Myasishchev RB-17


Donald McKelvy
Senior Member
14 August 2009
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Myasishchev RB-17



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here is the Myasishchev DSB-17 version 2.


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In my files,

there is a version of RB-17 as a long-range fighter project.
Hi! DRC-17.Alternativny first Soviet jet bomber. Myasischev.SSSR.1945-46g.

"DRC-17 (Day-speed bomber).
The project has been actuated cool! It is unlikely that there would be an aircraft, capable of crushing criticism of the aerodynamic and weight space layout of the aircraft. Even with today's heights of experience and knowledge it is worth noting that the power unit (in particular), tied at first glance, not quite right, is quite appropriate. She turned a necessity, since the first samples of captured German TRD, is not very compact and enviable specific thrust, we have had as bezrybe reconciled. And in this situation we must pay tribute VM Myasishcheva, which approved the scheme of the power plant, consisting of two vertical sparok engine Jumo 004. Under high wing were provided with only two mounting locations for the suspension of the four turbojets. THD can be easily replaced by others. This artful reception indicates Myasishcheva conviction that through which a year or two there will be more advanced engine designs, capable of providing adequate thrust-plane with a smaller number of them. This feature of the aircraft modernization by replacing the turbojet was initially incorporated into the design.

Developed preliminary design was presented for approval to the NCAP and the Air Force GKNII in January 1946. Development has been initiated a technical project and design the most complicated design components: fuselage, wing, landing gear. Built preliminary layouts front and aft air-tight cockpit. However, detailed design, DRC-17 was launched after the approval of the draft design at the beginning of December 1945

The project included 2 versions of the aircraft modifications DRC-17:

DID-17.Istrebitel long range with a powerful cannon armament attack. Accommodation in the bomb bay of the combined plant consisting of two 57-mm guns, powder-11ZP (25 rounds of ammunition in the trunk) and two guns NS-23 (boezopas 150 rounds). The aircraft provided for the installation of radar TON-3 and MF-3 radioopoznavatelya.

RB-17.Razvedchik-bombardirovschik.Dnevnoy fotorazvedchik; in this version to be installed four cameras: two oscillating systems with aerial cameras AFA-33/100 is one of AFA-33/20 and one planned AFA-33/75 is a perspective shooting. two oscillating systems with aerial cameras. It is possible to install an additional six tanks in the fuselage, with bringing the total fuel capacity of up to 7000 kg. Bomb load placed in limited quantities (800 kg) only on the external sling under the wing center section."
DSB : Dnevnoy Skorosnoy Bombardirovshchik - fast day bomber
RB : 'Razvedchik-Bombardirovshchik – reconnaissance-bomber
IDD : Istrebitel' Dahl'nevo Deystviya – long range fighter

So what is "DRC" and "DID"?


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