The Shape of German WWII Aircraft Fuselages


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28 October 2020
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Why Ju288 or he 217 177 have fuselage approach rectangle ? There Are so many different fuselage Design in luftwaffe, What's purpose for those?Productive ability , Volume or just some habit?
Flat fuselage sides are a simple way to smooth airflow around wing roots.
The opposite extreme is the complex, elliptically curved bulkheads and huge complex curved wing root fairings on Spitfire.
Why Ju288 or he 217 177 have fuselage approach rectangle ? There Are so many different fuselage Design in luftwaffe, What's purpose for those?Productive ability , Volume or just some habit?
It's much easier to produce flat panels and then roll a few corners.

Cylindrical fuselages tended to be reserved for pressurized cabins, or for fighters using radial engines.

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