubts about that flying wing, but it seems to have been regarded more
as a theoretical thought even by the Les-Ailes crew.
And you know how quick such things turn to be "approved" as real ! ;)

The flying wing was not meant to follow here with the Costa fantasy. Another mistake I have fixed now (the posts have been added to the "Imagination of the future..." topic as the design was not meant as a joke but as a view of a future transport with unconventional power. Sorry for this.
If we have Humorous aircraft here, then let's view Stan Mott brilliant madness:






Just brilliant, y'all!!! Thanks a lot for these.

I actually don't know what came over jemiba to put this topic in the "Theoretical..." section. Clearly they belong here, in "The Bar"!!!
Let's not forget the classic masters: Bruce McCall and his flights of fancy series.
Some are pretty humorous, too.


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Especially the last one is of the kind, that makes the distinction between real and fantasy aircraft
difficult. Imagine you've just got a drawing from a contemporary newspaper and are asked to decide
"real or fake ?"
Truth sometimes is weirder, than fantasy !
Pilot, hand raised to chin, thinking "Why me?"


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Arjen said:
Pilot, hand raised to chin, thinking "Why me?"

Cool postcard! We had a topic on the Papin-Rouilly Gyroptère some weeks ago. Never took off (and probably couldn't). Definitely worth a visit!

Jemiba said:
Especially the last one is of the kind, that makes the distinction between real and fantasy aircraft
difficult. Imagine you've just got a drawing from a contemporary newspaper and are asked to decide
"real or fake ?"
Truth sometimes is weirder, than fantasy !

Absolutely. The Ca.60 has got to be one of the most bizarre and improbable aircraft ever designed/built/flown!!!
The biggest, the baddest, Kalinin K-7 with two three gun battleship turrets chasing a nazi flying saucer :p
I really like the prototype though.


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Getarnte taktische Aufklärung Miniatur Flugzeuge kurz reichten Verbrauchs

oh that must be the Notorious RLM program HE-177-FLATTER (waver)
it used billion of Reichsmark on R&D to build one and use during BLITZ over London

But RAF counter with White Sweep-Net program, today it pinned on wall of the war museum

just kidding...

from L'Aerophile magazine,and I don't remember exactly the issue,here is some
humorous aircraft,but I suspect in flying saucer,I saw a real design looks like it
a little.


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here is a humorous aircraft from L'Aerophile.


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hesham said:
here is a humorous aircraft from L'Aerophile.

I'm afraid not. These are genuine patented designs.

Humor is by far the most difficult thing to grasp for someone who doesn't speak a language.

I think you ought to leave it to French speakers to decide what is humor and what isn't in these old magazines.

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