Modern Grumman 698 V/stol


I really should change my personal text
1 February 2012
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If someone decided to rebuild the 698 V/stol today, how much would it be imporoved over the original 1980's vintage design? Would modern techniques and materials drastically improve performance or would it be about what was expected back then?

Also, would a 698 be better or worse, flight wise than a tilt-fold or Rotor Wing V/STOL?
Interesting Bgrey!
For I have often thought the same thing regarding the likes of a revamped of the following projects with modern technology implemented
- Boeing YC-14 (as a C-130 replacement - with new glass cockpit and advanced fly-by-wire systems, more modern, more powerful turbofans), LTV C-142 (use of composite materials, glass cockpit, fly-by-wire flight systems - cheaper and simpler alternative to V-22 Osprey), Convair 200 / 201 (a cheaper and simpler alternative to F-35 / JSF), Canadair CL-84, Mk 71 203mm (8 in) gun system, .....................................and it goes on.......after all so much money would be saved in R&D alone!!
But alas, not to be seen as being too cynical, I don't think the Pentagon, let alone the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, would find this acceptable, let alone profitable enough ::)


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