Flitzer's Gotha Go P 20 artwork


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
28 October 2006
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Hi all.

I have started base-lining the Gotha P20 using the measurement tables in Luftwaffe Secret Projects Ground Attack and Special Purpose Aircraft. against those for the P8 and P14.

It seems rather more 'dumpy' than anticipated. The illustrations in the book look far more sleek.
Or is it the illustrations are too optimistic?

The second lower silhouette is how I thought it would look but the measurements/proportions don't match those given.
GoP8: Wingspan: 11m Length: 8.67 m
GoP14: Wingspan: 12.36m Length: 8.96m
GoP20: Wingspan: 12.15m Length: 8m

Or is it just me? Any ideas please?

PS After posting and giving it a little time, on second look, seeing it there, it does look better than first thought.
But second opinions are always useful, especially as I do not have a 3-veiw of the P20.

Many thanks


  • GoP20.jpg
    46.1 KB · Views: 124
If I understand aright, your (3-view) drawing doesn't look as sleek as the drawings
from the mentioned book. IIRC, in the "Luftwaffe Secret Projects" a lot of perspective
colour drawings are used ? To my experience, even if made with a CAD program, those
can easily be misleading, as photos often can be, too, if there's no indication of the
original distance to the object. As an example two views of a CAD model. Just looking
at the fuselage, it could be different types, but in fact only the distance was changed.
Add to this some artistic freedom and the problems of such drawings as a base for a
3-view becomes clear.


  • perspective.gif
    50.2 KB · Views: 108
Thanks Jemiba
I have 3-views for the P8 and P14 only, so I'll just go with what looks right for the P20.
I'll post progress pics anyway, so I'm bound to end up with something acceptable. ;)

Labelling as 'unconfirmed' of course.

Many thanks
P ;D
I think I'll go with something like this.
Unless anyone thins different of course

More soon.


  • GoP20sidelatest.jpg
    576 KB · Views: 632
Added top view in progress.

Not sure about it (?)
Proportions don't look quite right. Top view cockpit is too wide. Will fix.

Nit-pic at will please.

Many thanks


  • GoP20T&S.jpg
    155.2 KB · Views: 104
Another bit of developing and re-shaping.
The way it has evolved it sort of, unintentionally, reminds me of a twin engined Hurricane.

Advice, guidance and view comments are definitely very welcome.
Many thanks
P :)


  • GOP20LATEST.jpg
    206.1 KB · Views: 102
The side view shows dehedral on the wing but the front elevation shows none.
Well spotted Nick.
Lucky me. The front view is only so far keylines, so it'll be easy to add a bit of dihedral.

Many thanks
A little further on.
Front view with wing dihedral.

Many thanks
p :)


  • GoP20 prof2.jpg
    GoP20 prof2.jpg
    224 KB · Views: 76
For better or worse...progress report.
This is as far as I've got with it at the moment.

Any critical comments would be gratefully received.

Many thanks


  • GoP20 progress.jpg
    GoP20 progress.jpg
    209.9 KB · Views: 68
Hi again.
Virtually finished unless someone feels differently of course.

As usual critical comments a big help.

Many thanks


  • GoP20latest.jpg
    252.2 KB · Views: 72

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