Martin MX-2092 GEBO aircraft


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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when I spoke about the Douglas MX-2091 here;
I forget to tell you about the main competitor to it the Martin
MX-2092,it had a shoulder-wing and powered by two turbojets
mounted at the tips of the wings,it intended for cruise missile
carry long range bomber,

G.W. (PPB included) 160.000
wing loading 215 SQ.FT.
SL. cruise (basic mission) .9 M.
High speed .95 M.
Load factor 5



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Re. the illustration that Skybolt got from Stan Piet and that hesham has tentatively identified as the Martin Model-350. Are we looking at another turbojet (Wright J67?)/ramjet design here? Or (less likely IMHO) one with a turbojet/rocket combined cycle?
Did the rigid-towed cruise-missile have a drop-away ground dolly like the U2's wings ??

Also, aborting a mission would make for a tricky landing with that appendage...

Uh, would it have had a wire brace from main aircraft's tail-plane to the missile's body to off-load bending moment ??
I noticed some other interesting references in this document, as well. On page 89, there is a table that lists two rocket/missile projects, "Big Richard," and "G-2". The source document for these references (on p. 91) connects them with the Bell Shrike/Rascal effort. Anybody know anything more about them?
Clioman said:
I noticed some other interesting references in this document, as well. On page 89, there is a table that lists two rocket/missile projects, "Big Richard," and "G-2". The source document for these references (on p. 91) connects them with the Bell Shrike/Rascal effort. Anybody know anything more about them?

I wonder if the "Big Richard" could have anything to do with the "Little John"...
Here's my wretched contribution: my best version of the already-known MX-2092 artwork (an indifferent photo taken of a bad photocopy of a cheaply printed report), and a provisional reconstruction of the MX-2092 based on the 3-view drawing posted earlier merged with some details from the other sketch. Shown to scale with the Douglas MX-2091. I'm particualrly dubvious of the canopy frames in the MX-2092 (the 2091 is quite accurate, on the other hand).


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  • MX-2091 MX-2092-Model.gif
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