Aérospatiale P.120 « Colibri », Bölkow Bö.108 and Eurocopter EC 135


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22 January 2006
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I've been researching old Flug Revue issues and I can't identify the following projects. I must add that my German skills are very basic...

Thanks in advance :)

From Flug Revue April 1994


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Since the helo has a fenestron, COULD be related to Aerospatiale. Or maybe Kawasaki.
With regard to the top photo, of the twin turboprop, If my memory serves me correctly, around this time Daewoo, Samsung and the Korean Aerospace Industries Association were looking for partners for joint projects and I think ATR were possibly involved in negotiations.

Regards Bailey.
A translation to the second picture:
"EC 135 is the name of the youngest type from the german-french company Eurocopter. Originally
designed as BO 108, this 7-seat light twin helicopter shall belong to the class with a MTOW up to
3 tons as a suvccessor to the BO 105. The EC has a main rotor of the latest generation,developed
by MBB and the Fenestron (shrouded tail rotor) designed by Aérospatiale"
I'm surprised EC 135 was so hard to identify. It's a current production type, though the shape isn't exactly as shown in the drawing.

Dear Gentlemen, thank you all for your kind replies.

Tom, I'm also surprised with the EC 135. Please find attached the original note from Flug Revue showing an EC 135 photo and the already unveiled "mistery drawing".

The drawing has visible differences with the photo, possibly because it's an early Bo 108 concept. I'll try to find more Bo 108 drawings.


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Hey, hesham sent me a PM and he found something amazing.

The helicopter in the drawing looks very Aerospatiale P-120, just look here:


Many thanks hesham :)
pometablava said:
Hey, hesham sent me a PM and he found something amazing.

The helicopter in the drawing looks very Aerospatiale P-120, just look here:


Many thanks hesham :)
Yes, the Aerospatiale P.120 helicopter.
Hesham, many thanks also from me! .)
Are you guys saying that the Aerospatiale P-120 and Bölkow Bo 108 projects were virtually identical? Just as well the two groups merged their respective helicopter divisions to form Eurocopter then!
In this photo you can see both helos. I think we can say they look similar but they are not the same thing.


EC-065, in the front shows a BO 108 tittle under the rotor
I need further research but the drawing I posted doesn't looks neither the Eurocopter EC-135 nor the Eurocopter EC120 Colibri.

Based on hesham's find, my vote is for "Aerospatiale P 120 Colibri"
Sounds right. From the PDF you posted, I'd say the EC135 caption goes with the top picture, not the bottom drawing.
Are you guys saying that the Aerospatiale P-120 and Bölkow Bo 108 projects were virtually identical?
No, the Aerospatiale P.120 and Bölkow Bo 108 were two different projects.
After the merged of Aerospatiale and MBB (part of DASAs shortly before) helicopter divisions to Eurocopter in early 1992, both development teams combined their innivations to create the EC 135.
Visually you can see, that MBB(DASA) team added the cabin and the main rotor system and Aerospatiale team the Fenestron.
The Aerospatiale P.120 redesigned soon later to become the EC-120.
Here 2 links about the Bo 108:
http://www.bredow-web.de/Hubschrauber/MBB_Eurocopter_BO_108_VT2/mbb_eurocopter_bo_108_vt2.html (in German)
pometablava said:
I need further research but the drawing I posted doesn't looks neither the Eurocopter EC-135 nor the Eurocopter EC120 Colibri.

Based on hesham's find, my vote is for "Aerospatiale P 120 Colibri"

Indeed, it is one of configurations studied during the project P-120's development phase, with a V stabilizer above the fenestron (or Y stabilizer with the fenestron), a (dynamic) engine air intake and a conventional skid landing gear (with two separate pads and two cross-beams).
When the EC-120 prototype performed its first flight, it was equipped with a vertical fin above the fenestron, an horizontal stabilizer under the tail-boom.
Following test flights, the stabilizer was relocated in the tail-boom.
The landing gear was also modified, with the front cross-beam incorporated with the pads.
Engine air intake was also relocated on the RH side.

here is a Bölkow Bö.108 mock-up.

Avion Revue 10/1190


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From Aviation magazine 1989.


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