Plausible Nazi Bell ?

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The so called Nazi Bell has been embellished by fanciful claims about UFOs and anti-gravity technology. I view this as a type of disinformation campaign to conceal the true nature of that project.

Laternentrager for example was in fact a project associated with the Bell, but concerned mainly with the mass production and stockpiling of Tabun-B from Late 1943.

Prior to Laternentraeger and Kronos, these two projects had been split off from from Projekt Thor headed by Prof Walther Gerlach as part of Nazi Germany's nuclear program. It seems to me that a nuclear purpose is far closer to the truth about the Nazi Bell.

Efforts to replicate the Bell in Argentina during 1950-51 resulted in construction of a powerful magnetic induction coil intendede to create fusion through a plasma process. Ronald Richter himself did not understand or grasp the full meaning and purpose of the bell and was not able to create an authentic replica.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Topic lock and user ban is imminent unless you can explain the point of this topic and what new evidence you are presenting.
I am simply probing whether there is a realistic explanation behind these stories. Why is that such a terrible thing?

I accept that there is a lot of B/S out there. Isn't it possible to have a civil discussion on the topic?

I do not have the sources at my fingertips but will return with that if the topic isn't locked before my return. A scientist named Ambros which people like Farrell et al claim involved with the so called Bell was Ambros, but Ambros was actually in charge of Tabun B production at Dyhrenfurth near Breslau.

Before the codename Laternentraeger was appointed by HWA in August 1943, the project was named Thor. Richter who ended up in Argentina was an electrical engineer with expertise in arc furnaces before WW2. AEG archives have disclosed that this electrical company developed high voltage power for the bell project.

It is reasonable to suggest there was a program. I'm interested to hear from people who aren't whacky UFO nuts what alternative explanation there is for this Bell?
Yes but to what end/purpose? To speculate and guess from speculation and guesses can quickly become pointless, that's why there are such "fanciful and outrageous" claims about this speculative project in the first place.
It appears all recent speculation on "The Bell" (including Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point) is based on Igor Witkowski's "The Truth about the Wonderwaffe".

So I suggest anyone who owns a copy can say what they think of it as a source and give concrete examples of evidence from that book.

Pointless speculation without facts on such topics is

1) a waste of everyone's time
2) against the rules of the site
overscan said:
Pointless speculation without facts on such topics is ...

... 50% of the internet. Another 49% is porn. Less than 1% is useful, informed discussion. So please, for frak's sake, let's keep the useless crap off the SP forum...
Kiwiguy said:
......what alternative explanation there is for this Bell?

That it never existing, possibly? ::)

I've read Igor Witkowski's book, and although it has some good, credible, factual descriptions of some nazi Wonder Weapons, I remain unimpressed by his "expose" of "The Bell". From memory (which has failed me before), Mr. Witkowski seemed to assume that "The Bell" was real, and that the various descriptions given of it were factual. Based on these descriptions he then tried to make that fit some modern-day science that the nazi's were investigating, ending up with some sort of space/time/gravity warp device based on spinning liquid mercury. Oh, and the nazi's got the idea from some old Hindu religious texts, apparently.

Like I said: We are not impressed!

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
To Orionblamblam -

So, this is your idea of research? Don't discuss it? This forum can have whatever rules it likes but breakthroughs in research are not made by not discussing something. Here's a reference:

Whether or not this involves the so-called Bell device or not, I would think researchers would be interested. But apparently, we have the "nothing to see here, move along" idea in place.
edwest said:
To Orionblamblam -

So, this is your idea of research? Don't discuss it?

On a science forum, "creationism" would be either off-topic or only allowed in the "kook" sub-forum. Similarly, fantasies such as this are off-topic for the SP forum. Might as well start a thread on the technical development history of the D-7M "K'Tinga" battlecruiser in the "space projects" sub-forum.

There comes a time when the preponderance of evidence against, and the dearth of evidence for, an old hypothesis means that the hypothesis is not really worthy of real discussion. If you feel you must discuss such nonsensical rubbish, why not try a forum that specialises in nonsensical rubbish, like ATS?
Respectfully, I have seen examples of decades of research bearing fruit. But I won't discuss it here. I have seen a few otherwise respected writers put out books, but it seems that if they make a few 'unacceptable' claims, even if backed up with documents, they automatically qualify for the tin foil hat and banishment to the Above Top Secret forum. By the way, I don't think much of ATS.

As a professional researcher, I've been given some bizarre assignments (nothing secret, mind you) and have always found some good information, with only one exception. After decades, I've determined that there is a small percentage of what is considered nonsense that has a grain of truth in it. In a few cases, far more than a grain.

To the forum moderator: I'm done.
What is really sad about this is that there is actually an interesting story here. That story being about the movement of German industry and its wider war effort into underground facilities on a scale not seen since or before. Sites like the Mittelwerke, Project Riese, the Cuckoo project, etc, etc, etc, hell I know of at least three massive bomb hardened facilities that were under construction for Me-262 construction- these would make a great secret projects thread. Unfortunately it all gets lost in crazy ranting about questionable advanced physics projects for which there is not a shred of physical evidence and only a handful of equally questionable third hand reports. It actually manages to be even more tiresome than the Nazi nuclear fetish that some people have.
The book Ed links to is interesting - clearly Richter was a lunatic of the highest order.
overscan said:
The book Ed links to is interesting - clearly Richter was a lunatic of the highest order.

Or a scammer.

Note that the book makes reference to an explosion (a very small one) that Richter claims was atomic in origin, but that another research said was based on a known reaction of mercury. I wonder if this sort of thing might be the genesis of the "red mercury" nonsense. Of course, people have been using mercury to make explosions for rather a long time. Mercury fulminate was one of the first materials used as a primary explosive in percussion caps.
I take the view that "the Bell" was some sort of radar frequency generator and "the Henge" was a test stand for the antenna. Simples. Boring. Occam.

Oddly enough this business was the subject of a Radio 4 investigation programme on Saturday morning presented by Steve Punt. A comedian.

Overscan thank you for not killing the debate. My interest in the topic is genuine.

Lauge said:
Kiwiguy said:
......what alternative explanation there is for this Bell?

That it never existing, possibly? ::)

I've read Igor Witkowski's book, and although it has some good, credible, factual descriptions of some nazi Wonder Weapons, I remain unimpressed by his "expose" of "The Bell". From memory (which has failed me before), Mr. Witkowski seemed to assume that "The Bell" was real, and that the various descriptions given of it were factual. Based on these descriptions he then tried to make that fit some modern-day science that the nazi's were investigating, ending up with some sort of space/time/gravity warp device based on spinning liquid mercury. Oh, and the nazi's got the idea from some old Hindu religious texts, apparently.

Like I said: We are not impressed!

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen

Well I am sure that many would be surprised to hear that I actually agree with this assessment by Thomas about Witkowski that:

has some good, credible, factual descriptions of some nazi Wonder Weapons, I remain unimpressed by his "expose" of "The Bell".

In my view both Farrell and Witkowski do meticulous research and pull together some interesting information then blow it all by joining the dots to support ridiculous theories.

But I disagree that it is pointless speculation to try and figure out the truth behind the myth. I also don't accept that the truth can't be disentangled from the myth. As pointed out by Thomas, Witkowski did uncover some interesting facts and I am not talking about Sporrenberg per se, but other information Witkowski dug for like the linkage between AEG and the so called Bell project.

Also the linkage uncovered between it's predecessor project with Heeerewaffenamt (HWA) and Gerlach who later headed the German nuclear research project. There is a great deal of information for anybody who cares to google about published experiments by Gerlach in the 1920s with the concept of transmuting metals from one to another using electromagnetic plasma. In that context it is plausible in my view that the bell was an offshoot of attempts at Uranium enrichment, whether it was successful, or otherwise.

I am not trolling. I genuinely want to know if any member have ideas or information that would silence nutters who believe in UFOs and anti-gravity theories which swamp the net.

I was genuinely interested when probing the relationship of Dr Otto Ambros with Laternentraeger (referred to by Witkowski and Farrell). Laterentraeger is a reference from Greek mythology to phosphorous. Phospherous is a vital precursor to Tabun and Sarin nerve gases and surprise, surprise, there was a huge effort late in 1943 to mass produce and stockpile Tabun around Breslau, also home to the Bell. Did the Bell play a catalytic role in the production of Sarin, or Tabun?

Given that Ambros was hired in the USA as a Director of the Grace chemical company, ignoring his being responsible for some 9000 deaths at Gross Rosen, he must have known something of value to the US?
B.O.H.I.C.A. !!!!!

As if we hadn't had our fill with the Nazi/Japan nuke test threads or UFO's. Ah, well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess.

Time to go make a foil hat and book a ticket for the next Crazy Train to Cuckootown.

If you'll excuse me, I'll go post a thread in Space about the "Design Evolution From NX To Constitution Class"
Orionblamblam said:
overscan said:
The book Ed links to is interesting - clearly Richter was a lunatic of the highest order.

Or a scammer.

Note that the book makes reference to an explosion (a very small one) that Richter claims was atomic in origin, but that another research said was based on a known reaction of mercury. I wonder if this sort of thing might be the genesis of the "red mercury" nonsense. Of course, people have been using mercury to make explosions for rather a long time. Mercury fulminate was one of the first materials used as a primary explosive in percussion caps.

If you read some background on Gerlach who headed Projekt Thor, predecessor to Cronos and Laternentraeger before August 1943, Gerlach was experimenting with using Mercury's fluorescent qualities to induce plasma back in the early 1920s.

Where Richter stepped into the project was his expertise with plasma arc furnaces before the war. He found out almost by accident in a chemical plant at Eger (sudeten Czechoslovakia) when trying to smelt Lithium for U-boat batteries that by injecting Deuterium into the plasma he could create artificial radioactivity.

Richter found that the radioactivity had a relationship to the temperature inside the furnace which he could then scale and measure. This was discovered between October and December 1936.
XP67_Moonbat said:
B.O.H.I.C.A. !!!!!

As if we hadn't had our fill with the Nazi/Japan nuke test threads or UFO's. Ah, well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess.

Time to go make a foil hat and book a ticket for the next Crazy Train to Cuckootown.

If you'll excuse me, I'll go post a thread in Space about the "Design Evolution From NX To Constitution Class"

As I have said I am here looking for serious discussion.

I am not trolling. I genuinely want to know if any member have ideas or information that would silence nutters who believe in UFOs and anti-gravity theories which swamp the net.
OK, Convince me this isn't a radar. I've done zero research and don't intend doing any.

I'm thoroughly unconvinced by the Wunderwaffe.

Is there any evidence of the Die Glocke, German for "The Bell", that isn't anecdotal? It makes it difficult to take the existence of the device seriously when author Nick Cook claims that scientists and witnesses who saw or worked on "The Bell" were murdered by the SS as the war neared its end and that "The Bell" was transported out of Silesia and disappeared along with General Hans Kammler.

How can we consider the Die Glocke to be plausible if no original documents have been produced, all scientists and witnesses were killed, and all subject matter experts who Cook spoke with for his book have been given pseudonyms to protect their identities? We are required to take Igor Witkowski and Nick Cook at their word. Can anyone speculate why the rubber matting was removed and burned after each test and the chamber was washed down with brine for 45 minutes by inmates from Gross-Rosen concentration camp? Is brine used in decontamination procedures involving chemical weapons agents? Burning of contaminated rubber? Does radioactive decontamination involve the use of brine and the burning of contaminated rubber?
Triton said:
Is there any evidence of the Die Glocke, German for "The Bell", that isn't anecdotal?

To the best of my knowledge, no. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Nichts.

As Kiwiguy points out in a previous post, the "evidence" seems to consist of playing a random game of join-the-dots with various scraps of (possibly genuine) information that might just as well refer to (again, as Kiwiguy says) something like chemical weapons.

edwest said:
Respectfully, I have seen examples of decades of research bearing fruit.

Good for you. But that does not mean that everyone claiming to have done "decades of research" is actually on to something.

edwest said:
But I won't discuss it here.

Why not?

edwest said:
I have seen a few otherwise respected writers put out books, but it seems that if they make a few 'unacceptable' claims, even if backed up with documents, they automatically qualify for the tin foil hat and banishment to the Above Top Secret forum.

It depends entirely on the quality of the documents, and the nature of the claims made based on said documents. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

edwest said:
After decades, I've determined that there is a small percentage of what is considered nonsense that has a grain of truth in it. In a few cases, far more than a grain.

Again, this does not mean that everything that is considered nonsense has a grain of truth in it. As you yourself say, it is a small percentage only. If you wish to go ahead and look for the needle in the Bell haystack, by all means do so. If you can produce some actual, factual evidence, all the better. But no one has managed that so far, from what I've seen, decades of research notwithstanding.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
back to some facts

the first time the Story about "Die Glocke" aka "Nazi Bell" emerge
was in Polish book "Prawda O Wunderwaffe" by Igor Witkowski in 2000
translated into English in 2003 by Bruce Wenham as "The Truth about the Wunderwaffe".
after Nick Cook book "The Hunt for Zero Point" tell about it first time in west.
later In 2006 came Joseph P. Farrell book "SS Brotherhood of the Bell"

Igor Witkowski claimed to have discovered the existence of the project after seeing secret transcripts
of an interrogation by the KGB of SS Gruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg in Polish prison 1950/51.

the Story it self
According to those "transcripts" , the SS made experiments on the "Projekt Riese" site
Projekt Riese: from 1943 the Nazi build a never complete giant bunker system in the Owl Mountains
Wat a remarkable coincidence, its in today Poland!

The device is described as metallic, approximately 9 feet wide and 12 to 15 feet high with a shape similar to a bell.
during test the bell would emit strong radiation, which was said to lead to the death of several unnamed scientists
after book "SS Brotherhood of the Bell"
Jakob Sporrenberg was head of a SS death squads who killed 60 scientists that worked on the project at the end of WW2
hell Wat a good Alibi: he was from November 1944 in Norway and stay until he was captured in 1945

but like rest of Wunderwaffen, Disk aircraft, Nazi UFOs, Top SS-Nazi. the Bell disappeared from the picture.
Witkowski speculated that it ended up in a Nazi-friendly South American country
that must be definitely be Argentina, i sure it must be Argentina!

were we come to Ronald Richter and the famous Huemul Project
Richter persuaded Juan Domingo Perón in 1948. that Richter could produce nuclear fusion energy before any other country
by using high explosive-driven convergent shock waves in a lithium-deuterium nuclear reaction of milk-bottle type/size containers.
Hell Cold fusion 40 years befor hype about cold fusion, coool
the total cost of the failed project in 1951 was equivalent to $300 million in 2003 dollars.
Not bad for a poor Agro cultural country run by a ambitious dictator
It is sad that a forum that looks forward to the occasional declassified documents, rejects other things. I have seen articles in science publications with titles like: "After 50 years, scientists solve riddle of ..." or a report of a gentleman who had heard a story of scuttled Japanese submarines. As the story goes, the Americans scuttled them to prevent the technology from falling into Russian hands. After doing some research taking a considerable time, he located the submarines.

In my own research, no matter how seemingly diificult, the first assumption that is made is that there is something to find. Working with that assumption, I look, and guess what? I find something.

In a recent book about the British T-Force, complete with record references, a few extraordinary reports are made, including reference to an unknown German air weapon proposal. Veterans from T-Force were consulted for this book.

After the war, Kurt Tank of Focke-Wulf was in Argentina, along with Walter Horten. Argentina was making Mauser rifles from 1871 to 1959, and was investing in industrial machinery from 1890 to 1930. During World War II, its standing army resembled that of Nazi Germany. And during the war, the FBI, using their Secret Special Intelligence Service, was there.

Quick, off the cuff answers do not replace comprehensive research.
edwest said:
It is sad that a forum that looks forward to the occasional declassified documents, rejects other things.

Then take that as a sign. Present declassified documents that support your otherwise unsupported hypothesis.

In my own research, no matter how seemingly diificult, the first assumption that is made is that there is something to find.

So, you work by faith rather than science.

Quick, off the cuff answers do not replace comprehensive research.

And claims do not replace evidence.
edwest said:
Quick, off the cuff answers do not replace comprehensive research.

One thing is comprehensive research. Quite another is
a) being critical of information you uncover (is it credible, is it verified in parallel from other sources?)
b) correctly interpreting what you uncover, and not doing a "superman" (i.e. jumping to tall conclusions in a single bound)

And that's precisely the point: As far as "The Bell" (and antigravity flying saucers, secret under-ice Antarctic bases and Nazi space programmes) I have yet seen plenty of "comprehensive research", and preciously little of a) and b).

And as I pointed out in a previous post: In other instances, thorough research and valid interpretation of data has indeed validated a previously dismissed hypothesis. No one disputes this. However, this fact DOES NOT (!) indicate, prove, or otherwise make more likely the notion that any given previously dismissed hypothesis can and will be likewise proven given enough research.

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
I've been doing some Internet research on kiwiguy - below some info and quotes from other website users.

PPRuNe Professional Pilots Rumour Network
Banned User
Banned user
Banned (lasted 4 days here!)

Dear Kiwiguy,

You have received a warning at World War II Zone Forums.

Off topic posting

This post had nothing to do with the subject of the thread.

Bringing your obsession with uranium and atomic weaponry into every thread will not be tolerated.

This is a warning only this time. From this point forward you will be assessed infraction points.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
World War II Zone Forums

This isn't the first site from which Simon Gunson (Kiwiguy) has run or been been banned.

This was said on another site regarding him:

Simon Gunson is an internet joke. He goes around from site to site, trotting out the same old pack of lies. He either gets banned because his lies are so ridiculous or he's so thoroughly discredited that he runs away and starts the process at another site...

He is banned from that site. Letters of his have been published on David Irving's site. He has also been torn to shreds on Luftwaffe Experten and AHF.

Another quote that more or less says it all:

Gunson, you are a fraud, a liar and a troll. Nothing you say has any credibility, none of your opinions are worth the effort of spitting on. Go back to fairytale land where you belong.

Go haunt another site.

"I guess Simon wasn't really intent on resigning since he came by today.

Finding he was banned, albeit temporarily at the time, he honored me with the following via email:

“Stick your petty ban Jim... Please cancel all my membership ...

You are a pathetic human being”

Nothing like showing one's true colors.

Oh, BTW, now the ban is permanent

I have no problem with him speaking his mind, what little of it there really is. I took exception when he started to pollute a thread that had relation to his blithering nonsense. I told him so and all of a sudden that's censorship. He's allowed to post his garbage, just not in every unrelated thread.

Now this all started with a simple admonishment to stay on topic. Evidently that angered the great Simon. Ironically, this might have been a place that would have been most friendly to him since we don't allow personal attacks. You can see what's been written elsewhere about and to him.

So... who's loss? Well, not ours because now we don't have to put up with him. His loss? He's lost yet another platform for his warped views. You decide."

"You are being singled out as you put it because of your record and because of your proven dishonesty and deceit. You are a liar and a fraud as has been proven over and over again. You spew the same nonsense on every site you visit despite it having been disproved on every site you visit. That's why I condemn you as dishonest, you know that the ridiculous conspiracy theories you peddle are utter rubbish and have been torn to shreds over and over again.

I cannot be bothered to "argue" against your ludicrous nonsense because you have demonstrated that arguing with you is pointless. When your lies are exposed you simply go off to another site and start the same process again. I treat you with utter contempt because that is what you deserve.

There's no doubt about it, same story, same lies, same dishonesty and deceit. This is Simon Gunson.

I would point out I was here long before he arrived so its not a question of me following him.

Yes, I do have a grudge against him. he's a thoroughly dishonest, despicable liar who goes around web scommunities like this, contaminating them with his garbage. He's got away with peddling his nonsense for far too long and it is about time somebody stood up to him. He's a proven liar and a habitual fraud and I intend to continue making that point loud and clear."

“Note this is a flat statement; according to Gunson, they were nuclear bombers, there were three of them etc etc. Now we go to the Axis History Forum here. where the same matter is discussed. The same discussion more or less is repeated on the Luftwaffe Experten Board (this is a very fine community with great expertise in aircraft design, construction and use. Some of its contributors are archivists in Germany, others have direct contact with the German official archives). In both cases Gunson's argument was refuted - yet here he repeats the same twice-discounted theory as fact.

Notice also the subtle changes (and the not so subtle ones). One aircraft has mysteriously become three. An operational rationale for the replacement of the He-177 has been conjured up out of thin air. In short, he's not only being dishonest by presenting as fact a theory that, at the most charitable possible interpretation, has been strongly disputed he's also lying by multiplying the number of airframes produced by three. By the way, anybody familiar with nuclear weapons can spot the technical errors in his posts.

Note also, the same information repeated without any recognition of the fact that it has been discounted.

Do a google search on "Simon Gunson" and similar stuff will come up. He;s been posting these fantasies since 2003 to my knowledge and some of them have vanished into the mists of the internet but enough remains to give a good impression of his utter lack of good faith. That's why there's no point in arguing with him; debating an issue involves a presumption of good faith on both sides (an assumption which up to his arrival, certainly applied here). That assumption cannot be made with respect to Gunson; he's a proven liar who simply makes up information to suit his objective - pushing his absurd fantasies.

Gunson's an internet joke; that's probably why he ceased to post under his real name.”
Matej said:
Orionblamblam said:
edwest said:
It is sad that a forum that looks forward to the occasional declassified documents, rejects other things.

Then take that as a sign. Present decalssified documents that support your otherwise unsupoorted hypothesis.

I second that.

I third that motion.
"Fourthed" I suppose :)

I'm confused about the whole "issue" presented though, as the thread title and original post seem to be "fishing" for information on the "plausibility" overall of the "Bell" project. From what I gather the entire concept of the "project" derives from a single source report with numerous 'assumptions' of association?

Some of Kiwiguy's question can have a definitive answer though, such as:
I am not trolling. I genuinely want to know if any member have ideas or information that would silence nutters who believe in UFOs and anti-gravity theories which swamp the net.
Simply put; No because the "nutters" wouldn't accept such information or ideas because they simply conflict with their view of reality. My answer is that if you're NOT "trolling" but are seriously asking this question then you have to go back and understand how the 'nutters' see things and understand there will NEVER be a satisfying answer for such people unless they are told what they already believe is real.

Edwest's ideas are of course "plausable" but as noted; there needs to be evidence. The more extrodinary the claim the more eviedence is needed. A basic understanding of the time period in question shows a VERY murky overall understanding of what constituted "atomic-reactions" and even 'radiation' outside of a very specific and narrow range of science which was not generally understood until at least the late 1960s. Like electricity and magnetic fields in the early part of the 1900s, (much like "nano-tech" today in fact) "Atomic" was used far more often OUT of context during the 30s through the 50s than IN context.

For example the phrase "Artifical Radiation" doesn't actually SAY anything as MOST "radiation" is not naturally occuring. Recall also that "radiation" in and of itself doesn't particularly MEAN anything being dependent on the context in which it is used AND the type being discussed. (Neither of which is really clear in the statement)

Triton asked:
Can anyone speculate why the rubber matting was removed and burned after each test and the chamber was washed down with brine for 45 minutes by inmates from Gross-Rosen concentration camp? Is brine used in decontamination procedures involving chemical weapons agents? Burning of contaminated rubber? Does radioactive decontamination involve the use of brine and the burning of contaminated rubber?
Of COURSE anyone can 'speculate' reason why, the main point (as you point out) is how does that speculation apply to the question at hand :)
("I" can speculate that the rubber was removed and burned because the chamber was a 'test-chamber' for fetish costumes for high ranking Nazi's and they needed to keep the designs top-secret.... Then again "I" am a sick and twisted individual after all ;) )

I've read "The Hunt for Zero-Point" myself but never understood how the fact that the structures noted in the story of the "Bell" being physically present somehow 'proved' the overall story. The fact that the structures exist is A data point but not a conclusive one. It would seem to me that actual investigation work would have to be carried out which I haven't seen as of yet.

More specificlly to your question; "brine" doesn't really help a whole lot since the term itself is highly vague. "Brine" is what contaminated (chemically or otherwise) wash-water from decontamination procedures is usually called, along with some forms of salted, or chemically enhanced water used in decontamination. Burning of "contaminated" materials was often used to dispose of said materials even into modern day clean up procedures, though we are more aware these days that "burning" materials more often than not actually releases contamination rather than destroying it such was not common knowledge in the time period being discussed.

The overall procedure clearly indicates some sort of 'decontamination' procedure, but nothing specific since it could be chemical, biological, or even materials contamination. (Experimenting with mercury could lead to mercuy spills and the need for clean up, etc) So in order to at least begin to determine the overall context of the procedure investigation would have to be done to try and isolate what KIND of contamination was being isolated. If any I might add. It is always possible that contamination of some sort was simply a feared possiblity and decontamination was carried out as a control and safety measure.

In all the "plausability" of the "Bell" is possible, but there seems to be no evidence to point to WHAT work was done or WHAT the goal was so that the "dots" can in no way be connected without further work being done on confirming various facts from fiction.
Myself I WOULD like to see MORE evidence simply because I'm curious, but I don't see any possible 'discussion' base on what little has been presented so far. The only possible outcome is conjecture and speculation which comes down to personal interpritation and belief. Rather than resolving anything such would simply lead to more conflict so I vote for closing the thread unless someone can some up with more evidence and/or information than so far has been presented.

Well said RanulfC.

Are there examples of high-ranking officers fabricating evidence, or inventing stories, of Wunderwaffe to escape War Crimes tribunals and be saved by Allied Intelligence Agencies or South American dictators? The story of Richter seems like one example and he made extraordinary claims to escape the noose or imprisonment.

Until we have photographs, technical drawings, technical documents, or are able to see the original debriefing documentation, or see the actual device, there isn't much we can discuss concerning Die Glocke.

As I read about Die Glocke on the Internet, it begins to sound like the MacGuffin of a bad science fiction thriller concerning Nazi super science and International conspiracies. Perhaps Indiana Jones and the Brotherhood of the Nazi Bell or a device in the Castle Wolfenstein series of computer and video games? Maybe Die Glocke was captured by US Intelligence and is in a wooden crate in the airplane hanger that also contains The Ark of the Covenant and a highly magnetic alien skull?

"Xerum 525" described as a radioactive mercury-like substance, stored in lead-lined containers, that glows purple or violet when it is electrified sounds like a fictional substance like unobtanium or Cavorite.

One of Cook's renamed subject matter experts believes Die Glocke was a time machine because of the use of the codename "Kronus". In mythology, the titan Kronos, or Cronos, is the personification of "Father Time." Hmmmm are we to interpret the mythological names given to United States rockets and missiles as literally?

Perhaps someone could do a FOIA request for Die Glocke, The Bell, and Xerum 525?
Randy - brilliant post, I must say!
If I may add my personal view. After doing research for a few decades, a few interesting things have turned up, not the least of which are documents that are missing from NARA and interrogation reports with a page or pages missing with a note inserted about security concerns. In T-Force by Sean Longdon, interesting information is presented, but the reader is told documents are still classified from 1945, some for 75 and 100 years.

No, I'm not voting for speculation. However, there are clues pointing toward things as yet unrevealed. But what's left, you might ask? Hitler's shoe size, photos of Georing in his boxer shorts (late war, of course)? I would just like to point out that the idea that there's nothing to look for because there's nothing there type of thinking is a self-defeating proposition. I continue to find interesting information by diligent looking not by diligent avoidance.

Somehow, that sense of wonder and challenge I felt when first entering this area has not disappeared. And it's all driven by asking myself, Now who might have something to help complete the picture? Even if no one here finds this worthwhile, I will continue.

Thanks for reading.
A quick note about fabricating knowing things, those people were simply sent back to Germany.

Reference: Secret Agenda by Linda Hunt
edwest said:
I would just like to point out that the idea that there's nothing to look for because there's nothing there type of thinking is a self-defeating proposition.

It's also a type of thinking that's not in evidence hereabouts. So that's a strawman on your part.

I continue to find interesting information by diligent looking not by diligent avoidance.

Great. Then I'm sure I speak for many others when I say "I look forward to you presenting hard evidence of X, Y, Z."
stuckture ?

if you mean this thing "The Henge" found on the "Projekt Riese" site in Ludwikowice ?

Igor Witkowski and Nick Cook beliefe that was a test stand for the "Bell"


upps its a cooling tower mabye buil in 1950s or 1960s

more info here
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