
Senior Member
26 May 2006
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a little known aircraft to MiG :
MiG-115: was a single-turboprop staggered and unbraced biplane
utility aircraft.
MiG-125: light business jet powered by two Williams-Rolls FJ-44
turbofans engines.

we know MiG-18 and MiG-24 ,a transport aircraft projects (not to be confuse with
MiG-24 fighter which developed from MiG-23),anther strange design to me was
Tupolev Tu-100 a supersonic parasite bomber project,I cann't imagine that it
can carry fighters and reach to a supersonic speed !.
By the way,

MiG-18 was 50 passenger airliner project,see also Jane's all the world's aircraft 1993-1994.
MiG-24 was transport aircraft project,see also Jane's all the world's aircraft 1991-1992.

MiG-201 is twin boom light utility transport aircraft powered
by two turboprop engine and Myasishchev M-70 is regional jet
airliner projects.
The students at the Russian Aviation Institute or MAI do come up with many interesting projects/designs. I recall a link to an alternative design for an interceptor with the mission profile of the MIG-31 posted on the Key Publishing forum last year. Is there any website where the student projects are posted?
I just brought a book yesterday, one of those general books 'Encyclopedia of Modern Military Aircraft' edited by Paul Eden. It was cheap but filled a few gaps in my bookshelf. Flicking through to the MiG-29 page there was a photo of an interesting variant.

The photo (I haven't got a scanner but someone else may have the photo in another book) shows a wind tunnel mockup of the MiG-29KU. Designed as a carrier landing trainer the pupil, or instructor, sat in the radarless nose just ahead and below the normal cockpit. It harks back to the MiG-25 trainer in nose layout.

Does anyone have any more information?
I couldn't find info on that proposal, but it seems there is a production variant called the MIG 29KUB, which as full combat capabilities.

source: global security

Hood said:
The photo (I haven't got a scanner but someone else may have the photo in another book) shows a wind tunnel mockup of the MiG-29KU. Designed as a carrier landing trainer the pupil, or instructor, sat in the radarless nose just ahead and below the normal cockpit. It harks back to the MiG-25 trainer in nose layout.



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Matej, great picture and it is along the right lines.

The picture I have looks like an actual MiG-29 nose section including the cockpit and LERX, or at least a life-size model, with the cockpit seciton grafted on the nose where the randome should be. It seems like a model as it is poorly finshed (streaks and scuffs all over it) and looks wooden. I've seen some fakes on the web but this is black & white and looks like the real thing. Its resting on its side in an office/lab.

Just wish I had a scanner to share this with you all. :'(

The MiG 1.44 and bizjet project based on L-29.

No, Hesham, not for both.
1. MAI student graduate fighter project
2. MAI Semurg multipurpose aircraft project http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=19066.0


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Thats not the MiG 1.44. It looks like a heavily modified MiG-29, with a more extensively blended body and thrust vectoring.
Yes dear overscan,

But do you have a drawing to MiG 1.44 ? please.

the MiG 901 was a project for unmanned interceptor reusable
aircraft of 1990,I find no more info about it.
"9-01" was first prototype of 9-12, MiG-29A Fulcrum A
never heard of 'unmanned reusable interceptor" 901 neither 9.01
you can seriously imagine such a UCAV technology level in early 90s?
hesham said:
why we always refuse the new

I will modify your question a bit: Why we are so prospective when we find some "fantastic" new information? Because there is a loooot of fakes, misinterpretations and personal imagination, so being a skeptic and rational/evidence based is a good thing to do.

So, now when we have a source... how thrustworthy it is? What I find interesting/suspicious are also other listed projects such as:

izdeliye 41 - The project is a light tactical fighter, 1981 г 1981 . . Нормальной аэродинамической схемы, боковые ВЗ, ТРДДФ тягой 10 т (на 2-м этапе), БРЛС «Комар» Normal aerodynamic configuration, the lateral VZ, turbofan thrust of 10 tons (at the 2 nd stage), radar is "Mosquito"

izdeliye 4.12 - The project is a light tactical fighter 5 th generation (Project-21 - "Fighter of the 21 st Century) 1998 г 1998 . . С РЛС с АФАР «Жук-МАЭ», ТРДДФ тягой 11,5-12 т With radar AFAR "Zhuk-MAE", turbofans Thrust 11,5-12 m

izdeliye 1.27 - Draft medium tactical fighter 5 th generation, 1998 г 1998 .

Regarding the 901, if the 1990 is really the year, it can be something similar to Tupolev Tu-300. It means at best semi-autonomous RPV, able to deliver weapons in a medium distances. I am going to write to the author.
Source for all (except possibly the 901) appears to be Paralay. They are, to the best of my knowledge, correct.
flateric said:
you can seriously imagine such a UCAV technology level in early 90s?

Well, I'm myself suspicious of an "901" too, however lets not forget that Hawker Siddeley designed an unmanned interceptor in the early 1970s (see British Secret Projects vol.3 page 75), and continued work in the late 1980s as UFA (Unmanned Fighter Aircraft) (Projects P.1224 and P.1243).
Hmm, time for a new thread perhaps?
well, I became interested

*original* and only mention of Article 901 (or 9.01?) in media is 2005 article on UAVs in Kommersant Business Guide, a supplement to #1 business newspaper here, Kommersant. Seems that designation leaked from interview with chief of MiG Engineering Center, Barkovsky.

"were intended to counter LO targets with Gs out of limits of human pilot"

The same here regarding other sources.
New topic split from older thread. Please use this for post-war projects that are insufficiently documented for now to have their own topic.
A new one for me, the MiG-Ta-4 amphibian:


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Stargazer2006 said:
A new one for me, the MiG-Ta-4 amphibian:

Hi Stargazer,

the TA-4 is a small amphibian projected in partnership with Transal AKS to carry
3 passengers and baggage or 300 kg from any surface,using air-cushion landing
gear,powered by one 300 hp Teledyne Continental IO-550 engine,span 12,4m,
and length 9,54m.
hesham said:
the TA-4 is a small amphibian projected in partnership with Transal AKS

I have the company as AKS-Invest. Who's right, who's wrong?
Hi Stargazer,

may be both we are right,that is because,in the book; Osprey Encyclopedia
of Russian Aircraft,which was appeared in 1990s,may be,it was its name,and
change to AKS-Invest later.
It was Transal-AKS when I was working there. I presume AKS-Invest was its funding arm, as it was the trend in those days to create multiple corporate entities for new projects.
I thought I had the Ta-4 brochure in my files but to no avail. Instead, I found a similar project MiG was working on (or rather piggy backing in search for funding) at the same time in partnership with Aero-Ric, the Dingo.
Here is the brochure.


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Brilliant, Luc! Didn't know MiG had any involvement in the Dingo. At what level, exactly?
Unfortunately I do not remember, but unlike the Ta-4 the Dingo was not visible on some general MiG brochures I still have here, so I suppose it was not at a high level.
Hi all
From an old "Aviation magazine"


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A little drawing from "AIR iNTERNATIONAL"
volume 51 n°2
The Mig 115 project
Biplane, the hight wing is behind the low one
1 turbo TVB 20 M 1350 hp
span hight wing : 15.00 m
low wing : 12.20 m
lenght : 14.66 m
speed maxi : 410 km/h


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hesham said:

MiG-201 is twin boom light utility transport aircraft powered
by two turboprop engine and Myasishchev M-70 is regional jet
airliner projects.

My dear Toura,

may be the MiG-201 in your file is an early imagine for it,we know the MiG-201 was
developed from MiG-110.
YES my dear HESHAM !
but I don't know more.....sorry !
"my" 201 had 2 versions
one with piston engine
one with turboprop
but sure, another plane ??


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