TZoli's Warship Designs

Based on the modernization proposals of the Nelson class battleships I've drawn a similar design based on the N3 class Battleships:


And in Nelson's colour scheme:

A person asked me to draw a sort of Super Nelson type battleship with quadruple main turrets, triple secondary ones and heavy AA Armament.
And here is the result:
A slightly longer Nelson with the said armaments.
The Heavy AA are the same guns as on the original Nelson just in twin turrets (Modified ones used on the Tribal class destroyers to allow high angle fire)

Sorry for the long pause, I've forgot about this topic. I've now post my recent drawings.

First a true never were design the USN's proposed Anti Ballistic Missile Warship:

It would be the naval and mobile equivalent of the abortive safeguard program featuring more economic friendly and better solution for the problems assigned to the Chinese and Soviet eastern ICBM sites.
Second is my idea for a 5 turreted Akizuki on the Shimakaze's slightly larger hull. It have no relation to the real proposed Super Akizuki class Destroyers though.
Also it is the first standardized drawing of mine, from which I use the same size and proportions for my future drawings.

Next is the proposed but never starter AA cruiser of the IJN, but as others tend to call it, the Japanese Atlanta:

Having the previous never were proposal had issues with top weight I've redesigned to solve parts of these problems in my slightly revised version:
Following a never were from the mid-late WW1 era to use in small and quick construction ships the excess turrets of the Borodino class Battlercrusiers.
These ships are well armoured, heavily armed, small and slow vessels.
Basically a design which features a full armament of a battleship, on the size of a coastal warship and the silhouette and speed of a monitor.
Tzoli said:
Jemiba said:
Great work and looking plausible as a ship between HMS Belfast and the KGVs. Could have been worthwhile
as a counter to the "Pocket Battleships". Smaller calibre guns, but double the number and better protection.
And as the Town class was originally envisaged to have four quadruple turrets, it may be plausible here, too.

It was a real design from 1939 when Winston Churchill proposed a Super Cruiser to fight enemy heavy cruisers.
These were to be the stats:

Dimensions: 220m x 25.6m x 7.3m
Displacement: 22,000tons
Engine Power: 154.000shp 4 shafts, 61km/h (33knots)
Range: 18.500km on 30km/h (10.000nm on 16knots)
Armour: 7inch belt, 4inch deck (178/102mm)
12, 9.2inch (234mm) Guns in 3 quad turrets
12, 4.5in (114mm) AA Guns in 6 twin turrets
16, 40mm AA Guns in 4 quad turrets

Further study not continued on the super cruiser type as 4 ships would cost more then 3 Vanguards!

Hello! Please tell me whether there is any information about Churchill heavy cruiser and heavy cruisers of "Admiral" in open sources?
Continuing the series with the proposed variants of the French Jean Bart Battleship of the Richelieu class:

Variant 0: Jean Bart as layed down. 5 triple 152mm DP-AA guns and 37mm Light AA.
Variant 1: Jean Bart as would have been finished originally with French 100mm and 37mm AA guns.
Variant 2: Jean Bart as would looked like if completed like Richelieu and refitted by US light AA weaponry of 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons
Variant 3: Jean Bart as finished in 1955 with heavy AA weaponry of French origin and modified bridge.
Variant 4: Proposed Anti-Aircraft Battleship conversion of the incomplete Jean Bart
Variant 5: Hybrid Battleship-Carrier, a proposal from 1940 when some French admirals suggested to finish her as a hybrid battleship-carrier
Variant 6: Full Fleet Carrier conversion from 1945. An American proposal to convert her to a ful scale carrier from the end of the war.
Next is my idea of a what if the different carrier colour schemes were applied to the Hosho as well:

1st: Original Hosho colour scheme
2nd: possible colour scheme of 1945 according to some photos.
3rd: Shoho style
4th: Shokaku style
5th: Unryu style
alex_mistch said:
Hello! Please tell me whether there is any information about Churchill heavy cruiser and heavy cruisers of "Admiral" in open sources?

Only a table showing data of ships with a few sketch drawings. You can find it here:
(click on the warship drawing then navigate to the RN)
Tzoli said:
alex_mistch said:
Hello! Please tell me whether there is any information about Churchill heavy cruiser and heavy cruisers of "Admiral" in open sources?

Only a table showing data of ships with a few sketch drawings. You can find it here:
(click on the warship drawing then navigate to the RN)
Thank you for your message! I will be glad to help, if you are interested in projects of Russian / Soviet ships . Some of them (including unrealized) are published in our historical and technical books.
alex_mistch said:
Tzoli said:
alex_mistch said:
Hello! Please tell me whether there is any information about Churchill heavy cruiser and heavy cruisers of "Admiral" in open sources?

Only a table showing data of ships with a few sketch drawings. You can find it here:
(click on the warship drawing then navigate to the RN)
Thank you for your message! I will be glad to help, if you are interested in projects of Russian / Soviet ships . Some of them (including unrealized) are published in our historical and technical books.

Depends if you know data about ship I've not yet found :)
Thanks, I've not known about the Kirov-Chapayev, and I've not yet included in the list the other Gangut reconstruction. What is the design date of the project 28 cruiser?

In the mean time my next drawing is about a hypothetical Japanese Coastal Defence ship I've call Shosen-Kyo class. A japanese friend of mine asked me to draw something as Japan lacked these kind of ships (except the Thonburi class built for Thailand). Her main weapons are salvaged from the Settsu class Battleships her build date was late 1930's, early 40's.
Project 28 - 1936-37.

Project X. Project cruiser-raider mid-1930s. According to the draft cruiser had to carry 12 240mm guns (6 rounds/minute), the armour - 115mm, 6 twin universal 130mm guns, six 45mm automatic settings and 4 machine guns 12,8mm. In addition, the cruiser had two triple-tube TA caliber 533mm. Speed ​​was planned in 38 - 39 knots. Autor of project - ""Kirov-father" A.I. Maslov.
Project X is supposedly Project 22. That inner layout drawing is of very bad quality! Can you post it to the naval thread in better quality? This post is for theoretical drawings.
Previous Shosen-Kyo class in a late war conversion to a coastal AA ship:
Following a giant battleship-battlecruiser asked by a friend
And lastly a technical drawing of mine for a streamlined battleship design from the Popular Mechanics magazine:

Based on these:
Enjoyed your SABMIS ship. I have the Jane's at home with the artists impression.

You may have seen the discussion on the Royal Navy Escort Cruiser that never was. It was supposed to be ordered in 1962/3 but had to be postponed. The ship would have looked like INVINCIBLE but smaller and with Macks instead of Stacks.
uk 75 said:
Enjoyed your SABMIS ship. I have the Jane's at home with the artists impression.

You may have seen the discussion on the Royal Navy Escort Cruiser that never was. It was supposed to be ordered in 1962/3 but had to be postponed. The ship would have looked like INVINCIBLE but smaller and with Macks instead of Stacks.

Thanks! Had to work on very limited info.
Those cruisers are more like Helicopter Carriers to me with Sea Slug launchers and 4,5inch guns
My newest additions:

Design V leader, an offshot of the Dido preliminary studies and the from what the Tribal class evolved:

And an actual Tribal preliminary design when they considered 5 turrets, a heritage of the earlier Design V leader study:

The Design K-25F, one of the preliminary studies which eventually led to the Crown Colony class cruisers:
Another new drawing. It was request to modernise the HMS Tiger in Warspite stlye so KGV style superstructure but still had the Nelson heritage, combined large funnel like on Malaya and Barham added AA weaponry and seaplane.

Next is another hypothetical design for an alternative timeline. A fast battleship based on M2, but with 2x2,2x3 406mm (16inch) main guns and 31,2knots (desired was 33knots)
Color scheme basis was provided by the person requesting it.
Next is a Hypothetical IJN Light cruiser from 1944/45 named the Kano class:

Now the A7 design of USN's 1919 small BB studies:

Original plan from the Springstyle books can be found here:
Quite some time since I've last posted here something so here are a few new from my collection:

Modernised Design III Battlecruiser

A friend of mine asked me to draw in detail a Japanese large battlecruiser study, the design III of 1916.

It is not much known about this design but suspected it has connection with the Amagi class battlecruiser design series, with Design I through IV Yuzuru Hiraga drawn up a ship capable of 34,5-35knots (64km/h) with good armament of 41cm cannons and a long sleek hull for the desired speed. They were well armed and armoured, very fast ship designs.
My own idea that they are the battlecruiser variants of the Nagato class battleships featuring the same armament with more secondary guns but somewhat thinner deck armour.
It was a WW1 era study and my drawing shows how would she look like in mid-late war after an extensive modernisation in the 30's and added AA armament during the war.

Data on the design:
Dimensions: 295m x 29,56m x 9m
Displacement: 44.500tons standard
Engines: 215.000shp, 6 shafts
Maximum Speed: 65km/h (35knots)
Range: Unknown
Armour: 305mm Belt, 76mm Deck
4x2 41cm Type 3 Cannons
20x1 14cm Type 3 Casemated Guns
4x1 8cm Type 3 AA Guns
4x1 533mm Above Water Torpedo Tubes
4x1 533mm Submerged Torpedo Tubes

Data on the modernised design:
4x2 41cm Type 3 Cannons
20x1 14cm Type 3 Casemated Guns
12x2 12,7cm Type 89 DP-AA Guns
24x3,40x2 20mm Type 96 AA Guns
4x2 610mm Torpedo Tubes
3x Mitsubishi F1M Paul Floatplanes

Links to the original documents describing the design:
Next is a hypothetical modernisation of the Unryu class Aircraft carriers of the IJN in the late 1950's early 1960's, using elements from the IJN Unryu as a base, HMS Victorious's angled flight deck, USS Forrestal's guns and mostly the superstructure from the rebuilt Ticonderoga class carriers.

Next is a Hypothetical design with a mixed style of American and Russian elements

Oneirodynia class Battleship:

218 x 32 x 10m
Displacement: 39.000 standard, 41600 full load
Engine: Steam Turbines, 77.000shp, 3 shafts, 25kts max speed
Range: 4 500nm at 14kts
Armour: Belt: 350mm, Deck: 160mm
3x4 386mm Cannons
16x1 142mm Casemated guns
8x1 80mm AA guns
4x1 410mm Torpedo Tubes
It was quite some tiem since I last posted here as nowadays I rarely draw truly hypothetical not real world designs, but since my last post I've made same:
First the Karl von Muller class Big Gun Cruiser:

Requested by a friend as a modified and slightly enlarged Deutschland style big gun cruiser with set armament calibres, dimensions, speed and armour.

The simulation:

Karl von Müller class, German Weimar Republic Big Gun Cruiser / Pocket Battleship laid down 1934 (Engine 1936)

14 479 t light; 15 449 t standard; 16 473 t normal; 17 292 t full load

Dimensions: Length (overall / waterline) x beam x draught (normal/deep)
(621,04 ft / 606,96 ft) x 74,67 ft x (26,84 / 27,81 ft)
(189,29 m / 185,00 m) x 22,76 m x (8,18 / 8,48 m)

6 - 11,30" / 287 mm 52,0 cal guns - 770,23lbs / 349,37kg shells, 125 per gun
Breech loading guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1934 Model
2 x 3-gun mounts on centreline, evenly spread
16 - 5,79" / 147 mm 55,0 cal guns - 104,61lbs / 47,45kg shells, 150 per gun
Dual purpose guns in turret on barbette mounts, 1934 Model
2 x Twin mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
2 raised mounts - superfiring
6 x Twin mounts on sides, evenly spread
28 - 1,57" / 40,0 mm 83,0 cal guns - 2,25lbs / 1,02kg shells, 4 000 per gun
Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1934 Model
4 x Twin mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
3 raised mounts - superfiring
10 x Twin mounts on side ends, majority forward
6 raised mounts - superfiring
36 - 1,06" / 27,0 mm 65,0 cal guns - 0,66lbs / 0,30kg shells, 3 000 per gun
Anti-air guns in deck mounts, 1934 Model
8 x Quad mounts on centreline ends, evenly spread
2 raised mounts - superfiring
1 x Quad mount on centreline, aft deck aft
Weight of broadside 6 382 lbs / 2 895 kg
Main Torpedoes
12 - 22,0" / 559 mm, 24,61 ft / 7,50 m torpedoes - 1,774 t each, 21,292 t total
In 4 sets of deck mounted centre rotating tubes

- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 5,59" / 142 mm 401,90 ft / 122,50 m 10,37 ft / 3,16 m
Ends: 2,76" / 70 mm 205,05 ft / 62,50 m 10,37 ft / 3,16 m
Upper: 1,57" / 40 mm 401,90 ft / 122,50 m 8,01 ft / 2,44 m
Main Belt covers 102 % of normal length
Main Belt inclined 13,50 degrees (positive = in)

- Torpedo Bulkhead - Strengthened structural bulkheads:
2,76" / 70 mm 394,52 ft / 120,25 m 18,04 ft / 5,50 m
Beam between torpedo bulkheads 72,18 ft / 22,00 m

- Hull void:
0,00" / 0 mm 0,00 ft / 0,00 m 0,00 ft / 0,00 m

- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 5,91" / 150 mm 2,95" / 75 mm 4,72" / 120 mm
2nd: 0,98" / 25 mm 0,98" / 25 mm 0,98" / 25 mm

- Box over machinery & magazines:
4,61" / 117 mm
Forecastle: 1,18" / 30 mm Quarter deck: 1,18" / 30 mm

- Conning towers: Forward 3,94" / 100 mm, Aft 1,97" / 50 mm

Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, plus diesel motors,
Geared drive, 2 shafts, 90 000 shp / 67 140 Kw = 30,08 kts
Range 9 999nm at 12,00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 1 843 tons

726 - 945

£7,672 million / $30,688 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 1 762 tons, 10,7 %
- Guns: 1 719 tons, 10,4 %
- Weapons: 43 tons, 0,3 %
Armour: 4 619 tons, 28,0 %
- Belts: 1 396 tons, 8,5 %
- Torpedo bulkhead: 726 tons, 4,4 %
- Armament: 604 tons, 3,7 %
- Armour Deck: 1 810 tons, 11,0 %
- Conning Towers: 82 tons, 0,5 %
Machinery: 2 525 tons, 15,3 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 5 396 tons, 32,8 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1 993 tons, 12,1 %
Miscellaneous weights: 177 tons, 1,1 %
- Hull below water: 25 tons
- Hull void weights: 55 tons
- Hull above water: 22 tons
- On freeboard deck: 45 tons
- Above deck: 30 tons

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
21 175 lbs / 9 605 Kg = 29,4 x 11,3 " / 287 mm shells or 2,3 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,15
Metacentric height 4,2 ft / 1,3 m
Roll period: 15,3 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 54 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,78
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1,18

Hull form characteristics:
Hull has low quarterdeck ,
a normal bow and a cruiser stern
Block coefficient (normal/deep): 0,474 / 0,480
Length to Beam Ratio: 8,13 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 24,64 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 55 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 46
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 16,00 degrees
Stern overhang: 6,56 ft / 2,00 m
Freeboard (% = length of deck as a percentage of waterline length):
Fore end, Aft end
- Forecastle: 15,00 %, 26,25 ft / 8,00 m, 24,11 ft / 7,35 m
- Forward deck: 34,34 %, 24,11 ft / 7,35 m, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m
- Aft deck: 34,34 %, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m, 22,31 ft / 6,80 m
- Quarter deck: 16,32 %, 15,26 ft / 4,65 m, 15,58 ft / 4,75 m
- Average freeboard: 21,89 ft / 6,67 m
Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 93,2 %
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 130,8 %
Waterplane Area: 29 504 Square feet or 2 741 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 100 %
Structure weight / hull surface area: 149 lbs/sq ft or 728 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 0,93
- Longitudinal: 1,93
- Overall: 1,00
Adequate machinery, storage, compartmentation space
Excellent accommodation and workspace room
Looks good. If you are ever in the need of more non-standard Deutschland Class ships, I've posted quite a few in my 'Fictional Warships' thread.

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