Under the Red Star

Beautiful work MYRS...I have never seen that design before. I look forward to seeing your progress.
WOW... I'm impressed with your choice of design (absolutely stunning) and the quality of the render (which is top class). Can't wait to see more!
cheers!!! Applause's !!! Fantastic work in a very interesting plane. The first time I can see something bigger than an small picture on this aircraft.

Can I ask where I can find a good 3d view?

Very nice. It seems that plane presentation on simple background is very effective. What render engine do you use?
I'am working in Blender. Usually for rendering I using Modo, but Su VRD, Me P.1112 and Gu VRD were rendered in Cycles - new rendering engine in Blender.
Once again, a fantastic choice of design and a magnificent render. Keep' em comin'!
Source? So does this concept get credit for being another precocious stealth design, like the sort of credit Germans seem to get by default for every aeronautic ally advancement since world war 2?
chuck4 said:
Source? So does this concept get credit for being another precocious stealth design, like the sort of credit Germans seem to get by default for every aeronautic ally advancement since world war 2?
??? "Stealth?" ???
Very bad top view scan from Sobolev's book on the flying wings. (A good 3V can be found in Rose's book "Secret Projects_Flying wings and tailless aircraft", page 132).


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Retrofit said:
chuck4 said:
Source? So does this concept get credit for being another precocious stealth design, like the sort of credit Germans seem to get by default for every aeronautic ally advancement since world war 2?
??? "Stealth?" ???
Very bad top view scan from Sobolev's book on the flying wings. (A good 3V can be found in Rose's book "Secret Projects_Flying wings and tailless aircraft", page 132).

That things has got a pretty good stealth shape. Were it not for the long ailerons, it would resemble a scaled down A-12.
chuck4 said:
Source? So does this concept get credit for being another precocious stealth design, like the sort of credit Germans seem to get by default for every aeronautic ally advancement since world war 2?

Y.Gordon, B.Gunston, Soviet X-Planes, Midland Publishing, 2000, p. 41
T.Butler, Y.Gordon, Soviet Secret Project, Midland Publishing, 2005, p. 48
and some russian sources

I don't think, that "stealth" question was very important in 1944. Fact, that plane is similar in shape to modern B-2 or something doesn't mean, that its desiger wanted to make it invisible to radar. Finding solution for aerodynamical problems - it was main reason for design plane like this one.
Hi, mrys,
Just a slight modification in the canopy shape and frame,


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Drawings, you attached looks like drawings from Soviet X-Planes book from 2000. But in Soviet Secret Project (from 2005) you can see much better and accurate (means: all three view perfect match each other) drawings with all basic dimensions marked and with canopy shaped exactly like in my model.
I am just wondering about a one piece full teardrop canopy in 1944.
Nervermind, wonderfull artwork, mrys!


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given that the engine seems more deeply buried than in Horten 229, this aircraft ought to be more stealthy as well.

I think this concept might better qualify as the first, albeit probably unintentional, stealth fighter.
Wow! I'm running out of words for your work.

I've to say when I look the drawing I don't found the design attractive but when I saw your pictures it's really very interesting.
Congrats and thanks a lot to bring to life that wonderful design.

I'm puzzled for the wind is a "delta" but it has a "normal" wind in the end. Why?
Those are more like flapperons than wings. Maybe there was concern the flapperons would be ineffective behind the big delta and so have to stick out into clear air stream?
About the canopy, I think, the shape shown by Retrofit in #7 would be a little bit less elegant,
but more plausible. The type somewhat reminds me on the General Aircraft GAL.61 .
But I think, we shouldn't start discussions about "first stealth fighters" here, I still have bad
memories about the ineffable one with regards to the Ho/Go 229 ....
Just think about depriving USN Sea Shadow of the title "first stealth ship", because there already
was this one : ::)
(from http://www.cityofart.net/bship/tennessee.html )


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chuck4 said:
Those are more like flapperons than wings. Maybe there was concern the flapperons would be ineffective behind the big delta and so have to stick out into clear air stream?

I doubt they are flapperons because if they are this aircraft lacks an elevator which means it will have no pitch control. Perhaps they are elevons but such a design in an aircraft without some sort of flight control computer has to be a bit out there. Anyway its great artwork and a very interesting subject even if I’m not quite sure how it will achieve controlled flight.
Justo Miranda said:
Variable Geometry?

Now that's a sensible interpretation. Is there any trace of a pivoting axle in the original diagrams?
No, no trace and I think that it is only interesting overinterpretation. We are discussing about project, that never was nothing more then concept on paper. In early stage of developing. I don't think, we should develope it without author's permission :) Most of projects would never fly.
oh very good!!! I have an special place in my heart for pushers. This one looks great too. It's very interesting the choice of that wings. Maybe to shorten the undercarriage?

BTW Do you main to mention the source for information on this project?
Project is mentioned in many sources, Soviet X-planes for example. More info is in article by A. N. Miedvied and V. Yu. Markovskyj. Unfortunatelly I have only a copy of this article, and dont know exactly from what magazine it is.
Thanks for e kind words :) And thanks for link - didn't found it earlier.

BTW. I'am looking for any info (especially drawings) about NIAI OSh - another project of twin boomed attack plane.
mrys said:
Guns were mounted on special handle, that can be swinged down 30 deg.

Is there a chance of seeing this? Is there an animation joint in the model?

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