Breguet Alize 1050 Twin-Engined Variant?


ACCESS: Restricted
13 May 2008
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Came across a side-view of a handsome twin-engined Alize 1050 proposal or prototype in an old issue of Modelist Constructor but have been unable to find a 3-view. Can anyone help? After several attempts, still haven't been able to figure out how to post a copy of the side-view that I found - sorry.
you may not be able to post attachments until you have reached a certain number of posts. You might want to check with the moderators. The twin engine Alize sounds interesting. Was it a coupled arrangement a la Fairey Gannett?
Using the perspective drawing in Cunys "Les Avions De Combat Francais", I
once tried to make a 3-view. No warranty for precision !


  • Breguet_Alize_bimoteur.gif
    51.3 KB · Views: 569
hi all
I don't remenber where but, I see somewhere, a long time ago,
a proposed BREGUET 960 "Vultur" with 2 engines.
Are the two planes studies exist or not ???
The only difference betwen the Jens's 3 view and the 2 engined "960"
is the lack of under fuselage radar on the 960 ?
Hey nice work Jemiba!!

Cool! Makes me think of a Twin Navion or that Volpar twin turbo prop conversion proposal for T-28s, AT-28F I think.

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