Macchi C-300


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
14 June 2006
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Ok, shame on me. I've been sitting on this info for a long while... it's true my archive is in a pityful shape, the more since I digged unmercily it to extract info for ISP, but this is really, well...
Behold the MC-300. It did exists, and it was... a bomber. Subitted by Macchi to the Bombardiere Normale competition of 1938, not accepted in the first round (Prima Soluzione) and accepted but never ordered in the second round (Seconda Soluzione). Relevant data: lenght 14.00 mts, span 22.00 mts, height 4.58 mts, wing surface 55.00 sqmts, empty weight 6,150 kgs, MTOW 9,900 kgs, max speed 502.00 km/h at 5,000 mts, range 2,000 km, weapon load 980 kgs, 5 machine guns (see illustrations for disposition), 2 Alfa Romeo 135 with a nominal power of 1,350 HPs. And so this puts to rest a supposed "mistery", now, on, the next one....


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Hello Skybolt,

do you know what bombsight was that in the second rendering? It looks like a telescopic one. Also, was there in Italy advanced bombsight and gunsight designs based on gyro technology?

Really a astonishing find!
This development of Macchi for Bombers; I thought that only they had made ​​plans for the MC91/97 for the Concorso os 1934

Really great find Sky!!!

I knew about such project but any detailed info (as you provided), I agree with MC72 (and he's also a great drawer....) it could worth for a full colour 3 views, what do you think MC72??
Great find my dear Skybolt;

and we knew wrong,that the Macchi MC-300 was a heavy fighter;,236.msg3058.html#msg3058

but the source for this old info was not correct,and now we know
what was it,thank you my dear.
@Wurger, yes it is a telescopic one. I don't know of any gyrostabilized bombsight in Italy during WW2.
Hi Skybolt,

thanks anyway. It was a great find, that Macchi. Hope to see ISP.
If this is a foretaste of what the ISP book gonna be
than we may have wild (project) dreams already I think .. :D
Dear friends,
here it is the draw of the Mc.300 bomber!
Credit to "Ali Antiche - iussue 117".
I dare to suggest to italian readers to subscribe to this nice magazine:
Best Regars.
Ps. I ask to the moderators if I can share a better quality pic or the entire article.


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In,5420.msg43245.html#msg43245, is liste a MC-300 single seat fighter. Is it a different plane?
patvig said:
In,5420.msg43245.html#msg43245, is liste a MC-300 single seat fighter. Is it a different plane?

Nice find my dear Lucamax,and for my dear Patvig,maybe they meant MC.301 ?.
Hood said:
Skybolt's post seems to debunk the C-300 being a single-seat fighter.,5420.msg43262.html#msg43262

Or MC.301;

Actually, the first competition...never was. There were successive spot requests from Regia Aeronautica to individual companies and some unsolicited proposal from individual companies regarding twin boom fighters, both original and derivative. Time span is from mid-1941 to first half of 1943. As for the MC-300, it never existed. The proposed (on exploratory request fro RA) coupled-fuselage derivative of MC-205 didn't even receive a numeral. An MC-301 did exist, but was earlier, and part of the Caccia Combattimento competition of 1938-39
Hood said:
Skybolt's post seems to debunk the C-300 being a single-seat fighter.,5420.msg43262.html#msg43262

According to the "Ali Antiche" magazine, the Mc.300 was the Macchi answer for a new medium/standard bomber required to replace the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 and the Fiat Br. 20.
Here the list of the competitors:
- Caproni Ca. 320
- Caproni Ca. 325
- Fiat Br 30
- Breda Ba 99
- SIAI SM.89
- Macchi Mc 300

Does anyone have some pics or drawings of the others projects?
A drawings,

for Breda Ba.99;,18166.msg173139.html#msg173139

and SM.89;,18166.msg289264.html#msg289264
Well, since I am in the last mile, or half-mile in finishing Italian Secret Projects for Crecy (the title will be different, look out for the next printed nd onlne catalogue of theirs), I just want to put some things to rest regarding this topic. Macchi C.300 was bomber in the last pre-war comperition for a medium fast bomber (the "winner", in the sense that it was the last project standing, was the CAB Ca.325, the "real winner", in the sense that proceeded to be series-produced at least, was a last minute outsider, the CANT Z.1018, actually a secondo resort, since CANT firstly proposed the CANT Z.1007ter, then renamed 1015B, itself a derivative of the CANT Z.1015, born as a fast transatlantic mail carrier, then converted in a record-breaker, never used as such (ok, it's complicated, buy the book and everything will be crystal-clear). I confirm that the Macchi C.301 (btw, the MC designation never existed) was a Caccia-C for the second iteration of the 1938-39 competition. It was clearly inspired by the BF-110 and used surface evaporative radiator in the outer sections of the of the wings. It passed the first and the second selection, July and October (unlike the CR.50 and 55 and CAB Ca.350) but was eliminated during 1940, because it was too similar to the Bf.110 and the proposed substitution of DB.601 with FIAT A.38s never happned, since the A.38 never happened.
Finally, Ali Antiche article was based on the 1986 series on the Bombardiere 1938 by Giancarlo Garello. There are included all the drawings etc. Or just wait for ISP.
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Thanks my dear. Actually always been here, but looking with half an eye.
Ok, shame on me. I've been sitting on this info for a long while... it's true my archive is in a pityful shape, the more since I digged unmercily it to extract info for ISP, but this is really, well...
Behold the MC-300. It did exists, and it was... a bomber. Subitted by Macchi to the Bombardiere Normale competition of 1938, not accepted in the first round (Prima Soluzione) and accepted but never ordered in the second round (Seconda Soluzione). Relevant data: lenght 14.00 mts, span 22.00 mts, height 4.58 mts, wing surface 55.00 sqmts, empty weight 6,150 kgs, MTOW 9,900 kgs, max speed 502.00 km/h at 5,000 mts, range 2,000 km, weapon load 980 kgs, 5 machine guns (see illustrations for disposition), 2 Alfa Romeo 135 with a nominal power of 1,350 HPs. And so this puts to rest a supposed "mistery", now, on, the next one....
These drawings were in an issue of Aerofan, does anyone know what issue?


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