german democratic republic

  1. R

    East German nuclear-propelled cargo ship project

    I have a question although not dealing with warships. End 1950s-1960s the Warnow Werft, Rostock, East Germany intended to built a nucelar-propelled cargoship/freighter to be completed by 1965; the decision for the project dat from 19 November 1957. In 2023 professor-ing. Franz Spychala held in...
  2. G

    Postwar German Experimental tanks

    Hi all. I'm looking for information about unsold tanks from Germany from the 50s to the 70s (maybe some MBTs, interesting versions of the Europanzer program tanks or prototypes of the Leopard 1?) If you know interesting vehicles from this period, please send them here!!! Thanks in advance!!!
  3. L

    A surviving East Germany - People's War

    So not many TLs exist that i know of where East Germany surviving a bit longer than OTL, James G on tries out this scenario and have East Germany outlast the nation who created it, but if it will survive long and prosperous, you can find out in People's War Here is a...
  4. uk 75

    Alt Germany post 1950

    West Germany in our timeline has since 1951 been a constant pillar in the Western Alliance and a key partner or customer for modern weapons and other secret projects. What if things had been different and other forms had occured. German unification along Austrian or Finnish lines as a member...
  5. H

    East German T-55 NAL NRD

    Does anyone have any information about the East German T-55 modernization called NAL NRD? NAL NRD means "Narodowa Armia Ludowa Niemieckiej Republiki Demokratycznej" which is a full Polish name for the armed forces of the former DDR. Could it have been a joint project? Or is it just fiction...
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