IFIL-Reghin RG-8 H1 light helicopter


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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well known Romanian company,and of course we know
the RG-6 and RG-7 trainer aircraft,I quot from this site,
and google translate;

Light helicopter RG-8 H1 Tintar became the first robin of the Romanian helicopter.His proctitis was designed by Romanian engineers Novitchi
Vladimir (Vladimir Novitchi) and George Rado (Gheorghe Rado). The only
copy of the helicopter was built at the factory CIL in 1960.


  • RG-8.jpg
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Wow , i cant believe this little romanian chopper made it here ;D...I've read about it first time when i was a kid , in the book sourced on airwar.ru...if i remember correctly RG8 is covered in ply mostly...who knows what happened to it , maby the romanian aviation folks would have some interesting info ...

A 3-view to the RG-8.


  • RG-8.JPG
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Light helicopter RG-8 H1 Tintar became the first robin of the Romanian helicopter.His proctitis was designed by Romanian engineers Novitchi
Vladimir (Vladimir Novitchi) and George Rado (Gheorghe Rado). The only
copy of the helicopter was built at the factory CIL in 1960.
I think this Tintar is a misspelling - I see where it came from - the helicopter is described in the book Romanian Aeronautical Constructions 1905-1974 (download) at pages 268-269. And there its name was written as Tintar. I think the authors wrote it this way in this English book because it kind-of mimics pronunciation of the actual Romanian word. On Romanian pages I found three versions - all of them google translates as Mosquito - which I think have sense. Those are:
  • Ţânţar
  • Tantar
  • Tantarul
Source: https://resboiu.wordpress.com/tag/rg-8-tantar/

There was also mention of this helicopter in the magazine Air Enthusiast March/April 1998 (pdf available by magzDB):

Selection_389.jpg Selection_390.jpg

Finally... the second known photo:
Last edited:
Results of research day No. 2:
56556950_2233864243318699_4715401485691650048_n.jpg 90a2d64058ebfd114ec5dea7036fcfa8.jpg 104168739_3099114863477206_4605932631230934951_n.jpg 106182248_3131765093545516_287068096922488212_n.jpg 104277331_3099114786810547_3260009739907681074_n.jpg
The last picture above I flipped vertically as it was obviously wrong (main rotor suppose to turn in the other direction than on the other pictures and drawings)

I kind-of summarized technical data, data sources and mentions of this helicopter here:
https://rotorcraft.info/frontend/rotorcraft/index.php?a_nid=1354 (page under deep development so has limited functionality)
Obviously there is more data on this design out there, but I have problems to extract it. It was described (and illustrated with great pictures, presenting its details) at the conference:
Sesiunea anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice
Joi, 12 octombrie 2006
Academia Română
Comitetul Român de Istoria şi Filosofia Ştiinţei şi Tehnicii - CRIFST - Divizia de Istoria Tehnicii
And the title of the presentation was:
O filă puţin cunoscută din istoria aviaţiei româneşti - Secţia de construcţii aeronautice de la Reghin
by Mr Augustin Marius ABUŞEANU - he was a young engineer at the time of the RG-8 development and he was performing some stress calculations and verification (if I understand the Romanian >>source<< correctly)

I have found the program of this conference but I am unable to find the papers themself on-line.
But what is interesting in that paper are those pictures:
32_10.jpg 32_11.jpg

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