List of reference books by period or manufacturer: French aircraft


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20 October 2009
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Hi all,
I think it would be useful to have a list of reference books sorted by country and manufacturer, covering the production and projects of a single country or a single manufacturer, and a few other thematic books with a well-defined scope. I know of two such lists already existing: this one at Aeroflight and this other at Keypublishing's forum. They are nice starting points but do not seem to be maintained on a regular basis. I'm sure that this forum would be a great place to build a good reference.

I'd like to start with French companies, which are rather poorly represented in the above lists. For some minor companies on which no book exist, I included magazine articles with good exhaustive coverage. Additions and comments are welcome, and I'd be happy to get feedback on some of the books listed.

List of similar threads for other countries:,22054.0.html

General books on French aircraft, by period

  • before 1914 French aeroplanes before the Great War, by Leonard Opdycke, Schiffer, 1999, ISBN 0764307525
    Not seen, read mixed reviews, including one very bad review in Le Fana.
  • 1914-1918 French Aircraft of the First World War, by James Davilla & Arthur Soltan, Flying Machines Press, first edition in 1997, ISBN 0963711040, second edition in 2002, ISBN 1891268090
    Not seen, read mixed reviews.
  • 1919-1945 "Les constructeurs français 1919-1945", series of articles by Charles Claveau in Le Trait d'Union, started in no.126 with some gaps, companies are treated in alphabetical order, now at letter O, see Le Trait d'Union website
    Excellent, it would be great if the series was published as a book one day.
  • 1890-1967 Répertoire des aéronefs de construction française pour la période de 1890 à 1967, by André Achard & Jack Tribot-Laspierre, Centre de Documentation de l'Armement, special issue of Doc Air Espace, May 1968
    Mentioned at Aeroflight, never seen, extremely hard to find outside a few libraries, not sure if really interesting, information welcome.
  • 1907-1932 Vingt-cinq ans d'aéronautique française 1907-1932, two volumes, Chambre Syndicale des Industries Aéronautiques, 1934
    Contains a wealth of information, review below by Memaerobilia:,19300.msg215466.html#msg215466
  • 1932-1947 Quinze ans d'aéronautique française 1932-1947, Union Syndicale des Industries Aéronautiques, 1949
    Published as a follow-up to the previous book, but this one apparently gives a broader picture of technical evolution, and seems less specific on aircraft models and events.
  • 1907-1982 L'industrie aéronautique et spatiale française 1907-1982, three extremely heavy volumes, edited by Jean Soissons, GIFAS, 1984, ISBN 2905376007
    • tome 1: 1907-1947 Anthologie des deux ouvrages de 1934 et 1949
      A partial reedition of the two above books dated 1934 and 1949.
      However the selection of subjects included or discarded in the new edition is sometimes frustrating.
    • tome 2: 1947-1982 Les structures
      A very technical description of the industrial centres and processes, with chapters on aircraft equipment, materials, aerodynamic studies, etc.
      Probably less interesting to forum members than volume 3.
    • tome 3: 1947-1982 Programmes et atériels, France-Empire, 1984
      A general perspective on the main aircraft, engine and equipment programs, more interesting than volume 2.
  • 1940-1980 Histoire de l'aéronautique française, by Jacques Noetinger, France-Empire
    • vol.1: L'épopée 1940-1960, France-Empire, 1978
      Day by day history of French aviation, with stories and testimonies.
      Does not contain a description of aircraft models, but has a wealth of information written in a lively style.
    • vol.2: Hommes et événements 1940-1980, France-Empire, 1983
    • vol.3: L'essor 1960-1980, France-Empire, 1984
    • supplemental volume: Annexe, photos avions, corrections 1940-1980, France-Empire
  • 1944-1964 Les avions français de 1944 à 1964, by Pierre Gaillard, EPA, 1990, ISBN 2851203509
    Exhaustive coverage of aircraft actually built, no projects, no three views, not deep on each model but good general reference.
  • 1965-1990 Les avions français de 1965 à 1990, by Pierre Gaillard, EPA, 1995, ISBN 2851203924
    Same as companion volume above, contains addenda on the 1944-1964 period.
Note the conspicuous need for a book describing all the aircraft of the 1918-1940 period.

Books on French aircraft manufacturers
Biographies of aircraft pioneers are normally not included here, though some may include technical details of their aircraft production.
  • Aéronautique Bordelaise see Dyle-et-Bacalan
  • Aerospatiale Aerospatiale, by Gérard Maoui, Le Cherche-Midi, two editions, 1989 and 1994, ISBN 2862741507 and 2862743534
    Not seen, apparently a coffee-table book, probably not interesting.
  • Amiot L'aventure Amiot-CMN – Des hommes, le ciel et la mer, by Frédéric Patard, Éd. des Champs, 1998, ISBN 2910138097
    Not seen, also covers boats and other industrial activities, not sure if interesting, information welcome.
  • Antoinette see Levavasseur
  • Aviméta see Schneider
  • Bernard Les avions Bernard, by Jean Liron, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.31, 1990, ISBN 2848900652
    Excellent, contains projects and some drawings.
  • Blanchard see Blériot
  • Blériot L'envol du XXème siècle – Blériot, SPAD, Blanchard, Guillemin, by Louis Blériot, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.63, 2010, ISBN 284890156X
    Excellent, describes aircraft by Blériot and SPAD, with small sections on Blanchard and Guillemin.
    Contains projects and small drawings, but missing scale drawings for most of the built aircraft.,8606.0.html
  • Blériot Blériot – L'envol du XXème siècle, by Louis Blériot, Maeght, 1994, ISBN 2869411065
    First edition of the above, hard to find.
    According to the review at Aerostories, it contains a section on Lignel, Maillet and Peyret that was removed from the later edition.
  • Boisavia (single engine) "Boisavia – Les petites vendanges de Lucien Tielès", article by Pierre Gaillard in Le Fana no.367, 2000
    Good introduction, no drawings.
  • Boisavia (twin engine) "Des vignes au Seigneur – Les bimoteurs de Lucien Tielès", two-part article by Pierre Gaillard in Le Fana no.392 and 393, 2002
    Good introduction, small drawings and projects, also covers twin-engine SIPA and Moynet aicraft designed by Lucien Tielès.
  • Breguet (1919-1945) Les avions Louis Breguet (1919-1945), by Charles Claveau, Le Trait d'Union no.172, 1997, no ISBN
    Magazine issue fully devoted to Breguet, in the series on "Les constructeurs français 1919-1945", contains projects and drawings.
  • Breguet (after 1940) Les avions Breguet (1940-1971), by Jean Cuny & Pierre Leyvastre, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.6, 1977, no ISBN
    Great, contains many projects and drawings.
  • Breguet Breguet – un siècle d'aviation, by Emmanuel Breguet, Privat, 2012, ISBN 2708992325
    Not seen, reportedly not very interesting.,14600.0.html
  • Bugatti The Bugatti 100P record plane, by Jaap Horst, Violaero, 2013, ISBN 9789086161232
    Not seen, also covers De Monge aircraft and projects.,19511.0,10809.msg188414.html#msg188414
  • CAB see Gardan
  • CAMS "Les hydravions CAMS", multi-part article by Jean Liron in Le Fana, from no.214 to 222, addenda by Pierre Cortet in no.231, 1987-89
    Very good first approach, mentions some projects.
  • Cantinieau "Les hélicoptères Cantinieau – De l'obstination et des principes", article by Jacques Moulin in Le Fana no.388, 2002
    Good first approach, includes projects and models built by Matra, Aerotécnica (Spanish) and SNCAN, no drawing.
  • CAPRA see Matra
  • Castel-Mauboussin Planeurs et avions – Itinéraire aéronautique d'un toulousain, Robert Castello, de 1922 à 1967 de Dewoitine à Sud Aviation en passant par les Éts Fouga, by Christian Castello, Le Lézard, 1993, ISBN 2907384910
    Very good, contains projects and drawings.
  • Caudron Les avions Caudron, two volumes, by André Hauet, Lela Presse:
    • volume 1 (before 1932), coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.11, 2001, ISBN 2914017081
    • volume 2 (after 1932), coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.12, 2002, ISBN 291401709X
    Very good, contains projects, contemporary technical drawings and small three views, very brief section on Renault engines in vol.2.
    The second volume is not as good as the book by Mihaly & Robinson, but has beautiful large pictures.
  • Caudron (after 1933) Les avions Caudron Renault, by Édouard Mihaly & Harry Robinson, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.43, 1999, ISBN 2914017081
    Great, contains projects and drawings, very brief section on Renault engines.
  • Caudron Series of four booklets by Jacques Osorio, L'oeil nu, 1999:
    • before 1914 Aéroplanes Caudron Frères : les premiers avions, coll. Dossier Aviation no.1, ISBN 2914017081
    • 1914-1918 Les Caudron de la guerre 14-18, coll. Dossier Aviation no.2, ISBN 2951256329
    • 1918-1933 Une nouvelle génération d'avions Caudron, coll. Dossier Aviation no.3, ISBN 2951256337
    • after 1933 Avions Caudron, les flèches bleues, coll. Dossier Aviation no.4, ISBN 2951256345
    Nice booklets, pictures and short description of actually built models, no deep treatment, no projects or drawings
  • Clément-Bayard Clément-Bayard – Pionnier industriel, by Gérard Hartmann, ETAI, 2006
    Not seen, review at Aerostories, also covers cars and other industrial activities.
  • Couzinet (civilian) Les avions Couzinet, by Claude Faix, Icare no.198, 2006
    Magazine issue almost fully devoted to Couzinet, contains projects and drawings of the civilian models.
  • Couzinet (military) "L'Air Couzinet 20 B4 et dérivés", article by Claude Faix in Le Trait d'Union no.148, 1993
    Contains projects and drawings of Couzinet military models, good complement to the Icare issue.
  • Dassault Dassault 1945-1995 – 50 ans d'aventures aéronautiques, vol.1 : L'entreprise, vol.2 : Les programmes, by Claude Carlier & Luc Berger, Le Chêne, 1996, ISBN 2842770099
    English translation: Dassault 1945-1995 – 50 Years of Aeronautical Adventures, vol.1 The Corporation, vol.2 The Programmes, Midland, 1996, ISBN 2842770188 and 2842770196
    Not seen, reportedly good but not very deep, contains projects.,1514.0.html,3154.0.html
  • Delanne "Delanne : une certaine formule", multi-part article by Jean Liron, Jean Molveau, Jean Cuny & Jacques Borget in Le Fana no.229 to 231, 1988-89
    Very good first approach, mentions projects.
  • De Monge see Bugatti
  • Dewoitine Les avions Dewoitine, by Raymond Danel & Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.17, 1982, no ISBN
    Great, contains many projects and drawings.
  • Dorand René Dorand – 50 ans de giraviation, by Pierre Boyer, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1992, no ISBN
    Very good, contains many projects and drawings, also briefly covers the aircraft by Émile Dorand.
  • Dyle-et-Bacalan L'aéronautique à Bacalan, by Jean Lacroze, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 2002, no ISBN
    Special issue fully devoted to Bacalan factories, very good coverage of Dyle-et-Bacalan and Aéronautique Bordelaise, some on SEMA, contains projects and drawings.
  • Farman Les avions Farman, by Jean Liron, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.21, 1984, no ISBN
    Very good, mentions a few projects, no drawings.
  • Fournier Mon rêve et mes combats, by René Fournier, SIER, 2005, ISBN 2951945809
    Not seen in detail, seems interesting and contains drawings.
  • Fouga see Castel-Mauboussin
  • Gardan "Yves Gardan ou... survol de 50 ans d'aviation légère en France", two-part article by Pierre Gaillard in Le Fana no.331-332, 1997
    Good first approach, no drawings.
  • Gourdou-Leseurre Les avionneurs Charles Gourdou & Jean Leseurre, by Pierre Gaillard, Icare no.230, 2014, no ISBN
    Magazine issue fully devoted to Gourdou-Leseurre, from original research by Jean Liron, expanded and reworked by Pierre Gaillard.
    Good information but it lacks pictures for some models. There are a few drawings of unbuilt projects of the late Gourdou period.
    Favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Guillemin see Blériot
  • Hurel-Dubois Les avions Hurel Dubois – Réalisations et projets, by Sylvain Marseau, Le Trait d'Union no.151, 1993, no ISBN
    Excellent magazine issue, fully devoted to Hurel-Dubois, contains projects and drawings.
  • Hurel-Dubois Les avions Hurel Dubois 1947-1997 – Chroniques d'un cinquantenaire, by Claude Kilian, Comité d'Entreprise Hurel-Dubois, 1997, ISBN 2950803423
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • Jodel Avions Jodel, du D.1 de 1936 au DR.400 de 1996, by Xavier Massé, Nouvelles Éditions Latines, 1996, ISBN 2723305201
    Not seen, reportedly good.
  • Latécoère Latécoère – Les avions et hydravions, by Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.34, 1992, ISBN 2907051016
    Excellent, contains many projects, but the drawings are too small.
  • Leduc René Leduc – Pionnier de la propulsion à réaction, by Jean Lacroze & Philippe Ricco, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.41, 2001, ISBN 2907051253
    Great, contains projects and drawings, brief mention of the aircraft by the other René Leduc.,11775.0.html
  • René Leduc Vers les champs bleus du ciel, by René Leduc, Pays de Retz, 1986, ISBN 2903049026
    This is an interesting autobiography by René Leduc, not the one associated to ramjets, but the small aircraft constructor based in Nantes. Does not contain technical details, but includes drawings of the main aircraft and of the RL.20 unbuilt project.
  • Levasseur Les avions de Pierre Levasseur, by Michel Ledet & Lucien Morareau, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.16, 2004, ISBN 2914017170
    Excellent, gives a technical description and operational history for all built aircraft, including Lévy-Biche aircraft built by Levasseur, contains a few unbuilt projects.
    There is a separate file with drawings, mostly in 1/48 scale.
  • Levasseur Pierre Levasseur et ses avions, by Arnaud Prudhomme, TMA, 2003, ISBN unknown
    Not seen, the review at Aerostories says that it delves more into biographical and industrial aspects, more information welcome.
  • Levavasseur Léon Levavasseur 1863-1922 – Le père de l'Antoinette, moteur et aéroplane, by Philippe Busch, L'officine, 2014, ISBN 9782355512087
    Not seen, not sure of the relative weight of biographical and technical aspects.
  • Lévy-Biche see Levasseur
  • Lioré-et-Olivier Lioré-et-Olivier – Un grand constructeur aéronautique, by Gérard Hartmann, ETAI, 2002, ISBN 2726886078
    Quite good but the pictures and drawings are generally too small ; contains some unbuilt projects. The book contains a number of digressions about the broader context, which are not always useful.
  • Lignel see Blériot and SFCA
  • Loire (some) see Nieuport
  • Maillet see Blériot and SFCA
  • Matra "Matra avant les missiles – Les avions de Roger Robert", article by Jacques Moulin in Le Fana no.402, 2003
    Very good study, contains CAPRA and Matra projects, with drawings and CG artwork.
  • Mauboussin see Castel-Mauboussin
  • Max Holste Les avions de Max Holste, by Jacques Delarue, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1993, no ISBN
    Great, contains projects and drawings, hard to find. The author Jacques Delarue was one of Max Holste's closest associates.
  • Messier "L'avion Messier", article by Philippe Ricco in Aviation Française Magazine no.6, 2005
    Very good, with small drawings of unbuilt projects, mainly missing a three-view of the built aircraft.
  • Michelin Michelin et l'aviation 1896-1945 – Patriotisme industriel et innovation, by Antoine Champeaux, Lavauzelle, 2006, ISBN 2702513018
    Not seen, review here at Aerostories, not clear if it has technical details, information welcome.
  • Mignet Henri Mignet and his Flying Fleas, by Ken Ellis & Geoff Jones, Foulis, 1990, ISBN 0854297650
    Not seen.
  • Mignet Flying Flea – Henri Mignet's Pou-du-Ciel, by Arthur Ord-Hume, Stenlake, 2011, ISBN 1840335548
    Not seen.
  • Moineau René Moineau 1887-1948 – Aviateur et inventeur, by Jean-Louis Moineau, L'officine, 2006, ISBN 2915680590
    Not seen, probably mostly a biography.
  • Morane-Saulnier Morane-Saulnier – Ses avions, ses projets, by Henri Lacaze & Claude Lherbet, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.30, 2013, ISBN 2914017707
    Not seen, seems great:,18645.0.html
  • Morane-Saulnier Les princes du parasol – Morane-Saulnier 1910-1918, by Vital Ferry, Icare no.216, 2011, no ISBN
    Not seen, but see companion volume below.
  • Morane-Saulnier Les rois du parasol – Morane-Saulnier 1918-1968, by Vital Ferry, Icare no.217, 2011, no ISBN
    Chronological presentation, many pictures, but no project and almost no drawing.
  • Morane-Saulnier 90 ans de succès, de Morane-Saulnier à EADS Socata, by Philippe de Segovia & Alexandre Paringaux, Zéphyr, 2001, ISBN 2951048564
    Not seen, perhaps not very interesting:,904.0.html
  • Moynet "Des vignes au Seigneur – Les bimoteurs de Lucien Tielès", two-part article by Pierre Gaillard in Le Fana no.392 and 393, 2002
    Good introduction, small drawings and projects, also covers twin-engine Boisavia and SIPA aicraft designed by Lucien Tielès.
  • Mudry Avions Mudry, du CP.100 de 1966 au CAP 232 de 1998, by Xavier Massé, Nouvelles Éditions Latines, 1999, ISBN 2723320073
    Not seen, reportedly good.
  • Mulot "André Mulot ou les aventures d'un Français en Belgique", by Jacques Chillon & Guy Roberty, in Trait d'Union no.235
    Not seen. Mulot was active in Belgium before WW2, and in France in the 1940s.
  • Nieuport Nieuport 1909-1950, by Léonard Rosenthal, Alain Marchand, Michel Borget & Michel Bénichou, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.38, 2000, ISBN 2848900717
    Excellent, contains many projects, but the drawings are too small. Covers Loire-Nieuport, SNCAO, SNCASO and SNCAC projects from the former Nieuport design study.
  • Nieuport (early) Les frères Nieuport et leurs avions, by Gérard Pommier & Bertrand Pommier, L'officine, 2004, ISBN 291461456X
    Not seen, good review at Aerostories. I'm not sure of the relative weight of biographical and technical aspects.
  • Nieuport (early) Nieuport 1875-1911 – A Biography of Edouard Nieuport, by Gérard Pommier, Schiffer, 2004, ISBN 0764316249
    Not seen, perhaps a translation of the above book.
  • Peyret see Blériot and Castel-Mauboussin
  • Payen Several articles complementing or repeating each other:
    • "Roland Payen", multi-part article by Alain-Yves Berger in Pilote Privé no.83-85, 87-89, 120-124 and 131
    • "La Coupe Deutsch", multi-part article by Roland Payen himself in Pilote Privé no.40-42, 44-45, 47, 49, 51, 54, 56, 60, 62-63, 68-69, 82, 86, interlinked with the above, contains first-hand info on Payen racer projects
    • "Les avions Payen", three-part article by Robert Roux in Le Fana no.5 to 7, 1969, with a few projects and drawings
    • "Payen : un rêve de vitesse" in le Fana no.266, and "Le Payen Pa.49 Katy" in Le Fana no.274, both by Francis Nicole, 1991-92, mentions most Payen projects, has drawings of built aircraft
    • "Études et réalisations de Nicolas Roland Payen", article by Pierre Gaillard in Le Trait d'Union no.159, contains drawings and a near complete list of all Payen projects
    • "Monsieur Payen's Flying Follies", three-part article by Ferdinand Käsmann in Bent Throttles no.39 to 41, also in Fast Facts no.65 to 67, contains projects and drawings
    • "Paper Darts to Deltas – The Designs of Roland Payen", article by Alain Pelletier in Air Enthusiast no.68, 1997
  • Piel Avions Piel, du CP.10 de 1944 au CP.150 de 1983, by Xavier Massé, Nouvelles Éditions Latines, 2004, ISBN 2723320405
    Not seen, reportedly good.
  • Piel Claude Piel – Histoire de pierres précieuses, by Patrick Ehrhardt & Jean Molveau, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1985, no ISBN
    Not seen, probably good.
  • Potez Les avions Potez, by Jean-Louis Coroller & Michel Ledet, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.20, 2008, ISBN 2914017499
    Great, contains projects and drawings, brief section on Potez engines.
  • Potez See also the Bulletins Techniques Potez, described by Cy-27 below,19300.msg186916.html#msg186916
  • Potez (ex-Fouga) see also Castel-Mauboussin
  • Pottier Jean Pottier créateur d'aéronefs – Du P.10 de 1968 au PL.360 de 2003, by André Bréand, Volez Éditions, 2013, ISBN 9782917396292
    Not seen in detail, favourable review at Aerostories, contains drawings and unbuilt projects.
  • Robin Avions Robin, du Jodel-Robin de 1957 au DR.500 de 2000, by Xavier Massé, Nouvelles Éditions Latines, 2004, ISBN 2723320235
    Not seen, reportedly good.
  • Robin La saga Robin de 1957 à nos jours, by François Besse, self-published, 2012, ISBN 2723320235
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Romano Du ciel à l'espace, 80 ans de passion – Site de Cannes 1919-1999, de Romano à Alcatel, collective work, Version Latine, 1999, ISBN unknown
    Not seen, this is actually a story of the Cannes factory, perhaps not really interesting, information welcome.
  • Rougé Les élytroplans de Charles de Rougé – Des aéronefs extraordinaires, by Jean-Marc Truchet, La Plume du temps / Histoire, 2007, ISBN 2913788661
    Not seen.
  • SCAN "Histoire de la SCAN", by Patrick Vinot-Préfontaine, articles in Le Trait d'Union:
    • issue no.123, 1989, fully devoted to SCAN, excellent, mentions projects and has drawings of actually built aircraft
    • part 2 "Les projets d'hydravions" in issue no.205, 2002, mentions more projects, with many drawings of unbuilt seaplanes
    • part 3 "Les projets dérivés du SCAN 20" in issue no.212, 2003, not seen
  • SCAN Mémoires de la SCAN, collective work, Paroles de Rochelais, two volumes:
    • 1ère partie: Les hydravions de Port-Neuf, 2002, laser reprint in 2010
    • 2ème partie: Une aventure industrielle hors du commun, 2009
    The first volume, reviewed in Le Trait d'Union no.204, is said to contain a partial reproduction of the article in Le Trait d'Union no.123, as well as numerous anecdotes and testimonies.
    The second volume is about the period 1949-1979, when the company was making prefabricating buildings, and I don't know if it has any aeronautical contents.
  • Schneider (military) "Quand le groupe Schneider faisait de l'aviation de guerre", article by Jean Liron, Michel Borget & Michel Bénichou in Le Fana no.363, 2000
    Very good first approach, covers military Schneider and Aviméta, no civilian aircraft, no projects.
  • Schreck-FBA Le grand essor de l'hydraviation (1913-1934), by Gérard Hartmann, L'officine, 2010, ISBN 2355511179
    Not seen, mixed review at Aerostories.
  • SEMA see Dyle-et-Bacalan
  • SFAN "SFAN ou l'ULM avant l'heure", article by Christian Ravel in Le Fana no.426, 2005
    Very good first approach, no drawings.
  • SFCA Maillet Lignel "La SFCA – Avions Maillet-Taupin-Lignel", multi-part article by Jean Liron in Aviation Magazine International no.817-828, 1982
    Very good first approach, small drawings.
  • SIPA (designed by Yves Gardan) see Gardan
  • SIPA (designed by Lucien Tielès) see Boisavia (twin engine)
  • SNCAC (ex-Nieuport) see Nieuport
  • SNCAC (helicopters) see Dorand
  • SNCAO (ex-Nieuport) see Nieuport
  • SNCASO SNCASO 1936-1957, by Florence Rimbert, Patrimoine EADS, 2002, ISBN unknown
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories, probably does not go into technical details, more information welcome.
  • SNCASO (very few, ex-Nieuport) see also Nieuport
  • Snecma (VTOL) La SNECMA, von Zborowski et le Coléoptère, by Jean-Christophe Carbonel, Artipresse, 2011, ISBN 2915205124
    Not seen in detail, seems great:,10882.0.html
  • Socata see Morane-Saulnier
  • Société Française du Gyroplane see Dorand
  • SPAD see Blériot
  • SPCA "Les SPCA", multi-part article by Jean Liron, in Le Fana no.235 to 241, 1988-89
    Very good, with drawings, mentions some projects.
  • Zborowski see Snecma

Books on a class of French aircraft, by theme
Books listed here should have near exhaustive coverage of a given theme.

Civilian aircraft:
  • Transport aircraft Les avions de transport civil français, by Pierre Gaillard, Larivière, coll. Minidocavia no.3, 1997, ISBN 2355511179
    Exhaustive listing of commercial aircraft that actually entered service, very shallow treatment with one picture per aircraft and a short text, no drawing, no unbuilt projects.
  • Transport aircraft Les prototypes de transport civils français, by Alain Pelletier, Larivière, coll. Minidocavia no.8, 1998, ISBN 2355511179
    Similar to the above, on commercial aircraft that did not enter service.
  • Transport aircraft (after 1945) French Post-War Transport Aircraft, by Jacques Chillon, Jean-Pierre Dubois & John Wegg, Air Britain, 1980, ISBN 2355511179
    favourable review by Cy-27 below, seems excellent,19300.msg186862.html#msg186862
  • Long-range commercial flying boats Les paquebots volants – Les hydravions transocéaniques français, by Gérard Bousquet, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.60, 2006, ISBN 2914205007
    Excellent, one chapter on each of the transatlantic flying boats (and the Laté 28.3 seaplane), contains drawings. Some unbuilt projects are described in the introductory chapters.,254.msg9376.html#msg9376
  • Distance record and raid aircraft (1919-1939) Records français de distance (1919-1939), by Jean Liron, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.9, 2006, ISBN 2914205007
    Very good, not much technical detail and no unbuilt project, but exhaustive coverage of this type of aircraft in a single book.
  • Light aircraft (1918-1942) L'aviation légère en France 1918-1942, by Roger Gaborieau, Espace Air Passion / Bleu Ciel Diffusion, 2014, ISBN 9782918015178
    Seems very interesting, available at
Military aircraft:
  • Fighters (1918-1940) L'aviation de chasse française 1918-1940, by Jean Cuny & Raymond Danel, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.2, 1974
    Very detailed treatment of the production orders and operational organization, shows many aircraft models but does not give a detailed treatment ordered by type.
  • Bombers and reconnaissance aircraft (1918-1940) L'aviation française de bombardement et de renseignement (1918/1940), by Raymond Danel & Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.12, 1980
    A follow-up to the above book, the same comments apply.
  • Naval aircraft (1910-1942) Les aéronefs de l’Aviation maritime (1910-1942), by Lucien Morareau, Ardhan, book no.14, 2002, ISBN 2913344046
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Military seaplanes and flying boats (active in 1940) Les ailes françaises, multi-part publication edited by José Fernandez, Artipresse, starting in 2010:
    • volume 1, Les hydravions à coque, 1ère partie, by Gérard Bousquet
    • volume 2, Les hydravions à coque, 2ème partie, by Gérard Bousquet
    • volume 3, Les hydravions à flotteurs, 1ère partie, by Gérard Bousquet
    Very good first approach, contains drawings and a few projects.
  • Military flying boats (active in 1940) French Flying Boats of WWII, by Gérard Bousquet, MMP, 2013
    This is mostly a translation of the first two volumes of the above series, but it seems to contain a few additional pictures and colour profiles.
  • Combat aircraft (1944-1960) Les avions de combat Français 1944-1960, by Jean Cuny, Larivière:
    • volume 1, Chasse, assaut, coll. Docavia no.28, 1988, ISBN unknown
    • volume 2, Chasse lourde, bombardement, assaut, exploration, coll. Docavia no.30, 1989, ISBN 2848900644
    Great, many projects and drawings.
  • Multi-engined non-combat military aircraft Les multimoteurs de servitudes français, by Pierre Gaillard, Larivière, coll. Minidocavia no.14, 2002, ISBN 2914205805
    Similar to other Minidocavia titles, brief coverage of a variety of aircraft, including military transport or training aircraft.
  • Helicopters (1907-1956) L'histoire de l'hélicoptère racontée par ses pionniers 1907-1956, by Jean Boulet, France-Empire, 1st edition in 1982, no ISBN, 2nd edition in 1991, ISBN 2704806764
    Great history of early helicopters from all over the world, probably the best single reference on early French attempts.
  • Helicopters Les hélicoptères français, by Philippe Boulay, Larivière, coll. Minidocavia no.9, 1998, ISBN 2907051172
    Exhaustive but shallow, similar to other Minidocavia titles.
  • Gliders Histoire du vol à voile français, by Réginald Jouhaud & Anne Jouhaud, Cépaduès, 1992, ISBN 2854282744
    Not seen, a general history of French gliding, received good reviews.
Books on specific families of French aircraft
Note that some of the books about aircraft manufacturers listed above actually cover a single aircraft family (e.g. Leduc or Snecma VTOL).

1918-1930 period:
  • Nieuport 29 Nieuport 29, by Gregory Alegi, Windsock Datafile no.97, 2003, ISBN 1902207521
    Not seen, softcover book.
  • Nieuport 29 and 62 series Nieuport-Delage Ni-D.29 & Ni-D.62 family, by José Fernandez, MMP Stratus, French Wings no.2, 2011, ISBN 9788361421214
    This softcover book is mainly devoted to the operational career in France and other countries. The development of the two families is lightly treated, notably the racers and other derivatives are not included. Contains three-view colour drawings in many operational schemes, but no line drawings. This book complements the Nieuport book by Rosenthal et al. if you are interested in operational aspects.
  • Potez 25 Le Potez 25, various authors, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.1, 1996, ISBN 2950948502
    Not seen, probably excellent.
1930-1945 combat aircraft:
  • Amiot 143 and relatives L'Amiot 143 – De l'Amiot 140 à l'Amiot 150, by Jérôme Ribeiro & Michel Ledet, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.18, 2013, ISBN 2914017758
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Amiot 350 see LeO 45
  • Bloch 152 and relatives Le Bloch MB-152, by Serge Joanne, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.13, 2003, ISBN 291401712X
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Bloch 174 and relatives Le Bloch 174 et ses dérivés, by Jacques Moulin, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.11, 2006, ISBN 2914017340
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Breguet 27, Potez 39, Mureaux 115/117 Breguet 27, Potez 39, Mureaux 115/117, by José Fernandez, MMP Stratus, French Wings no.3, 2013, ISBN 9788361421771
    Not seen, softcover book in the same series as that on the NiD.29 & NiD.62 described above.
  • Caudron fighters Les chasseurs Caudron – CR.714 et dérivés, by Matthieu Comas & Michel Ledet, Avions special issue no.11, 2002, ISBN 2914017111
    Very good, a bit heavy on combat logs, mentions a few projects.
  • Dewoitine D.520 and derivatives Le Dewoitine D.520, by Raymond Danel & Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.4, 1975, no ISBN
    Great, covers the D.520 and derivatives from the first prototype to the Spanish D.600, contains projects and drawings, many details of technical development besides the operational aspects.
  • Latécoère 290 & 298 Latécoère 290 & 298, by José Fernandez, MMP Stratus, French Wings no.2, 2011, ISBN 9788361421214
    Not seen, softcover book in the same series as that on the NiD.29 & NiD.62 described below.
  • Latécoère 298 Le Latécoère 298, by Lucien Morareau & Michel Ledet, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.2, 2000, ISBN 2914017014
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • LeO C.30 autogyro Les autogires LeO C.30 & C.301, by Jacques Moulin, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.5, 2003, ISBN 2914017154
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • LeO 45, Amiot 350 and other medium bombers LeO 45, Amiot 350 et autres B4, by Jean Cuny & Raymond Danel, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.23, 1986, ISBN 2907051172
    Great, not only covers the two main families but all their failed competitors too, similar in spirit to the book on the D.520, contains projects and drawings.
  • Loire 43/45/46 Loire 43, 45 & 46, by Jacques Moulin, Avia Éditions, coll. Document'air no.3, 2004, ISBN 2915030073
    Excellent monograph, with 1/48 and 1/72 drawings. Briefly mentions projects.
  • Loire 130 Le Loire 130, by Lucien Morareau, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.10, 2006, ISBN 2914017383
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Loire-Nieuport dive bombers Les bombardiers en piqué Loire-Nieuport – Du Ni-140 au LN-42 (1932-1947), by Arnaud Prudhomme & Gilbert Duranthie, TMA, 1999, ISBN 2915205035
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Morane-Saulnier 406 Le Morane-Saulnier MS 406, various authors, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.5, 2002, ISBN 2914017189
    Not seen, highly praised. A separate booklet with updates and errata was published later.
  • SE.100 and relatives SNCASE SE.100 – Chasseur lourd polyvalent, by Philippe Ricco, Avia Éditions, coll. Document'air no.4, 2006, ISBN 2915030162
    Great, close to the "Cuny spirit", covers the SE.100 fighter, LeO.48 aerodynamical demonstrator and related wartime and postwar projects, up to the SE.700 autogyro and beyond. The book contains 1/72 drawings of the SE.100 and drawings of a few projects ; it is only missing drawings of the LeO.48 and SE.700 built models.
1930-1945 transport aircraft:
  • Bloch 220 Le Bloch 220, le DC-3 français, by Philippe Ricco, Avions special issue no.29, 2010, ISSN 1253-5354
    Great softcover book. Contains 1/100 drawings. No unbuilt projects.
  • Caudron Goéland Le Caudron Goéland, by Pierre Cortet & Robert Espérou, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions n°1, 2000, ISBN 2914017006
    Not seen, probably excellent.
  • Caudron Simoun Caudron Renault C-635 Simoun, by Édouard Mihaly, Avia Éditions, coll. Document'air no.5, 2006, ISBN 2915030170
    Very good softcover, more detailed than the corresponding chapters in the earlier book on Caudron-Renault by Mihaly and Robinson. Contains 1/72 drawings, no unbuilt project.
  • Latécoère flying boats Les grands Latécoère sur l'Atlantique, by Marie-Paule Vié-Klaze, Denoël, 1981, ISBN 2207226913
    Interesting history, with a very detailed account of the Biscarosse base where Latécoère flying boats were assembled, from the Laté 38 to the 523 and 611.
  • Potez 62/65 Potez Types 62 et 65, by Pierre Dumollard, Avia Éditions, coll. Document'air no.2, 2003, ISBN 2915030022
    Great softcover book. Contains 1/72 drawings. No unbuilt project.
Postwar combat aircraft:
  • Arsenal Gerfaut, Griffon and other Arsenal / Nord ramjets Gerfaut et Griffon – Conquêtes du statoréacteur et de l'aile delta en France, by Serge Kaplan & Philippe Ricco, Avia Éditions, 2006, ISBN 2915030154
    Great, covers the Gerfaut and Griffon and related projects from early ramjets and Arsenal experimental gliders to the Mach 4 Super Griffon and beyond, brief but interesting story of Arsenal, contains drawings and detail pictures.
  • SNCASE Mistral DH.100 Vampire, SE.535 Mistral en France, by Claude Petit & Patrick-Xavier Henry (pseudonym of Patrick Vinot-Préfontaine), Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1979, no ISBN
    Not seen, probably excellent.
  • SNCASE Aquilon Le SNCASE Aquilon, by Jean-Marie Gall, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.8, 1999, ISBN 2950948596
    Not seen, reportedly excellent.
  • SNCASE Durandal Durandal, by Jean Lacroze, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1996, no ISBN
    Excellent, covers SNCASE interceptor projects from the SE X-212 to the Durandal IV, contains detailed drawings of projects more lightly shown in Cuny's Avions de combat, very brief account of earlier projects up to the SE X-207, only missing complete drawings of the built aircraft.
  • SNCASO Espadon SO.6020 Espadon et ses dérivés, by Jean Lacroze, Le Trait d'Union special issue, 1989, no ISBN, with addenda in Le Trait d'Union no.134
    Excellent, contains many drawings and some detail views.
  • SNCASO Trident "SO.9000 Trident" and "SO.9050 Trident II & III", two-part article by Jean Lacroze in Le Trait d'Union no.149 and 160, 1993 & 1995, with addenda in no.165
    Same author as the issues about Durandal and Espadon, probably excellent.
  • SNCASO Trident Dictionnaire fanatique du Trident, by Paul Gauge, Semperfi, 2008, ISBN not found
    Interesting but weird. There are great documents, from the Trident 0 to the Trident IV and a bit on the Espadon, but these are scattered throughout the book. The general arrangement is strange, with an incomplete chronological chapter at the beginning and all the rest arranged in alphabetical order. Many of those alphabetical entries contain personal records and give a lively insight into the ambience of flight testing.
  • SNCASO Trident Trident – The Saga of the Unbeatable French Rocket Fighter, by Henry Matthews, HPM, X-Planes Profile no.4, 2001, ISBN not found
    Very good first approach, much lighter than the above book but the story is easier to follow at first glance.
  • SNCASO Vautour SO.4050 Vautour, by Alain Crosnier, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.2, 1996, ISBN 2950948510
    Not seen, highly praised.
  • Dassault Ouragan, Mystère and Super Mystère Les chasseurs Dassault – Ouragans, Mystères et Super-Mystères, by Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.13, 1980, no ISBN
    Great, covers all Dassault fighters from the Ouragan to the Mystère Delta, contains many projects and drawings, brief story of Bloch with very interesting details on the immediate postwar period, including civilian projects not seen elsewhere, does not neglect the operational aspects without getting boring.
  • Dassault Mystère II Dassault MD.452 Mystère IIC, by Jean-Jacques Petit, Avia Éditions, coll. Document'Air no.1, 1980, ISBN 2915030006
    Good monograph, detailed career of all the prototypes and pre-series aircraft, operational history, drawings and technical schemes. Perhaps not very useful if you have Cuny's book.
  • Dassault Mirage I Mirage I – A Pictorial Tribute, by Henry Matthews, HPM, X-Planes Pictorial no.2
    Not seen, short review at Aerostories.
  • Dassault Mirage III Mirage III – Les monoréacteurs Dassault à aile delta, four volumes:
    • vol.1, Du Mystère Delta aux Mirage IIIC & IIIB/BE dans l'armée de l'Air, by Bernard Chenel, Éric Moreau, Patrick Audouin & Vincent Dhorne, DTU, 2000, ISBN 2912749026
    • vol.2, Le Mirage IIIE dans l'armée de l'Air, by Bernard Chenel, Éric Moreau & Patrick Audouin, DTU, 2004, ISBN 2912749050
    • vol.3, Les Mirage IIIR/RD & 5F dans l'armée de l'Air, Les prototypes Milan, Mirage 50, NG, EX, IIIT, Balzac & Mirage IIIV, by Bernard Chenel, Éric Moreau & Michel Liébert, DTU, 2008, ISBN 2912749107
    • vol.4, Mirage III/5/50 en service à l'étranger, by Bernard Chenel, Michel Liébert & Éric Moreau, Lela Presse, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.33, 2014, ISBN 2914017766
    Not seen but highly praised. It seems that the development of Mirage III versions is covered in volumes 1 and 3, whereas volume 2 is more about the operational history of the IIIE:,19277.0.html
    Volume 4 is mainly about the operational history in foreign countries, but covers foreign developments too:,20064.0.html
  • Dassault Balzac V Dassault-Sud Balzac V 001 – L’Histoire Complète, by Henry Matthews, HPM, World X-Planes Profil de Prototype no.1, 2013
    Not seen, probably nice.
  • Dassault Mirage IV Mirage IV – Le bombardier stratégique, by Hervé Beaumont, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.47, 2003, ISBN 2914205023
    Not seen but highly praised, seems to contain projects.
  • Dassault Mirage F and G series Le Mirage F1 et les Mirage de seconde génération à voilure en flèche, by Michel Liébert & Sébastien Buyck, Lela Presse
    • vol.1, Projets et prototypes, coll. Profils Avions no.12, 2007, ISBN 2914017405
    • vol.2, subtitle unknown, coll. Profils Avions no.13, 2007, ISBN 2914017413
    Highly favourable comments by forum members on volume 1, which is focused on early development and family variants, whereas volume2 is focused on operational aspects of the series produced aircraft.,2205.0.html
  • Dassault Mirage series Des Mirage et des hommes, by André Bréand, Volez Éditions, two volumes:
    • vol.1, Du Mystère Delta au Mirage III F-3, 2010, ISBN 9782917396193
    • vol.2, Mirage F1, Mirage 2000 et Super Mirage 4000, 2011, ISBN 9782917396216
    Not seen, favourable reviews of volume 1 and volume 2 at Aerostories.
  • Dassault Étendard La saga Étendard, by Jean-Marie Gall, Lela Presse, two volumes:
    • vol.1, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.23, 2009, 2914017529
    • vol.2, coll. Histoire de l'Aviation no.24, 2009, 2914017537
    Not seen, favourable reviews of volume 1 and volume 2 at Aerostories.
    The development of the aircraft from the Mystère XXII to the operational Étendard IVM is reportedly described in volume 1, whereas Volume 2 is focused on operational aspects and individual histories.
  • Dassault Étendard & Super Étendard Dassault Étendard IV & Super Étendard, by Alain Crosnier & Jean-Michel Guhl, Sup Air Monographic no.1, 1984, ISBN 286603001X
    Not seen.
  • Dassault Rafale A Dassault Rafale A – A Pictorial Chronology, by Henry Matthews, HPM, X-Planes Profile no.6
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Dassault Rafale Rafale – La suprématie aérienne, by André Bréand, ETAI, 2005, ISBN 2726894208
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
Postwar transport aircraft:
  • SO.90 La famille des SO.90, by Philippe Ricco & Jean-Pierre Dubois, Le Trait d'Union no.245, 2009, no ISBN
    Magazine issue fully devoted to the SO.90, probably excellent.
  • Languedoc SNCASE SE.161 Languedoc – Balbutiements de l'aviation de transport moderne en France, by Philippe Ricco, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.22, 2013, ISBN 2914017715
    Seems great, very favourable reviews at Aerostories and at Aerobuzz.
  • Armagnac SE.2010 Armagnac – Le géant oublié, by Laurent Gruz,, 2010, ISBN unknown
    Very favourable review here by Caravellarella, seems great:,12622.0.html
  • Caravelle and early jetliners Caravelle – The complete story, by John Wegg, Airways, 2005, ISBN 0965399310
    French translation by Laurent Gruz: Caravelle – La française de la jet set, Avia Éditions, 2005, ISBN 291503009X
    Very favourable review here by Caravellarella, seems great:,3068.msg24725.html#msg24725
  • Concorde and SST Concorde – La véritable histoire, by Pierre Sparaco, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.44, 1st edition in 2002, ISBN 291420504X, 2nd revised edition in 2005, ISBN 284890111X
    Good, very interesting for showing preliminary SST projects with drawings, including the nuclear-powered Super Caravelle, less detailed on post-Concorde projects (perhaps inevitably so). The book is heavy on the political context and on the Concorde accident, and light on technical aspects of the actual aircraft.
  • Mercure Dassault Mercure – Le chasseur d'Air Inter, by Bruno Vielle, Les Cahiers du CAEA, 2014, ISBN unknown
    Not seen, very good reviews in French forums and at Aerostories.
Postwar business aircraft:
  • Mystère Falcon Mystère Falcon, by Jean Cuny, EPA, 1982
    Not seen, great author but not sure of contents, information welcome.
  • Mystère Falcon 20 Falcon Mystere 20 Production History, by Brian Gates, Midland, 1978, ISBN 090459713X
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • Mystère Falcon La saga du Falcon, vol.1 : Du Mystère 20 au Falcon 10, by Roland Motais de Narbonne, Icare no.225, 2013
    Not seen, short review at Aerostories.
  • Mystère Falcon La saga du Falcon, vol.2 : Du Falcon 50 au futur Falcon SMS, by Roland Motais de Narbonne, Icare no.226, 2013
    Not seen, short review at Aerostories.
Ex-German postwar aircraft:
  • Nord 1000 Messerschmitt Bf 108, du Taifun au Pingouin, by Jacques Strübi, self-published, 2005
    Not seen, hard to find, information welcome.
  • Ju 88 and Ju 188 Junkers 88 et 188 français, by Pierre Dumollard, Avia Éditions, 2005, ISBN 2915030103
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories, seems to contain details on missiles and other projects.
  • He 274 and Ju 488 Heinkel He 274 et Junkers Ju 488, by Alain Marchand & Jean-Christophe Carbonel, Artipresse, coll. Airprofils no.6, 2011, ISBN 9782919231027
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories, contains 1/72 scale drawings.
Other postwar aircraft:
  • Nord 1400 Noroît L'hydravion Nord 1402 Noroît (1949-1954), by Guy Thévenin, Ardhan, book no.29, 2012, ISBN 2913344194
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Broussard Broussard MH.1521, by Thierry Gibaud, ETAI, 2003, ISBN 272689335X
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Alizé Breguet 1050 Alizé, by Christophe Touzet, self-published, 2015, ISBN 9782746676558
    See description on this website:
  • MS.760 Paris Le MS.760 Paris, by Pierre Parvaud & Pierre Gaillard, Trait d'Union special issue, 1989
    Not seen, hard to find. Probably excellent.
  • Alouette L'envol des Alouette – Un atout pour la France, by Charles Marchetti, Fascination, ISBN 2283751136
    Not seen, read favourable comments, written by former project engineer.
  • Super Frelon SA 321 Super Frelon, by Jean-Luc Kerdilès, Lela Presse, coll. Profils Avions no.6, 2003, ISBN 2914017243
    Second edition as Profils Avions no.23 in 2013, ISBN 2914017723
    Not seen, favourable reviews of the first and second edition at Aerostories.

Books on French prototypes and flight tests
These books are about prototype development and flight testing. They may not describe unbuilt projects, but should be of interest to the forum members.
  • 1914-1940 L'histoire des essais en vol, by Louis Bonte, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.3, 2002, no ISBN
    Very interesting first-hand account of flight testing. Some chapters are written by Jacques Lecarme, in a lively style. Contains a few drawings and pictures of aircraft rarely seen elsewhere.
  • 1945-1960 Vols d'essai – Le centre d'essais en vol de 1945 à 1960, by Jean-Claude Fayer, ETAI, 2001, ISBN 2726885349
    Not seen, highly praised.
  • 1945-1960 Prototypes de l'aviation française 1945-1960, by Jean-Claude Fayer, ETAI, 2002, ISBN 2726886086
    A compilation of 242 short evaluation reports by the Centre d'Essais en Vol. Each aircraft is covered in one or two pages, typically with four pictures taken from the front, front quarter, side and rear, and a short description of its flying characteristics.
  • 1938-1972 Histoire du centre aéronautique de Melun-Villaroche – Essais et prototypes de l'aviation française, by Robert Lamouche, Le puits fleuri, 1999, ISBN 2867391474
    There is an earlier edition with a different cover, titled Essais et prototypes de l'aviation française – Melun-Villaroche, 1938-1972, MDM, 1993, ISBN 2909313077
    Not seen, information welcome.

Books on French aircraft engines and accessories, by period or manufacturer
  • Engines, armament and equipment (1918-1940) L'aviation française de bombardement et de reconnaissance, by Raymond Danel & Jean Cuny, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.12, 1978, no ISBN
    Though this is not the main subject of the book, there is very good coverage of engines, armament and equipement in the 100-page appendix, which is almost a book by itself.
  • Piston engines Les moteurs à pistons aéronautiques français (1900/1960), two volumes, by Alfred Bodemer & Robert Laugier, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.24-25, 1987, ISBN 2862482277
    Excellent reference, though the classification could have been arranged better.
  • Jet engines L'Atar et tous les autres moteurs à réaction français, by J.D. Reber, 1996, ISBN 2951074506
    Not seen, same authors as the two volumes on piston engines, information welcome.
  • Clerget Pierre Clerget 1875-1943 – Un motoriste de génie, by Gérard Hartmann, L'officine, 2010, ISBN 2848901497
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories, not sure if there is an organized classification of Clerget engines, more information welcome.
  • Mathis De l'automobile à l'aviation : l'épopée aéronautique de Mathis, by Jean-François Blattner, Les Amateurs de Mathis, 2004, ISBN unknown
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • Potez see Potez aircraft
  • Ratier La maison Ratier, by Yves Sounillac, Paulette Ratier & Pierre Sparaco, Privat, 2006, ISBN 2708992112
    Not seen, information welcome.
  • Renault Renault et l'aviation, by Gilbert Hatry, JCM, 1988, ISBN 2902667116
    The story makes a nice read but disappoints on technical details, with scant mention of aircraft types and almost nothing on engines.
  • Renault see also Caudron aircraft
  • Snecma Snecma, les moteurs du ciel, by Pierre Sparaco & Christian Lardier, Pascal Galodé, 2010, ISBN 2848901497
    Not seen, not sure if interesting or coffee-table book, information welcome.
  • Turbomeca Turbomeca, à la hauteur de la légende, by Charles Claveau (ed.), Larivière, coll. Docavia no.61, 2008, ISBN 2848901497
    Not seen, not sure if interesting or coffee-table book, information welcome.
  • Turbomeca Joseph Szydlowski et son temps – L'aventure de Turbomeca, by Guy Decôme, Conseil Imprim, 1999, ISBN 2913781004
    Not seen, not sure of the relative weight between biographical and technical aspects, information welcome.
  • Turbomeca "Turboméca – Les raisons d'un succès mondial", article by Michel Bénichou & Guy Decôme in Le Fana no.371, 2000
    Good introduction on Szydlowski's career and Turboméca's early years.
Books on the French rocket industry
  • Early period (1940s-1960s) Du V2 à Véronique – La naissance des fusées françaises, by Olivier Huwart, Marines Éditions, 2005, ISBN 291537919X
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Later period La France à la conquête de l'espace : de Véronique à Ariane, by Philippe Varnoteaux, L'Esprit du Livre, 2007, ISBN 2915960151
    Not seen, favourable review at Aerostories.
  • Ballistic missiles La force de dissuasion française – Genèse et évolution, by Jacques Villain, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.26, 1987, no ISBN
    Good, describes the military rocket programs.
  • Rocket engines La maîtrise du feu – 40 ans de propulsion solide et de composites, by Félix Torres, Larivière, coll. Docavia no.52, 2007, ISBN 2848900865
    Not seen, not sure if interesting or coffee-table book, information welcome.
Very good reference my dear C460,

I have some of them.
I really wish, I would have had such a list earlier !
Many thanks !
Impressive, certainly took some time to do, a necessary work. Congrats !
Thank you for the positive feedback. I've filled in the section on relevant monographs, though I'm lacking information on too many. Additional information and comments are welcome.
Excellent work, c460. Thanks a lot for your efforts! ;)
c460 said:
  • Transport aircraft (after 1945) French Post-War Transport Aircraft, by Jacques Chillon, Jean-Pierre Dubois & John Wegg, Air Britain, 1980, ISBN 2355511179
    not seen, information welcome

Around 176 pages of text with a number of black and white photo's.

The general format is a description of the aircraft type, specifications and production list details.

Being an early Air Britain offering, its in Courier type font throughout.

Personally, I think it is an excellent coverage of post-war French transports and also covers a number of unbuilt sub-variants. An example of this (remembering its 1980) is the Airbus Industrie A.300 entry which has notes on the following:


The other good thing is that the images , although not great in number are fair sized and not the usual stock photos.

Attached is the contents page ...


  • French_Post_War_Transports_Index.jpg
    497.3 KB · Views: 659
Hi Cy-27,
Thank you for the review, I included a link to it from the main text.
Additional Potez Resources

Another good additional resource is the excellent Group Potez Bulletin Technique which was a quarterly in-house periodical from the 1920s and 1930s.

The ones I have seen, from the 1930's, have hard card covers and good quality glossy pages and vary between 24 to 48 pages per issue. Each issue often contains one or two main articles, often focusing in depth at one of their products. Quite often, full page 3-views are presented along with the usual descriptions.

The photographs are generally of a high standard and I presume taken by the company photographer. The images from the construction line especially interesting

Some examples of content:

No 24 4e Trimestre 1934
Main Features: CAMS 110 (13 pages)
Articles: (around 2 pages) on XIV Paris Air Salon / Around Europe In A Potez 58 / Potez 60 / Potez Type 3B Engine / Flying Boat Hull Construction / Potez and CAMS Military News.

No 25 1er Trimestre 1935
Main Features: Potez 62 Description (14 Pages), Potez 39 (6 Pages)
Articles: (around 2 pages) on Ste Potez Aero Service / Potez 54 / Details of a French Air Force Tour By Potez Aircraft Of North Africa / Potez 58 Tour To North Africa And Back / CAMS 55

No 31 3e Trimestre 1936
Main Feature: Creation Steps of A Prototype (20 Pages), Series Production Steps (20 Pages)
Photo features: (around 2 pages) Potez 54 / Potez 63 / Potez 62 / Potez 56 / Potez 60 / Potez 58 / Potez 453 / Potez 452

Naturally they are all in the French language, but it is usually not too difficult to translate. The downside is that when they occasionally crop up on that well-known online auction site, they are always quite expensive.

I believe the Royal Aeronautical Society in the UK hold a collection of these issues in their archive.

If only I could find a site with and PDF archive download of these ……
You're right Cy-27, these are very interesting, though this is more of a primary source.
The whole series (no.1-32, 1929-1936) was reprinted by the Association Histoire de Méaulte:
Sample pages:
Are you familiar with the title, La Ligne, author unknown ? It was referenced during my search for information on the Lateceore 300 series of flying boats many years ago. I was able to obtain loan of a copy via the interlibrary loan system & although I cannot read French, was able to discern quite a bit of info related to the operations of the 301 & 302 boats. I took liberty to copy the relevant pages, gave them to a friends daughter for translation & never saw them again. Unfortunately I became very busy with more important things & somehow lost all the information. Any help from any source is appreciated in renewing this project.

Thank you for your time & consideration in viewing this post.
Hi Skyrayder,

the same problem,I have a more info about them,but only in French language,may
be someone can help.
skyrayder said:
Are you familiar with the title, La Ligne, author unknown ? It was referenced during my search for information on the Lateceore 300 series of flying boats many years ago. I was able to obtain loan of a copy via the interlibrary loan system & although I cannot read French, was able to discern quite a bit of info related to the operations of the 301 & 302 boats. I took liberty to copy the relevant pages, gave them to a friends daughter for translation & never saw them again. Unfortunately I became very busy with more important things & somehow lost all the information. Any help from any source is appreciated in renewing this project.

I'm not familiar with this particular book. The words "la Ligne" were commonly used to describe the Latécoère and later Aéropostale airline. Do you have any other details, such as a publisher's name ?
the Mirage III Mirage III – Les monoréacteurs Dassault à aile delta, by Bernard Chenel, Éric Moreau & Michel Liebert, DTU, three volumes is an excellent series - tome 4 covering overseas operators of the Mirage III/V series has just been released and an excellent update
I contacted the Musee d'lHydraviation via fb, this is the info so far, La Ligne-Jean Gerard Fleury-1944-Edition Gallimard. Also messaged the 'information officer' at the Musee.
My questions are:
1. Does La Ligne contain operational info on Late 300, 301 & 302

2. If so, is it significantly more than would be found in:
les grands Latecoere sur l'Atlantique - Marie-Paule Vie-Klaze - editions Denoel 1981
Latecoere, les avions et hydravions - Jean Cuny - Docavia #34 -1992

I am awaiting their reply. Further information is appreciated.

Regards, Ray
My favorite French aircraft/Engine, people, history book is
"Vingt-Cinq Ans D'Aeronautique Francaise 1907-1932"
It comes in Two massive, part-leather bound volumes that are a large 11.5 x 15.25 size, and together, they weigh 26 Lbs! There are some 1300 regular pages, and several dozen additional large foldout charts and maps. There are technical specification and performance figures, and it also covers the engines in very fine detail, often with several close-up views from different angles, along with the specification charts, Also covers the designers, manufacturers, records, histories, and MOST of the International Paris Air shows, (from the beginning, up through the 1930s.and others. MOST of the MANY hundreds of photos, are either half-page, or full -page size on heavy glossy pages. Just filled to brimming with info and photos and history, from the well known, to the most obscure, one-of-a-kinds, and experimentals. One of the best aviation books ever ;D for MY tastes..

Wow! You're a lucky fellow to own these, I believe they are quite rare, especially in such impeccable condition!
Added special issues of the Trait d'Union: Hurel-Dubois, Trident, SO.90.
Several books added:
- the recent Icare issue about Gourdou-Leseurre
- the recent book by Vielle about the Dassault Mercure
- the future book by Gaborieau about light aircraft
- a book about Mathis engines
- an older book by Jouhaud about French gliding
Hello C460;
Your list is much appreciated. I am certain it is helpfl to a great many aviation fans and researchers. Kudos to you.
This morning, I was going through my aero library of 45 years, and was reminded of this incredible publication. It is the massive Annuaire de L'Aeronautique. This one is for 1929, but I also have for 1926 and 1928, and they are just as large, with same format and types of coverage. There are twelve large sections, fully illustrated wth countless full page photos and specifications and lists and charts, not only for Frecnh aviation but for other countries as well. But Mosty all French informaton. and wonderful color art illustrations that are "tipped in."When I came across the section for "Prototypes" I thought of this forum. Here are some images which show the contents.


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Thank you for these comments.
I didn't know those Annuaires de L'Aéronautique, you are certainly lucky to have them.
It would be interesting to see some of the obscure prototypes that they certainly contain.
c460 said:
  • Amiot L'aventure Amiot-CMN – Des hommes, le ciel et la mer, by Frédéric Patard, Éd. des Champs, 1998, ISBN 2910138097
    Not seen, also covers boats and other industrial activities, not sure if interesting, information welcome.

Has anyone this book ?,if someone get it and can scan and send it to me,I am ready to make
exchange with 20 books he needs.
I have some of these in pdf and i have ordered Latecoere book and Dewoitine book where i know i can find some projects ... so i think to have seen on amazon levasseur book .
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