Sukhoi Su-57 flight testing, development & operations [2012-current]

flanker said:
A few information bits (reliable source):

- T-50-5 is almost ready for flight. MoD comision got a tour.
- Other source claimed T-50-6 will be the static frame (previous info said T-50-7) but it is reconfirmed: -7 is static. Current plan sets May as deadline.
- T-50-6 and -8 to follow.

This ties in nicely with this source.

"If you can understand Russian, you would learn that PAK FA has exceeded its developers expectations in the fields of supermaneurability and supercruise speed.
Commenting journalist has stated that PAK FA is much lighter than F-22 and its maximal speed is 500 km/h greater than F-22.
It is unknown, what speed has he talked about, afterburned max or supercruise speed. It is possible that this is his own fake addition, but bearing in mind the official status of those video it is unlikely.

Data is short, almost none actually. However progrm-outside experts have calculated that if the PAK FA empty weight is 3 tons less than F-22, then T-50 can reach 2100 km/h supercruise speed using the current 117 engines. This is indirectly confirmed by Mikhail Pogosian. He has stated that Sukhoi company is completely satisfied with 117 engine performance and the engine completely complies all the 5-gen fighter engine requirements on thrust, specific thrust, resource and speed/altitude params.

Also guys from KNAAZ say that T-50-6 and T-50-7 prototypes are in the middle-construction phase now. T-50-7 will not be flyable.
Experts oppinions on T-50-7 purpose has separated to 2 points:
1 - T-50-7 is an RCS measurment and optimizations body.
2 - T-50-7 is another one prototype frame for resource testing while the previous prototype testing gave a lot of data to improve airframe strength and optimize weight. It is also rumored that CM part in the future prototypes and LRIP planes bodies will be significally increased, so they will be tested on T-50-7.

There are the other facts about static version:
1 - T-50-4 has enforcement plates on several parts and those plates must be removed and replaced by internal body strength improvements.
2 - As T-50 has exceeded initial speed parameters, then they must be utilized by more robust body allowing to withstand long 2650 km/h (2.35M) flights."
As i am fairly sure i have said before: That quote is requote of requote of requote. Please stop posting it.

Obviously there is opinions thrown in the mix with some facts. T-50-7 will be static, and when i asked if it will be "like KNS or -0" the answer was "like -0". That suggests pure static testing to me, "RCS testing" is just guess work at best.

On that note: Has ever same frame been used both for static testing and RCS testing?

As to:

As T-50 has exceeded initial speed parameters...

Engineer clairly said supercruise parameters, not top speed.
Posted here for lack of another place (perhaps we should have a thread on the Brazilian fighter contest?):

Russia to Offer Brazil Stake in Future Advanced Fighter Project
(Source: RIA Novosti; published Oct. 14, 2013)

MOSCOW --- A Russian military delegation about to visit Brazil will offer joint development of a fifth-generation combat aircraft “of the type” of its own most newest fighter to Brazilian defense officials, a member of the delegation told RIA Novosti Monday.

The proposal appears to be in support of an unsolicited offer by Russia’s combat aircraft maker Sukhoi of its Su-35 fighter, that has been struck off Brazil’s shortlist for its air force’s F-X2 tender for the purchase of 36 fighter jets worth $4 billion. Russia is still hoping to sell the Su-35s or similar aircraft to Brazil outside the framework of that tender, sweetening the deal with the new proposal.

“During the talks in Brazil, we are ready to offer our partners deliveries of ready-for-sale advanced aircraft like the Su-35, but also joint development of a next-generation [combat] aircraft of the T-50 type,” the delegation source said.

The T-50 or PAK-FA, which will make up the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a multirole warplane featuring "stealth" technology," super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability, and advanced avionics including an active electronically scanned array radar, according to its designer Sukhoi.

In late April, President Vladimir Putin said the first T-50 would enter service with Russia’s armed forces in 2016.

Russia and India are already developing a derivative of T-50 for the Indian Air Force. According to executives from India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), that will build the plane, the two sides completed the preliminary design of the aircraft, tentatively dubbed FGFA, earlier this year and are now negotiating a detailed design contract.

The F-X2 tender is Brazil’s second attempt to find a replacement for its ageing Northrop F-5 and Dassault Mirage fighters. An earlier tender, F-X, was cancelled in 2005 due to lack of funding.

Three contenders officially remain in the running – the Swedish SAAB Gripen NG, French Dassault Rafale and US Boeing FA-18E/F Super Hornet. According to Defense Industry Daily, the FA-18E/F was close to winning the deal last month, but revelations that the United States National Security Agency had spied on the Brazilian presidential office put the deal on hold. Brazil’s Poder Aero magazine, citing local officials, says Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff decided late last month to postpone the tender until 2015, after next year’s elections.

A Russian delegation led by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, will visit Brazil and Peru on October 14-17 to promote sales of Russian weaponry to those countries. It includes Alexander Fomin, head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) and Anatoly Isaikin, head of the arms exports monopoly Rosobornexport.

So - what would you say the odds are that the version we're seeing is the export version and a more advanced domestic version is secretly in simultaneous development? Something that would take over the production lines before 2025?
Avimimus said:
So - what would you say the odds are that the version we're seeing is the export version and a more advanced domestic version is secretly in simultaneous development? Something that would take over the production lines before 2025?

Next to nil!

T-50-5 has flown, and the whole program has exceeded 450 flights. Also, so much for the 500 flights from that news channel in June.
Congrats to Sukhoi ... Images + video:

So, apparently T-50-5 has TWO "R2D2"s! :eek:

One behind and one below the cockpit


Will the R2D2 housings eventually be faceted? The current ones don't exactly seem stealthy.
spheres have uniform signatures across wavelengths so if they treat it enough, perhaps it would be considered negligible(?)
It looks like an early-WW2 F4U scheme.

The Rooskies have been playing around with some interesting camo, with the splinter scheme on the Su-35 and now this. Fuzzing the edges of an object can make it harder to discern.
Is this the first version to have the antennas for the systems on board? I don't recall seeing the radiation warning symbols on the other prototypes on the radome or the antennas at the leading edges of the levcons.

Oh, and this is definitely the paint scheme that is going on the T-50 model I'm currently working on. :)
flanker said:
Radical said:
As for the max speed of Mach 2.1 to 2.35, is that with current engines or the product 30 engines? I'd imagine that the future product 30 can bump up the T-50's max speed up.

Just because you put in more power doesn't mean you can go faster. Structural limits doesn't change. Take this with a huge grain salt, as accuracy of this is around rumor level:

Так на испытаниях этой весной при полной загрузке топливом и массагабаритными макетами вооружений 4й борт взлетел с 310 метров, достиг крейсерской скорости 2135кмч и максимальной 2610кмч, при этом был еще потенциал по разгону, а так же забрался на 24300 метров - дальше не пустили.

This spring fully loaded with fuel and dummy weapons 4th board took off from the 310 meters, has reached cruising speed of 2135 km/h and maximum speed of 2610km/h, there were also potential for more, and also climbed to 24,300 meters - wasn't allowed higher.

Information is from a second hand source, but originally it is from radioscanners apparently. As said, take with a lot of salt.

To back up the Mach 2 supercruising claim - I have seen figures for the AL-41F thrust at 118kN dry and 175 kN afterburning. Or a ratio of 1.48. The ratio of the speeds reported is 2610/2135 = 1.22.

1.22^2 = 1.49

Anyone that knows anything about aerodynamics will quite quickly realise the significance of those ratios broadly tying up.
flanker said:
Radiation sticker on radome has been since T-50-1.

Thanks, it must be the new paint scheme that made it stand out for me. What about the rest of the antennas?
Hmmm... staring at the new camo just gave me a new whiffing idea(I know it's off topic!)

CARET inlets of the air intakes are useful for “wave riding”, generating increased lift for the airframe. This allows lower RCS and increased airflow. With the long length of its horizontal wedged edge (of the inlet) additionally helps lift. Large, moveable Leading Edge Root Extensions (LERX) over the inlets are highly innovative and perhaps plays a role in making the PAK FA super-maneuverable. It is not a flap-like structure but perhaps more like an aileron and behaves in someways perhaps like a canard.
This is an interesting innovation and also provides a solution for the PAK FA in managing air-flow over the wing and onto the slanted stabilizers, solving problems of a twin-tailed delta configuration.
Patent time :)
Integrated complex avionics multi-purpose aircraft:
The invention relates to the field of aeronautical engineering, namely to control complex information systems executive avionics general aircraft equipment, aircraft and information display systems from the external environment, as well as their condition. Technical result - enhanced functionality, reducing the pilot and data downloading, respectively, increase the effectiveness of multi-purpose aircraft. Integration of on-board equipment (CCD) is provided by forming a part of the sighting and navigation system integrated electronic systems, integrated electro-optical system, an integrated set of communication tools, hardware integration of the radar system (radar) systems, electronic intelligence and electronic warfare (SRTR / RAP), complete sets of IFF (Kago) and connected stations (PC) on the basis of sharing the type of active antennas, phased array (AESA) and functional integration of these systems in computational logic blocks BTSVS control. Extension tasks MIS is provided by the introduction of the computational logic blocks BTSVS.
The invention relates to the field of aeronautical engineering, namely to control complex information systems executive avionics equipment, aircraft and information display systems from the external environment, as well as their condition.
Known technical solution relating to the field of aviation (RU № 2231478), in which a general aircraft equipment, engine and means of mechanization of multi-purpose aircraft, the system display and controls, a set of weapons and passive countermeasures, system monitoring and recording parameters, the system interairplane communication system, communication with control centers, radar sighting system, flight control and navigation system, thermal sighting system, laser optical sighting system, the countermeasures, the control means of destruction and passive countermeasures remote guidance system, satellite navigation and guidance systems, display processor, reprogrammable memory device, and multifunction indicators, unit conversion of television signals, onboard digital computer are interconnected by information exchange channel. In a digital computer computational logic modules operational planning of the flight task, decision-making equipment failures, input-output-control information exchange and integrated target allocation and targeting, efficient selection and use of weapons and combat are interconnected via an internal information sharing. Additionally introduced parameters meter movement radar antenna aiming system and radar image synthesizing unit, as well as computational logic modules emergency operational analysis of the results of exploration and use of lethal force, ground training simulators and crew, combined targeting Aeronautical map formation parameters aircraft emergency escape members crew formation motion parameters radar antenna sighting systems provide a significant expansion of functionality and efficiency of the use of multi-purpose aircraft in a single battle and a double battle and combat training performance.
Known management information system (MIS) of the aircraft (RU № 2392586) containing information-control field (FTI), the onboard digital computer system (BTSVS), input-output unit and exchange control, block formation flight and navigation parameters database flight mission. In addition, the system comprises a hub signal generating unit and integration of data for display and reception of control actions, control and monitoring unit aircraft equipment, electronic control unit resistance, providing a low-altitude flight block, block group piloting software, recording control section of the means of objective control and a control mode.
The closest analogue is the sighting and navigation system multi-purpose aircraft, comprising interconnection via information exchange systems (CIMO) with onboard digital computer system (BTSVS)
- A set of navigation equipment (KPNO)
- Set of different radio wavebands (PC),
- Equipment satellite channel (SCS)
- Communications equipment with control points (SPU)
- Aviation Terminal (AT) combined navigation system and data exchange
- Set of IFF equipment (Kago)
- A set of multifunctional indicators, panels and display on the windshield,
- Complete overview and sighting means comprising:
- Radar System (RLS)
- Thermal imaging system (TPVS)
- Optical location system (OLS)
- A set of countermeasures including:
- System of electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures (SRTR / REP)
- Optoelectronic intelligence system (SOER)
- Resource Management lesions (susp)
- Device for emission detection REP (HC)
- Control and recording system, including video recording parameters (LCCS)
- Operational controls (TOC)
- general aircraft equipment (CCA)
- A set of aircraft weapons (PCB) (RU № 2276328).
As disadvantages of the prototype are the following;
- Lack of hardware and functional integration of systems based on common physical principles leads to underutilization of the technical capabilities of systems, duplication of equipment and increase in weight of the equipment;
- In the absence of computational logic modules BTSVS complex information processing systems from AK reduces the reliability of identification, tracking, recognition, and state identification purposes identified various surveillance and targeting system;
- In the absence of computational logic modules BTSVS forming units complex data to indicate the formation of teams and tactical management for scheduling control actions of computational modules and operational controls to information systems executive increases the load of the pilot;
- The lack of information coming over analogue lines, whereby blocks from the computer system of the complex have incomplete information about the state of;
- Air terminal equipment no unified system of navigation and data exchange reduces immunity and secrecy of communication channels, the possibility of using complex deprives its information for problems integrated IFF purposes, as well as with respect to aircraft navigation group and ground control;
- The lack of built-in display means display processor designed for other computing tasks, but to form a display, and associated equipment vital LA autonomous channel information exchange makes the complex actually unusable in case of failure of the central computer system of the complex;
- The lack of 3D warning and voice command control system, allowing the pilot to reduce information load and boot from the Manual Control of the CCD;
- The absence in the BWC managed device reduces the level of reflections from the radar antenna probing signals and external sources, thereby reducing the level of the effective reflecting surface of the aircraft as a whole.
Technical result, The aim of the invention is to enhance the functionality, reducing the pilot and data downloading, respectively, increase the effectiveness of multi-purpose aircraft.
Said technical result is achieved that in an integrated complex avionics multifunctional aircraft containing interconnection via information exchange systems (CIMO) with onboard digital computer system (BTSVS)
- A set of navigation equipment (KPNO)
- Set of different radio wavebands (PC),
- Equipment satellite channel (SCS)
- Communications equipment with control points (SPU)
- Aviation Terminal (AT) combined navigation system and data exchange
- Set of IFF equipment (Kago)
- A set of multifunctional indicators, panels and display in the cockpit,
- Complete overview and sighting means comprising:
- Radar System (RLS)
- Thermal imaging system (TPVS)
- Optical location system (OLS)
- A set of countermeasures including:
- System of electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures (SRTR / REP)
- Optoelectronic intelligence system (SOER)
- Resource Management lesions (SU SP)
- Device for emission detection (HC)
- Control and recording system, including video recording parameters (LCCS)
- Operational controls (TOC)
- General Aircraft equipment (CCA)
- A set of aircraft weapons (PCB)
- A set of multifunctional indicators, panels and display on the windshield, combined in the information control field, unit conversions television signals, external storage units and hubs signal interconnection via information exchange systems (CIMO) with BTSVS form information management system,
- RTR system / REP, radar, Kago hardware integrated into radio systems (IRTS) by connecting the input of the receiver and the transmitter output systems RTR / REP and Kago to the exit-entry active phased array (AESA) radar, and input-output systems RTR / REP , radar, Kago connected on the internal channel of information exchange (Kior) to the input-output radio system calculator (VRTS), computational logic blocks which: input-output and control information exchange, support and recognition of the detected objects, interaction management systems RTR / REP , radar, Kago within autonomous system tasks and objectives of the calculator BTSVS, interconnected by an internal information exchange channel (VKIO)
- TPVS, RL SOER integrated into opto-electronic system - (IOES) by connecting their inputs and outputs to the calculator on CIMO optoelectronic system (VOES), computational logic blocks which: input-output and control information exchange, maintenance, breeding and recognition of the detected objects, interaction management TPVS, RL SOER within autonomous system tasks set calculator MIS interconnected by internal information exchange channel optical systems (KIOO)
- Set of different radio wavebands (PC), a hardware-integrated system with antennas RTR / REP by connecting the output to the input channels PC transmit antenna system RTR / REP, equipment satellite channel (SCS), communication equipment with control points (SDA) and Aviation terminal joint navigation system and integrated data exchange in complex communications (Xs) by connecting their inputs and outputs on the internal channel of information exchange complex communications (KIOKS) to the calculator Xs - (VIKSS) computational logic blocks which: IO and control communications between the aircraft and the control points and telecode voice messaging, automatic selection of the communication channel when a hardware failure and the impact of interference on the internal channel interconnected VIKSS and functionally integrated into the avionics equipment (CCD) by connecting the inputs and outputs VOES calculators, and VRTS VIKSS on CIMO to the inputs-outputs BTSVS, computational logic blocks which: IO-control information exchange, operational flight mission planning, formation flight and navigation options, providing piloting group, integrated fusion of tracking of targets according to all information systems, integrated air target recognition , integrated IFF purposes, generating data to indicate integration algorithmically generated control actions and the operational controls, automatic target allocation and targeting systems, electronic warfare management, operational choice and use of lethal force, the UNCCD and general aircraft control equipment and power plant, providing a low-altitude flight write control of the means of objective control, integrated systems management regimes CCD (IRTS, IOES, Xs, susp) general aircraft equipment and aircraft are interconnected by VKIO, and she BTSVS with interconnected by CIMO information control field, including a set of indicators and multifunction indicator on windshield, unit conversion of television signals, an external storage device and blocks Hub signals (n units) forms a management information system.
In addition, the inputs and outputs of multifunctional indicators information and control field (FTI) having built display processors can be interconnected redundant channel information exchange (cutting) with blocks concentration signals (BCS), KPNO, VIKSS, integrated control system (CCS) that in case of failure BTSVS allows you to organize the backup communication channel in the FTI, and extract the manual commands crew. At the same time the formation of a complete display and backup software manual or automated control systems KPNO and CIL in the minimum volume required to return to the airfield and landing assume multifunctional displays FTI.
The complex may be provided with the introduction of the computational logic blocks BTSVS unit integrated IFF (CLC), solves the problem of data integration from IFF/Kago and AT using additional features of the type of target from the radar and from RTR / REP.
The complex may be provided with the introduction of the CCD TV camera (TCE) front view, displaying the situation before the aircraft and aviation collimating indicator (CAI), which is part of the FTI, which are related digital channels transmit TV signals from the interface device frame (UCSC), combining Images of these devices and the TV channel control of outer space (TVKVP) issuing a single image on LCCS.
The complex may be provided with a controlled frequency-selectable screen (UCHSE) connected to the transmission line single commands, part of the CIMO with BTSVS, and providing for its operation teams with energy absorption of radio waves from external sources that fall under the nose cone of the aircraft.
The complex may be provided with the introduction of the computational logic blocks BTSVS block voice command system (RCS) control that recognizes voice commands and queries pilot coming in digital form from the Xs and issuing them to the appropriate computational logic blocks BTSVS directly control systems BWC .
The complex may be provided in a composition of the introduced Xs Alert 3D system (3DCO), which receives signals from BTSVS obtained from spatially distributed sensors on the aircraft systems and CCD.
Integration of the CCD is provided by forming a part of the sighting and navigation system integrated electronic systems, integrated electro-optical system, an integrated set of communication tools, hardware integration of the radar system (radar) systems, electronic intelligence and electronic warfare (SRTR / RAP), a set of hardware IFF (Kago) and connected stations (PC) on the basis of sharing the type of active antennas, phased array (AESA) and functional integration of these systems in computational logic blocks BTSVS control.
Extension tasks MIS is provided by the introduction of the computational logic blocks BTSVS, such as:
- Unit complex for fusion of target tracking;
- Unit complex target recognition according to flight mission, the information of the radar system (radar), electronic intelligence (RTR), optical-location system (OLS);
- Unit complex identification information set by IFF equipment and aviation terminal navigation and data exchange in the light of the type of target recognition;
- Control unit integrated systems Xs, IRTS, IOES;
- Block the formation of tactical management teams.
Backup circuit and control the CCD and CCA LA ensured by introducing additional constraints vital systems: navigation equipment, communications, lights and integrated management system with FTI objectives besides providing solution display, the minimum required amount of CCD systems management tasks to complete flight failure calculator IUS.
The invention is illustrated by a drawing, which shows a block diagram of an integrated on-board equipment (CCD) multi-purpose aircraft, which comprises:
1 - an integrated set of communication facilities (Xs) comprising:
various radio wavebands (PC) 4 - provide speech and exchange of information between tactical aircraft in the performance of the group flight, communication equipment with control points (STC) 3 - provides a link for ground and air command and control points and guiding voice and messaging telecode, satellite equipment communication channel (SCS) 2 - provides long distance communications with ground and air command and control points and guidance via satellite, aviation terminal (AT) 5 combined navigation and data exchange - enables communication between the aircraft and the control point navigation and tactical information related to information exchange channel complex communications (KIOKS) 7 6 VKSS calculator, manage channel selection exchange in case of failure of equipment and impact noise, using the system's antennas RTR / REP 17 teams on board digital computing system - BTSVS 33, as well as the relative navigation of the aircraft and IFF subscribers;
8 - operational controls (TOC) on the handle control plane (RUS) in roll and pitch and thrust lever (throttle). Directional control pedal. On RUS automation control buttons, joystick trim longitudinal and lateral control, joystick control marker purpose combat missile launch button and firing the main gun. On the throttle control buttons mounted airbrake and drogue parachute;
9 - ejection device (HC) money spent REP comprises means passive countermeasures: false thermal targets and chaff radar radiation. The device is controlled by CIMO 52 teams formed computational logic control unit electronic countermeasures (SEC) 35;
10 - Management System means of destruction (SU SP) is designed to:
- Issuing commands to the preparation and launch of specific tools from the available set of weapons (PCB) 14 to specify a priori PATTERN preparation and launch, coming from input-output suspension 10 through 52 CIMO in interacting systems and PCB 14;
- Receive response signals from the PCB 14 on the preparation, launch readiness, start fact,
11 - general aircraft equipment (CCA) system includes: electricity, fuel, fire, air, hydraulic or pneumatic, and emergency evacuation of the aircraft crew, lighting and oxygen equipment, equipment related to pilot CIMO 52 blocks concentration signals (BCS) and 32 BTSVS 33;
12 - set of navigation equipment (KPNO) provides for the formation parameters of the aircraft relative to the earth's surface, defined intermediate waypoints and other aircraft in the group (fix, track components and air speed, angle of attack and sliding components of the angular velocity of the aircraft, component of the acceleration of the axes of the aircraft), which comes through in the CIMO 52 BTSVS 33 in computational logic block formation flight and navigation parameters (FPNP) 43, to implement the decisions flight and navigation problems and the formation parameters of control signals in interacting systems;
13 - System monitoring and recording parameters (LCCS), interacting by CIMO 52 and backing loop information exchange (cutting) 55 with all onboard equipment. Implements mode embedded control and reception of control parameters on-board systems. Writing in the current time control results in the form of parametric and video information to the relevant information carriers, which are analyzed in ground units after the flight;
14 - set of weapons (PCB) contains: Shooting cannons, guided and unguided weapons class "air" and "air-surface". With the TV-out PCB 14 frames of television pictures (in the form of a television signal) of weapons with television homing through communications television signals (COTS) 53 is input to the unit conversion of television signals (BPTS) 29 to indicate the pilot and 13 for LCCS recording;
15 - Integrated Management System (SIC), comprising the aircraft control system and remote control system, stop limiting regimes of flight system and cross-directional control. Management system toed wing. Actuators control system;
16 - Integrated radio system (IRTS) comprising:
- System of electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures (RTR / RAP) 17, which provides for detection, measurement parameters and the degree of danger, as well as tracking of air and ground radio-emitting purposes issuing the information received in BTSVS 33 and posing as jamming through its antenna and through the active phased array (AESA) radar system (RLS) 18. Thus management AESA radar carried 18 calculator radio system (VRTS) 19 Command BTSVS 33 from the control unit integrated systems CCD (UISKBO) 47;
- Multifunction radar system (radar) 18, which provides for detection, measurement coordinate air and ground radio-goals, mapping the Earth's surface and other functions, the set of which may vary. Modes "air-surface" radar 18 is provided with a TV output, from which 18 received radar radar COTS footage through 53 are transmitted to the TV input BPTS 29 for display. In this direct control radar modes 18 VRTS carried 19 to 33 teams BTSVS UISKBO block of 47;
- IFF (Kago) 20, which provides the systems and air traffic control radar identification of nationality as using autonomous antennas and antenna through RTR / REP. Thus management Kago 20 can be carried out from the calculator VRTS 19, and from 33 BTSVS last priority;
- Calculator (VRTS) 19 providing both teams BTSVS 33 and autonomously within the division of tasks between systems MIS 28 and 16 IRTS, the direct management of the components of the inner channel IRTS information exchange Kior 21 and 33 interact with BTSVS CIMO channel 52.
22 - integrated optoelectronic system (IOES) comprising:
- Optical location system (OLS) 23, which provides detection of air targets with optical or thermal contrast, their direction finding and ranging up to them;
- Thermal imaging system (TPVS) 26, which provides for detection of ground targets with optical or thermal contrast, their direction finding and ranging up to them, as well as the guidance system of SD "air-surface";
- A system of electro-optical reconnaissance (SOER) 25, which provides for detection of missile attack;
- Calculator optoelectronic system (VOES) 24, which provides both teams BTSVS 33 and autonomously within the division of tasks between systems MIS 28 and 22 IOES, direct control of the components of the Inland IOES information exchange channel optical systems (KIOO) 27 and interaction with BTSVS 33 CIMO channel 52;
28 - Information Management System (IMS) comprising:
- Unit conversion of television signals (BPTS) 29, which is a device for receiving, switching, conversion and distribution in information-control field (FTI) 30 television signals (images), applied to its inputs, both analog and digital form BTSVS from 33 CCD systems and PCB 14 and 52 connected to the output from CIMO IFM 30 and input / output with BTSVS 33;
- Information and control field (FTI) 30, which is a combination of indicator board-control devices of the aircraft, which include, for example, multi-function displays (MFD), multifunctional control display (IFPI), collimating light aircraft (KAI), remote controls and indicators (ISPs) and connected on 53 CIMO entrance with BPTS 29 and inputs / outputs with BTSVS 33 and 32 BCS;
- External storage device (TSD) 31, which is a device that provides input information via removable media from the ground-based preparation, storage and issuing it in BTSVS 33, documenting the results of MIS 28 for subsequent rapid analysis and connected by CIMO 52 input / yield with BTSVS 33;
- Block signals Hub (BCS) 32, which is a device designed to receive analog and digital signals in accordance with GOST 18977-79 from aircraft systems, teams from government, converting them to a digital format, as well as the reception of signals in digital form issuing them in analog form on actuators and I / O connections on the CIMO 52 BTSVS 33;
- On-board computer system (BTSVS) 33 comprising:
input-output unit and control communications (VVUO) 36 generating unit display and reception of control actions (FVIiPUV) 34, the control unit electronic countermeasures (SEC) 35, block group piloting software (OGSv) 37, the control unit of the means of recording objective control ( UZSOK) 38, a control unit and aircraft control equipment (mowing) 39, a low-altitude flight software block (OMVP) 40, control aircraft (ULA), 41 unit ensure operational use and control arms (OBPiUO) 42, block formation flight and navigation parameters (FPNP) 43, a database of the flight task (BDPZ) 44 generating unit tactical management teams (FKTU) 45, the control modes (BUR) 46, a control unit integrated systems CCD (UISKBO) 47 unit complex fusion support (CHS) 48 unit complex recognition (CR) 49 unit complex IFF (CLC) 50, internal traffic channel (VKIO) 51 BTSVS.
At the same input / output BTSVS 33 is input / output its constituent unit input-output and control communications (VVUO) 36 and the other input / output VVUO 36 is connected to the internal information exchange channel (VKIO) 51, which are also connected to the inputs / O computational logic blocks 34-50, members of the BTSVS 33, and facilitating information exchange between these blocks. Blocks 34-50 are designed as computational logic modules placed on uniprocessor calculators.
Forming unit display and reception of control actions (FVIiPUV) 34 produces forming and delivery by VKIO VVUO 51 through 36 in the 30 FTI by CIMO 52 for displaying information from the CCD systems, general aircraft equipment (CCA) 11, as well as receiving, processing and issuance of other computational logic modules (such as FPNP 43, mowing 39 ULA 41, 46 and other BUR) parameters control actions of the pilot.
Electronic control unit resistance (SEC) 35 provides automatic or automated generation and delivery unit FKTU 45 applications for command and control systems SRTR / REP 17 and its interaction with the radar 18, RL 23 and opto-electronic reconnaissance (SOER) 25 and discharge devices ( HC) 9 in providing electronic protection of the aircraft.
VVUO block 36 is a coupler calculator with links that receive, control and delivery of information.
Block piloting software group (OGSv) 37 provides an implementation group piloting mode using information systems on board to determine the relative location of the aircraft.
Recording control section of the means of objective control (UZSOK) 38 provides delivery to external recording means 13 LCCS exchange parameters of computational logic modules and external systems BWC CIMO 52 and 53 COTS.
Control and monitoring unit general aircraft equipment (mowing) 39 performs analysis of CCA systems and powerplant (SU), as well as automatic and automated management of these systems.
Unit providing low-level flight (OMVP) 40 provides low-level tasks of flight mode (IMP) in the digital terrain map (MSC) with the issuance of the automatic control signals VKIO VVUO 51 through 36 in a comprehensive system of automatic control (SIC) 15 to 52 CIMO.
Control unit aircraft (ULA) 41 provides for the formation parameters for manual and automatic control of director aircraft and engine thrust on information from computational logic blocks such as FPNP 43 OMVP 40, 42 and other OBPiUO VKIO by 51, as well as SIC 15 to 52 CIMO.
Unit to ensure operational use and control arms (OBPiUO) 42 provides a solution to the problem of military use of air weapons (PCB) using 14 units complex fusion support (CSC) 48, forming tactical control (FKTU) 45, a comprehensive recognition (CR) 49, an integrated IFF (CLC) 50 mode control integrated systems (UISKBO) and 47 aircraft (ULA) 41.
Block formation flight and navigation parameters (FPNP) 43 calculates the parameters of the state of the aircraft, including its location, movement and orientation, building flight paths.
Database block flight mission (BDPZ) 44 provides access to the database of the flight task (PP), PP data changes, the control of its integrity, data at the request of the PP units, using them, ensuring synchronization of read-write data PP.
Forming unit tactical management teams (FKTU) 45 provides prioritization of applications run on the use of information systems (IRTS 16 IOES 22 Xs 1) of such computational logic blocks as SEC 35, PSC 48, FVIiPUV 34, based on the information on the tactical situation , the current phase of flight, the basic mode of the CCD, given the flight plan or pilot and according to these priorities skips application block UISKBO 47.
Block mode control (BUR) 46 provides control coordinated operation of other systems on-board equipment of the aircraft and computational logic modules BTSVS 33.
Control unit integrated systems (UISKBO) 47 provides reception from the power control commands FKTU 45 tactical level and the formation of the whole management teams (according to the protocol of information exchange) to transfer them to calculators systems IRTS 16, 22 and IOES Xs 1, as well as receiving response information .
Unit complex fusion support (CHS) 48 on the basis of information systems on the CCD coordinates of the detected targets and their parameters, performs the identification purposes, assigns numbers, builds track their movements and generates a "passport" purposes, containing all the information obtained about them. The "passport" purposes available to all units-consumers using the coordinates and motion parameters of targets (OBPiUO 42 SEC 35, 41 ULA), and special features for the recognition of complex tasks (CR) 49 and IFF (CLC) 50.
Unit complex recognition (CR) 49 solves the problem of complex recognition class and type of the detected targets on the basis of recognition of such systems as SRTR / REP 17 radar 18, RL 23, SOER 25.
Information provided by IMS interconnection within the inner channel of information exchange 51 (VKIO), which is connected to computational logic blocks and BTSVS including VVUO block 36 which other input-output is connected to the CIMO 52.
Traffic channels CIMO 52 KIOKS 7 Kior 21 KIOO 27 are known lines of communication and information exchange, and include mechanical, electromechanical, electrical and natural relationship, exchange of television signals carried by COTS 53.
Communication channel television signals (COTS) 53 - is a set of analog and digital TV signal transmission lines.
Analog and digital communication channels (ADKS) are a set of 54 lines of analog and digital signals.
Inputs and outputs of multifunctional indicators FTI 30 having built-display processors interconnected by information exchange channel (cutting) 55 32 BCS, KPNO 12 VKSS 6, SIC 15, which in the case of failure BTSVS 33 allows you to organize the backup communication channel in the FTI 30 and extract the manual commands the crew. At the same time the formation of a complete display and backup software manual or automated control systems KPNO and CIL in the minimum volume required to return to the airfield and landing assume multifunctional displays FTI 30.
Reserve traffic channel (cutting) 55 is a well-known transmission line and discrete digital signals such as GOST 18977-75.
Introduced in the computational logic blocks BTSVS 33 unit complex IFF (CLC) 50, solves the problem of data integration from gosprinalezhnosti Kago 20 AT 5 and using the additional features of the type of target from the radar and from SRTR 18 / REP 17.
Introduced in the CCD TV camera front view (TCE) 56, showing the situation before the aircraft and KAI, part of FTI 30 associated digital channels transmit TV signals to the interface device frame (ACC) 57, which combines images of these devices and the TV channel control of outer space (TVKVP) 58 outputs a single image on LCCS 13.
Introduced in the controlled frequency-selectable screen (UCHSE) 59 connected to the transmission line single commands, part of the CIMO with BTSVS provides commands for its operation with the absorption of energy from external sources of radio waves that penetrate through the nose cone of the aircraft.
Introduced in the computational logic blocks BTSVS 33 block voice command system (RCS) 60 management recognizes voice commands and queries pilot coming in digital form from the Xs 1, and outputs them to the appropriate computational logic blocks BTSVS 33 directly control systems BWC. In addition, the unit provides speech input data in the CCD system, such as frequency tuning PC 4 and answer questions pilot, for example, reporting on his request, speed, altitude, fuel, and other parameters.
Entered into the system 3D Xs 1 warning (3DCO) 61, of which 33 received BTSVS signals from spatially distributed sensors on the aircraft, colors these signals as belonging to the type of sensor (warning receiver, missile attack, and engine failure etc.) and the relative location of the pilot (the right-top, rear, bottom and the like), and outputs a 3D-headphone driver.
1. Integrated complex avionics multi-purpose aircraft, comprising interconnection via information exchange systems (CIMO) with onboard digital computer system (BTSVS)
- A set of navigation equipment (KPNO)
- Set of different radio wavebands (PC),
- Equipment satellite channel (SCS)
- Communications equipment with control points (SPU)
- Aviation Terminal (AT) combined navigation system and data exchange
- Set of equipment identification gosprinadlezhnosti (Kago)
- A set of multifunctional indicators, panels and display on the windshield,
- Complete overview and sighting means comprising:
- Radar System (RLS)
- Thermal imaging system (TPVS)
- Optical location system (OLS)
- A set of countermeasures including:
- System of electronic intelligence and electronic countermeasures (SRTR / REP)
- Optoelectronic intelligence system (SOER)
- Resource Management lesions (susp)
- Device ejection money spent REP (HC)
- Control and recording system, including video recording parameters (LCCS)
- Operational controls (TOC)
- Obschesamoletnogo equipment (CCA)
- A set of aircraft weapons (PCB)
characterized in that
- A set of multifunctional indicators, panels and display on the windshield combined into information-control field, unit conversions television signals, external storage units and hubs signal interconnection via information exchange systems (CIMO) with BTSVS form information management system,
- RTR system / REP, radar, Kago hardware integrated into radio systems (IRTS) by connecting the input of the receiver and the transmitter output systems RTR / REP and Kago to the exit-entry active phased array (AESA) radar, and input-output systems RTR / REP , radar, Kago connected on the internal channel of information exchange (Kior) to the input-output radio system calculator (VRTS), computational logic blocks which: input-output and control information exchange, support and recognition of the detected objects, interaction management systems RTR / REP , radar, Kago within autonomous system tasks and objectives of the calculator BTSVS, interconnected by an internal information exchange channel (VKIO)
- TPVS, RL SOER integrated into opto-electronic system (IOES) by connecting their inputs and outputs to the calculator on CIMO optoelectronic system (VOES), computational logic blocks which: input-output and control information exchange, maintenance, selection and recognition detected objects, interaction management TPVS, RL SOER within autonomous system tasks set calculator MIS interconnected by internal information exchange channel optical systems (KIOO)
- Set of different radio wavebands (PC), a hardware-integrated system with antennas RTR / REP by connecting the output to the input channels PC transmit antenna system RTR / REP, equipment satellite channel (SCS), communication equipment with control points (SDA) and Aviation terminal joint navigation system and integrated data exchange in complex communications (Xs) by connecting their inputs and outputs on the internal channel of information exchange complex communications (KIOKS) to the calculator Xs - (VIKSS) computational logic blocks which: IO and control communications between the aircraft and the control points and telecode voice messaging, automatic selection of the communication channel when a hardware failure and the impact of interference on the internal channel interconnected VIKSS and functionally integrated into the avionics equipment (CCD) by connecting the inputs and outputs VOES calculators, and VRTS VIKSS on CIMO to the inputs-outputs BTSVS, computational logic blocks which: IO-control information exchange, operational planning, formation flying mission flight and navigation options, providing piloting group, integrated fusion tracking of targets according to all information systems, integrated air target detection, integrated IFF purposes, generating data to indicate integration algorithmically generated control actions and the operational controls, automatic target allocation and targeting systems, electronic warfare management, operational choice and use of lethal force, the UNCCD and obschesamoletnogo control equipment and power plant, providing a low-altitude flight control account the means of objective control, integrated systems management regimes CCD (IRTS, IOES, Xs, susp) obschesamoletnym equipment and aircraft are interconnected by VKIO, and she BTSVS with interconnected by CIMO information control field, including a set of indicators and multifunction indicator on the front glass block conversion of television signals, an external storage device and blocks Hub signals (n pcs.) defines information management system.
2. The complex according to claim 1, characterized in that the input-output multifunction indicators information and control field (FTI) having built-display processors interconnected by redundant channel information exchange (cutting) with blocks concentration signals (BCS), KPNO, VIKSS, integrated control system (CCS) that in case of failure BTSVS allows you to organize the backup communication channel in the FTI, and extract the manual commands the crew, with the formation of a complete display and backup software manual or automated control systems KPNO and CIL in the minimum amount necessary to return and landing at the airport take the multifunctional displays FTI.
3. The complex according to claim 1, characterized in that it is provided with the introduction of the computational logic blocks BTSVS unit integrated IFF (CLC), solves the problem of data integration from gosprinalezhnosti Kago and AT using additional features of the type of target from the radar and from RTR / REP.
4. The complex according to claim 1, characterized in that it is provided with the introduction of the CCD TV camera (TCE) front view, displaying the situation before the aircraft and aviation collimating indicator (CAI), which is part of the FTI, which are related digital channels transmit TV signals coupler frame (UCSC), combining images of these devices and the TV channel control of outer space (TVKVP) issuing a single image on LCCS.
5. The complex according to claim 1, characterized in that it is equipped with a selectable frequency-controlled screen (UCHSE) connected to the transmission line single commands, part of the CIMO with BTSVS, and providing for its operation teams with energy absorption of radio waves from external sources falling under the nose cone of the aircraft.
6. Complex but Claim 1, characterized in that provided in the inputted computational logic blocks BTSVS voice command system unit (RCU) controls the recognized voice commands and queries pilot coming out digitally Xs, and outputs them to the appropriate computational logic BTSVS blocks directly control systems BWC.
7. A complex according to claim 1, characterized in that provided in the inputted Xs Alert 3D system (3DCO), which receives signals from BTSVS obtained from spatially distributed sensors on the aircraft systems and CCD.
UAC state corporation Rosteh developed unique system and units for future fighter aircraft frontline T-50 (PAK FA). For the PAK FA at the Ufa aggregate production association (UAPO) were created units of plasma ignition of gas turbine engines and electric power system SPTSu DC-7, 5. This powers the whole system on-board electronics. According to the head of the holding "Aviation" Maxim Kuzyuk, especially for T-50 UAPO created a new system, which is 2 times more powerful than any existing Russian counterparts. The system converts the DC power supply three-phase voltage variable frequency generator to a DC voltage 27 V nominal capacity of more than 8 kW. It provides stability for the electronic systems and aircraft safety. The new system is different and weight - it's 1.5 times lighter. Thus, reducing the total weight of the aircraft and increases their lifespan. The first batch of three prototypes SPTSU-7, 5 assigned OKB "Sukhoi" for bench testing later this year. Next year UAPO deliver 6 new systems as part of the T-50 fighters. Promising fighter frontline aviation outperforms virtually all foreign analogs. Its serial production will start after 2015.
Lot number 3:

OCD perform "Development of industrial technology of compact scalable multiprocessor specialized for advanced radar systems of T-50 and others," codenamed "Acapella"
Ufa Engine Industrial Association has developed the technical design of the second stage engine for future fighter T-50 (PAK FA), the report said UMPO. Commission customers ─ Russian Defense Ministry and the company "Sukhoi» ─ accepted this draft. Is now scheduled to begin development, manufacturing and testing of the new engine demonstrators. These will be carried out in the first half of 2014. In April 2011, the managing director of research and production association "Saturn" Ilya Fedorov announced that the creation of the second stage engine for the T-50 was ahead of schedule. It was later reported that the bench test the engine will commence in 2014. Plan on when to test the engines in serial fighters remain unknown.
The first stage engine of the T-50 is "Product 117» ─ AL-41F1, which is a modified version of AL-41F1S engine for Su-35S ("Product 117C"). The second stage engine, also known as "Type 30" (mistakenly called "Product 129"), is said to be able to develop 107 kilonewtons of thrust in cruise mode and 176 kilonewtons thrust in afterburner mode. The engine will be different from the AL-41F1 with improved fuel efficiency and lower life cycle costs.
So that would be 24,000 lbs of thrust dry and 39,500 lbs of thrust in AB. I don't recall seeing the dry thrust rating for the F-119, how does that compare?
Sundog said:
So that would be 24,000 lbs of thrust dry and 39,500 lbs of thrust in AB. I don't recall seeing the dry thrust rating for the F-119, how does that compare?

Doubt you'll find a real number.
I've seen 23,500lb in military for F119, and the "official figure" of 35,000 lb-class in AB. However some fanboys claims much higher numbers (up to 39,000lb in AB) just as they claim ridiculous figures for F135 (they somehow go from the "official" 43,000 lb to well over 50,000 and even 55,000!)

However, considering the past story of F-100PW-100, the "official" figures are probably higher that the real ratings (F-100 was claimed 25,000lb- class, but real figure was under 24,000lb in AB)

Given the above, Type 30 would be hopefully pretty close to the figures claimed (equal in military and a bit higher in AB compared to F-119), which shouldn't even be surprising considering it will incorporate the latest engine technology which probably wasn't even invented when the F-119 was designed. A contemporary benchmark would actually be F-135, although i'm guesing the Type 30 would have to be a bit smaller (at least diameter wise) by necessity to fit into T-50, i'm expecting similar size and weight to the current izd. 117, but with more thrust and increased TBO time, and comparatively cheaper to operate.
lancer21 said:
I've seen 23,500lb in military for F119, and the "official figure" of 35,000 lb-class in AB. However some fanboys claims much higher numbers (up to 39,000lb in AB) just as they claim ridiculous figures for F135 (they somehow go from the "official" 43,000 lb to well over 50,000 and even 55,000!)

However, considering the past story of F-100PW-100, the "official" figures are probably higher that the real ratings (F-100 was claimed 25,000lb- class, but real figure was under 24,000lb in AB)

Given the above, Type 30 would be hopefully pretty close to the figures claimed (equal in military and a bit higher in AB compared to F-119), which shouldn't even be surprising considering it will incorporate the latest engine technology which probably wasn't even invented when the F-119 was designed. A contemporary benchmark would actually be F-135, although i'm guesing the Type 30 would have to be a bit smaller (at least diameter wise) by necessity to fit into T-50, i'm expecting similar size and weight to the current izd. 117, but with more thrust and increased TBO time, and comparatively cheaper to operate.

lancer21 said:
I've seen 23,500lb in military for F119, and the "official figure" of 35,000 lb-class in AB. However some fanboys claims much higher numbers (up to 39,000lb in AB) just as they claim ridiculous figures for F135 (they somehow go from the "official" 43,000 lb to well over 50,000 and even 55,000!)

However, considering the past story of F-100PW-100, the "official" figures are probably higher that the real ratings (F-100 was claimed 25,000lb- class, but real figure was under 24,000lb in AB)

Given the above, Type 30 would be hopefully pretty close to the figures claimed (equal in military and a bit higher in AB compared to F-119), which shouldn't even be surprising considering it will incorporate the latest engine technology which probably wasn't even invented when the F-119 was designed. A contemporary benchmark would actually be F-135, although i'm guesing the Type 30 would have to be a bit smaller (at least diameter wise) by necessity to fit into T-50, i'm expecting similar size and weight to the current izd. 117, but with more thrust and increased TBO time, and comparatively cheaper to operate.

Interesting analysis

............some fanboys............

But the not yet built Type 30 will be smaller, faster, more powerful AND be cheaper to operate. What's your definition of fanboy?
Happy holidays, everyone! :)

Patent time!

Multi-purpose aircraft with a reduced radar signature:

The invention relates to the field of aviation. Multi-purpose aircraft comprises a fuselage (1) wing (2), fully movable vertical tail (3) fully movable horizontal tail (4), canopy (5) horizontal edge engine inlets (6), fine-meshed nets, shielding devices fence and exhaust air (7), side sloping edge engine inlets (8), device (9) reduce the effective scattering surface (EPR) power plant and leaf (10) rod compartment in-flight refueling. Optical sensors are rotatable idle for the back side, coated with a radar absorbing coating in the direction of irradiating radar. Antenna compartments closed shielding diaphragms. Antenna plane inclined from the vertical plane. As antennas used airframe. Antenna-feeder system is made on the basis low oberservable antennas radar wavelengths. The invention is aimed at reducing the quantity of radar visibility. 5 yl.
The invention relates to the field of aviation, in particular tactical aircraft to detect and defeat air, surface and ground targets.
Known multi-purpose aircraft (AV Fomin "Su-27. History fighter", Moscow, "RA Intervestnik", 1999, str.208-251) containing the airframe, power plant, aircraft equipment, display system and controls, complex weapons, active and passive countermeasures, surveillance and targeting equipment (radar sighting system, optronic sighting system), system monitoring and recording parameters, the communication system between aircraft and control centers, flight navigation system, countermeasures system, a control system means of destruction and passive countermeasures, providing navigation, piloting in manual and automatic control, embedded control systems, navigation and mezhsamoletnuyu exchange tactical information in the group, guidance from the command control centers, radar overview of airspace and land surface, airspace location, detection and support ground and air targets, target designation means of destruction, setting active radar jammers, the use of uncorrected weapons and aircraft weapons (TSA) with passive heat, passive and active radar homing by land, air and sea targets, use of passive physical resistance .
As disadvantages of the prior art should be noted the high value of the effective surface of the cross section (RCS), the defining characteristic of the aircraft radar detection means enemy. For a known value of the aircraft EPR is about 10-15 m 2 (here is the average value for the selected angle).
Technical result, The aim of the invention is to reduce the magnitude of radar visibility of the aircraft to an average of about 0.1-1 m 2.
The invention is illustrated by drawings, where Figure 1 shows a plane integral aerodynamic layout - top view in Figure 2 - aircraft integral aerodynamic layout - bottom view in Figure 3 - aircraft integral aerodynamic layout - front view in Figure 4 - the cross section A-A of Figure 2.; Figure 5 - section B-B Figure 2.
Refer to submittal drawings numerals indicate:
1 - fuselage,
2 - wing,
3 - fully movable horizontal tail (CSSC)
4 - fully movable vertical tail (TSPVO)
5 - canopy,
6 - horizontal edges engine inlets,
7 - fine mesh covering the emissions of air
8 - side sloping edge engine inlets,
9 - A device which reduces the ESR powerplant
10 - bay doors boom refueling.
Complex aircraft equipment includes: aircraft equipment; indication system and controls, complex weapons, active and passive physical resistance, surveillance and targeting equipment (radar sighting system, optronic sighting system), system monitoring and recording parameters, the communication system between aircraft and control stations; flight and navigation system, the system of countermeasures; management system means defeat and passive countermeasures, providing navigation, piloting in manual and automatic control modes; embedded control systems; mezhsamoletnuyu navigation and tactical information exchange group guidance from command posts control radar overview of airspace and the underlying surface, the detection and tracking of air and ground targets, setting active radar jammers, uncorrectable weapons, as well as aircraft weapons with passive heat, passive and active radar homing by air, ground and sea targets, means of passive resistance.
EPR EPR aircraft consists of following its constituent parts: the airframe, powerplant, and optical antenna systems on-board equipment; false and nominated in flight equipment.
The magnitude of the EPR airframe and power plant is determined by three factors:
- Shape and the molded mounting as airframe, including air intake and air duct;
- Airframe design, technological and operational joint casings, shutters, hatches and joints between moving and stationary parts of the airframe;
- Use of radar absorbing and shielding materials and coatings.
The molded shape and layout scheme of the plane helped reduce the amount of energy reflected EM waves in certain angles due to redistribution highs chart backscattering minimum number of areas and the least dangerous sector.
Constructive activities
Cleaning inside the airframe TSA has reduced overall EPR by eliminating the reflection of electromagnetic waves from radar irradiating TSA and their launchers.
Perform inlet duct S-shaped in conjunction with radio coatings (PPP) provides a reduction in the axial direction of the EPR. In other sectors, the forward hemisphere (PPP) - by shielding inlet guide vanes (IGV) engine from the elements which basically is a reflection of electromagnetic (EM) waves irradiating the radar, which is a substantial share (60%) in the EPR system of the plane - engine PPP. Drawing on the walls of the PFR inlet duct (EOI) allows you to reduce the amount of electromagnetic signals reflected from the BHA and multipath on the channel walls, thus the overall level of EPR OT PPP reduced.
The device 9 in the intake passage of the engine to reduce the ESR in the forward hemisphere can be mounted in the mold before any channel BHA, but preferably set in a "straight" channels. The device acts as a screen 9, partially overlapping in the axial direction of the BHA from getting EM waves. Apart from the screening device 9 shared channel before the EOI BHA a series of separate cavities formed cylindrical (or concentric or non-concentric) or flat surfaces with the flat surfaces can be parallel or intersecting. Each cavity has a smaller cross sectional area than the channel in that zone VZ. Such segmentation with simultaneous coating of the walls of segments reduces the amount PFR EM signals reflected from the BHA and wall cavities at the multipath device 9, thereby the overall level VZ PPP EPR decreases.
Bringing sweep angles of the front and rear edges of the bearing surfaces, inlets, manholes flaps to two or three directions other than the axial, allows the reduction of global maxima chart backscattering (DOR) to these areas. Such DOR causes a decrease in the overall level of ESR in PPPs.
Ramps fuselage 1 in cross section, the inclination of the vertical aerodynamic surfaces (vertical tail unit 4, the lateral edges 8 OT) to one direction in the cross section reduces the lateral hemisphere EPR (BTS) through multiple reflections of electromagnetic waves falling on the inclined surface of the plane in direction different from the direction of the irradiating radar.
Screening devices and exhaust air intake design elements, as well as a fine mesh to reduce or eliminate the component EPR "irregularities" in the plane (type hole slit sinus) due to the fact that the linear mesh size covering heterogeneity is less than ¼ length EM wave irradiating plane. In such a situation serves as a fine screen to screen the EM wave, which reduces component indicated irregularities in the EPR.
Closure compartment boom refueling flap 10 excludes component niches and bars in general EPR aircraft.
Application fully movable vertical tail 4 to reduce the total area AT and hence reduce the level of the reflected signal IN, which in turn reduces the magnitude of the EPR in the BTS.
The use of conductive sealants allows electrical conductivity between the individual structural and technological elements of the airframe, which in turn eliminates the EPR component in the plane "irregularities" (such as gap junction) due to the fact that in the absence of electrical inhomogeneities no scattering of surface electromagnetic waves .
Use of EPA can significantly reduce the global maxima ESR due to the fact that the principle of SAR is a partial absorption of energy falling on the material of the EM wave, thus ensuring reduction in the level of the reflected radar signal.
Implementation provides a metallized glass canopy EM impermeability so that the glazing is essentially impermeable represents a sloping wall, which reflects the incident electromagnetic wave irradiator away from the radar.
The main component of interventions to reduce on-board equipment in the EPR are the following:
1. Using a frequency-selective structures in radomes, allowing radiation to pass in the operating frequency range of the antenna and its own be impervious to radiation other frequency bands (irradiating RLS). Thus, on the falling radomes irradiating electromagnetic wave from the radar pereotrazhayutsya (due to shape the fairings formed by surfaces inclined to the vertical plane) toward the direction of irradiation.
2.Rotate the optical Part of the optical Sensors in the Idle State with the application of PSC on the back Side. THUS, working in (passive) Sensors State (State Minimum ESR) sensor Faces the direction of irradiating radar Side coated with EPA providing partial Absorption of the incident electromagnetic waves, thereby decrease the EPR.
3.Screening application Diaphragms in antenna compartments to eliminate the effect of the wandering wave When the incident wave After Multiple reflections in A closed compartment amplified and Radiated into Outer space. Set the aperture shield around the antenna so Post That bordered on the Periphery of the Post. on the wall of the Diaphragm facing the irradiator radar Attached PFR. Upon Irradiation Protective Diaphragm does not Penetrate the EM wave antenna compartment, while absorbing some of the incident wave energy and to the Lower ESR.
4. Deviation from the vertical plane of the antenna, and hence the deviation from the normal horizontal plane antennas provide change in the direction of the reflected electromagnetic waves to the irradiating direction of the radar, thereby reducing ESR antennas.
5.Reducing the number of Total Antennas and the use of airframe design as Antennas (EG, vertical tail as an antenna connection). Reducing the number of Total Antennas Reduces the overall ESR, Because each antenna Brings Certain Component in the EPR. Using an existing airframe (IN) as an antenna allows not to use a separate antenna, which naturally reduces the ESR compared with one single antenna.
6.Application of antenna-feeder system based Antennas in low observable radar Wavelengths. Low observable Antennas Properties Provided by the Fact That They are Made for flush-mounted external contour of the airplane and do not contribute to the EPR Aircraft Component Due to Direct A reflection of Electromagnetic waves .
Comprehensive implementation of the activities listed together for maximum effect to reduce the visibility with minimal negative impact on the aerodynamic, weighted technological, operational and other characteristics of the aircraft.
Multifunctional plane containing airframe propulsion, avionics equipment, characterized in that the airborne weapons placed within the airframe, the air intake channel is formed S-shaped, and on the inlet duct wall applied coverings, the channel with the air intake device is installed, the separating channel the inlet before the inlet guide vane into a series of separate cavities formed by cylindrical or flat surfaces and edges of inlet form a parallelogram, the angles of sweepback edges of the front and rear bearing surfaces, the air intake covers flaps given to two or three directions, the sides of the fuselage cross-sectional fully movable vertical tail are inclined from the vertical plane in one direction, the unit air inlet and outlet are made with shielded, cut off fuel rods refueling aircraft in flight flap closed, in addition, the space between the individual structural and technological elements of the plane filled conductive sealants, glazed cockpit canopy are metallized, radomes are made of the frequency-selective structures, optical sensors are rotatably idle for the back side coated with a radar-absorbing coating in a direction of irradiating the radar, the antenna sections are closed screening apertures; antenna plane inclined from the vertical plane, in this case, at least partly used as the antenna airframe and antenna-feeder system is performed based on Low observable antennas in radar wavelengths.


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PAK FA stealth features patent published

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